%s` "; $lang['dump_endergebnis']="The file contains %s tables with %s records.
"; $lang['mailerror']="Sending of email failed!"; $lang['emailbody_attach']="The Attachment contains the backup of your MySQL-Database.
Backup of Database `%s`

Following File was created:


Kind regards

The Backup files are not attached to this email!
Backup of Database `%s`

Following Files were created:


Kind regards

www.mysqldumper.de"; $lang['emailbody_mp_attach']="A Multipart Backup was created.
The Backup files are attached to separate emails.
Backup of Database `%s`

Following Files were created:


Kind regards

www.mysqldumper.de"; $lang['emailbody_footer']="`

Kind regards

www.mysqldumper.de"; $lang['emailbody_toobig']="The Backup file exceeded the maximum size of %s and was not attached to this email.
Backup of Database `%s`

Following File was created:


Kind regards

www.mysqldumper.de"; $lang['emailbody_noattach']="Files are not attached to this email!
Backup of Database `%s`

Following File was created:


Kind regards

www.mysqldumper.de"; $lang['email_only_attachment']=" ... attachment only."; $lang['tableselection']="Table selection"; $lang['selectall']="Select All"; $lang['deselectall']="Select None"; $lang['startdump']="Start Backup"; $lang['datawith']="Records with"; $lang['lastbufrom']="last update from"; $lang['startrestore']="Start Restore"; $lang['not_supported']="This backup doesn't support this function."; $lang['multidump']="Multidump: Backup of %d Databases done."; $lang['filesendftp']="send file via FTP... please be patient. "; $lang['ftpconnerror']="FTP connection not established! Connection with "; $lang['ftpconnerror1']=" as user "; $lang['ftpconnerror2']=" not possible"; $lang['ftpconnerror3']="FTP Upload failed! "; $lang['ftpconnected1']="Connected with "; $lang['ftpconnected2']=" on "; $lang['ftpconnected3']=" transfer successful"; $lang['nr_tables_selected']="- with %s selected tables"; $lang['nr_tables_optimized']="%s erros occured: view

"; ?>