function WriteSQL()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$config;
$sf=$config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
if (substr($str,-1) != "\n" && $i != ( count($SQL_ARRAY) - 1 )) $str.="\n";
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc']) $str=stripslashes($str);
function SQL_Name($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
return $s[0];
function SQL_String($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
if (isset($SQL_ARRAY[$index]) && !empty($SQL_ARRAY[$index]))
return ( isset($s[1]) ) ? $s[1] : '';
function SQL_ComboBox()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$tablename,$nl;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
$s=$nl . $nl . '' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function Table_ComboBox()
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $db . '`');
$num_tables = 0;
if (is_resource($tabellen)) {
$s=$nl . $nl . '' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function TableComboBox($default='')
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `$db`");
$s='' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$t=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$s.='' . $nl;
return $s;
function DB_Exists($db)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$dbs=(($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW DATABASES")) ? $___mysqli_tmp : false);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_object($dbs))
if (strtolower($row->Database) == strtolower($db))
return $erg;
function Table_Exists($db, $table)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlt="SHOW TABLES FROM `$db`";
if ($res)
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_row($res))
if (in_array($table,$tables)) return true;
return false;
function DB_Empty($dbn)
$r="DROP DATABASE `$dbn`;\nCREATE DATABASE `$dbn`;";
return MSD_DoSQL($r);
function sqlReturnsRecords($sql)
global $mysql_SQLhasRecords;
$s=explode(' ',$sql);
return in_array(strtoupper($s[0]),$mysql_SQLhasRecords) ? 1 : 0;
function getCountSQLStatements($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if (( $sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false ) || $i == $l - 1) $z++;
return $z;
function splitSQLStatements2Array($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if ($sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false)
if (trim($tmp) != '') $sqlArr[]=$tmp;
return $sqlArr;
function DB_Copy($source, $destination, $drop_source=0, $insert_data=1)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
if (!DB_Exists($destination))
$res = MSD_DoSQL("CREATE DATABASE `$destination`;");
if (!$res)
return false;
$SQL_Array.="USE `$destination` ;\n";
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `$source`");
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$table=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$sqlt="SHOW CREATE TABLE `$source`.`$table`";
if ($res)
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM `$source`.`$table` ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
return false;
mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $destination);
if ($drop_source == 1 && $res) MSD_query("DROP DATABASE `$source`;");
return $res;
function Table_Copy($source, $destination, $insert_data, $destinationdb="")
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlc="SHOW CREATE TABLE $source";
$a2=strpos($c,"`",$a1 + 1);
$c=substr($c,0,$a1 + 1) . $destination . substr($c,$a2);
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM $source ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
//echo "
function MSD_DoSQL($sqlcommands, $limit="")
global $config,$out,$numrowsabs,$numrows,$num_befehle,$time_used,$sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands'])) $sql['parser']['sql_commands']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_errors'])) $sql['parser']['sql_errors']=0;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$allSQL=splitSQLStatements2Array($sqlcommands); #explode(';',preg_replace('/\r\n|\n/', '', $sqlcommands));
if (!isset($allSQL[$sql_queries - 1])) $sql_queries--;
if ($sql_queries == 1)
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $allSQL[0] . "\n";
$result = true;
for ($i=0; $i < $sql_queries; $i++)
if ($allSQL[$i] != "")
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 0 && $sqlcommand != '')
//sql complete
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $sqlcommand . "\n";
$result=$result && MSD_query($sqlcommand);
$sql['parser']['time_used']=getmicrotime() - $sql['parser']['time_used'];
return $result;
function SQLParser($command, $debug=0)
global $sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['drop'])) $sql['parser']['drop']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['create'])) $sql['parser']['create']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['insert'])) $sql['parser']['insert']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['update'])) $sql['parser']['update']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['comment'])) $sql['parser']['comment']=0;
$s=rtrim(trim(( $command )));
//Was ist das für eine Anfrage ?
if (substr($s,0,1) == "#" || substr($s,0,2) == "--")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,5)) == "DROP ")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "CREATE ")
//Hier nur die Anzahl der Klammern zählen
if ($kl2 - $kl1 == 0)
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT " || strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "UPDATE ")
if (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT ") $sql['parser']['insert']++;
else $sql['parser']['update']++;
$i=strpos(strtoupper($s)," VALUES") + 7;
$i=strpos($st,"(") + 1;
$st=substr($st,0,strlen($st) - 2);
for ($i=0; $i < count($tb); $i++)
//Ticks + Dashes zählen
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "'")
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == '"')
//Backslashes zählen
for ($cpos=2 + $B_Ticks; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "\\")
if ($v == "NULL" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_numeric($v))
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && substr($v,0,2) == "0X" && strpos($v," ") == false)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_object($v))
if (substr($v,0,1) == "'" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if (substr($v,0,1) == '"' && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] != 1 && $first == 0)
if (substr($v,-1) == $DELIMITER)
$B_Delimiter=( $DELIMITER == "'" ) ? $B_Ticks : $B_Dashes;
//ist Delimiter maskiert?
if (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1 && ( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
elseif (( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
//ist mit `'` maskiert
elseif (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1)
//ist mit Backslash maskiert
if ($debug == 1) echo "" . $sql['parser']['start'] . "/" . $sql['parser']['end'] . " Feld $i: " . htmlspecialchars($tb[$i]) . "- " . $sql['parser']['sqlparts'] . " ($B_Ticks / $B_Esc)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 1)
return $s;
function SQLOutput($sqlcommand, $meldung='')
global $sql,$lang;
$s='' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '
if ($meldung != '') $s.=trim($meldung);
if (isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands']))
$s.=' ' . $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] . '' . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN'] . round($sql['parser']['time_used'],4) . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN2'] . '
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT1'] . '
' . $sql['parser']['drop'] . ' DROP-, ';
' . $sql['parser']['create'] . ' CREATE-, ';
' . $sql['parser']['insert'] . ' INSERT-, ';
' . $sql['parser']['update'] . ' UPDATE-' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT2'] . '
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT3'] . '
' . $sql['parser']['comment'] . ' ' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT4'] . '
if ($sql['parser']['sql_commands'] < 50) $s.='
' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '
else $s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT5'];
elseif ($sqlcommand != '') $s.='
' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '
' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '
return $s . '
function GetCreateTable($db, $tabelle)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$db`.`$tabelle`");
if ($res)
if (isset($row['Create Table'])) return $row['Create Table'];
elseif (isset($row['Create View'])) return $row['Create View'];
else return false;
return ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
function KindSQL($sql)
if (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 2;
elseif (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 1;
function GetPostParams()
global $db,$dbid,$tablename,$context,$limitstart,$order,$orderdir,$sql;
$sql['sql_statement']=( isset($_POST['sql_statement']) ) ? $_POST['sql_statement'] : "SELECT * FROM `$tablename`";
// when fieldnames contain spaces or dots they are replaced with underscores
// we need to built the same index to get the postet values for inserts and updates
function correct_post_index($index)
$index=str_replace(' ','_',$index);
return $index;
function ComboCommandDump($when, $index, $disabled = '')
global $SQL_ARRAY,$nl,$databases,$lang;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0)
$r='' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '';
if ($when == 0) $r.='';
else $r.='';
if ($when == 0)