Please create the 2 files manually with the following content";
$lang['L_HTACC_PROPOSED']="Urgently recommended";
$lang['L_HTACC_EDIT']="Edit .htaccess";
$lang['L_HTACCESS18']="Create .htaccess in ";
$lang['L_HTACCESS19']="Reload ";
$lang['L_HTACCESS20']="Execute script";
$lang['L_HTACCESS21']="Add handler";
$lang['L_HTACCESS22']="Make executable";
$lang['L_HTACCESS23']="Directory Listing";
$lang['L_HTACCESS24']="Error Document";
$lang['L_HTACCESS25']="Activate rewrite";
$lang['L_HTACCESS26']="Deny / Allow";
$lang['L_HTACCESS28']="Error Log";
$lang['L_HTACCESS29']="More examples and documentation";
$lang['L_HTACCESS32']="Attention! The .htaccess directly affects the browser's behavior.
With incorrect content, these pages may no longer be accessible.";
$lang['L_PHPBUG']="Bug in zlib ! No Compression possible!";
$lang['L_DISABLEDFUNCTIONS']="Disabled Functions";
$lang['L_NOGZPOSSIBLE']="Because Zlib is not installed, you cannot use GZip-Functions!";
$lang['L_DELETE_HTACCESS']="Remove directory protection (delete .htaccess)";
$lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS']="The file or the directory '%s' is not writable for me.
The rights (chmod) are not set properly or it has the wrong owner.
Pleae set the correct attributes using your FTP program.
The file or the directory needs to be set to %s.
$lang['L_CANT_CREATE_DIR']="Couldn' t create dir '%s'.
Please create it using your FTP program.";
$lang['L_HTACC_SHA1']="SHA1 (all Systems)";
$lang['L_OS']="Operating system";
$lang['L_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME']="Max execution time";