\""; $lang['fm_restore_header2']="\""; $lang['fm_dump_header']="Backup"; $lang['DoCronButton']="Run the Perl Cron script"; $lang['DoPerlTest']="Test Perl Modules"; $lang['DoSimpleTest']="Test Perl"; $lang['cronperldesc']="This only works if you have Perl and the rights to use it
The address of the script is "; $lang['perloutput1']="Entry in crondump.pl for absolute_path_of_configdir"; $lang['perloutput2']="URL for the browser or for external Cron job"; $lang['perloutput3']="Commandline in the Shell or for the Crontab"; $lang['converter']="Backup Converter"; $lang['convert_file']="File to be converted"; $lang['convert_filename']="Name of destination file (without extension)"; $lang['converting']="Converting"; $lang['convert_fileread']="Read file '%s'"; $lang['convert_finished']="Conversion finished, '%s' was written successfully."; $lang['no_msd_backupfile']="Backups of other scripts"; $lang['max_upload_size']="Maximum filesize"; $lang['max_upload_size_info']="If your Dumpfile is bigger than the above mentioned limit, you must upload it via FTP into the directpry \"work/backup\".
After that you will find it in the filemanagement and can select it to start a restore."; ?>