<?php /** * @group Auth */ class Msd_Auth_Adapter_IniTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public $iniPath = null; public $userIni = null; public function setUp() { $this->iniPath = APPLICATION_PATH . DS .'configs'; $this->userIni = $this->iniPath . DS . 'users.ini'; } public function testThrowsExceptionIfInvokedWithNonExistantIniFile() { try { new Msd_Auth_Adapter_Ini( $this->iniPath . '/I_dont_exist.ini' ); } catch (Msd_Exception $e) { $res = 'INI file with authentication information doesn\'t exists!'; $this->assertEquals($res, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } public function testThrowsExceptionIfUsernameIsNull() { $authAdapter = new Msd_Auth_Adapter_Ini($this->userIni); $authAdapter->setUsername(null); try { $authAdapter->authenticate(); } catch (Msd_Exception $e) { $res = 'You must set the username and password first!'; $this->assertEquals($res, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } public function testCanFailAuthIfCredentialsAreWrong() { $authAdapter = new Msd_Auth_Adapter_Ini($this->userIni); $authAdapter->setUsername('iDontExist'); $authAdapter->setPassword('iAmWrong'); $authResult = $authAdapter->authenticate(); $res = $authResult->getCode(); $this->assertEquals($res, Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID); } }