"http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/de/Column_types.html" ); $mysql_SQLhasRecords=array( 'SELECT', 'SHOW', 'EXPLAIN', 'DESCRIBE', 'DESC' ); function MSD_mysql_connect($encoding='utf8', $keycheck_off=false, $actual_table='') { global $config,$databases; $port=( isset($config['dbport']) && !empty($config['dbport']) ) ? ':' . $config['dbport'] : ''; $socket=( isset($config['dbsocket']) && !empty($config['dbsocket']) ) ? ':' . $config['dbsocket'] : ''; $config['dbconnection']=mysql_connect($config['dbhost'] . $port . $socket,$config['dbuser'],$config['dbpass']) or die(SQLError("Database connection error: ",mysql_error())); if (!defined('MSD_MYSQL_VERSION')) GetMySQLVersion(); if (!isset($config['mysql_standard_character_set']) || $config['mysql_standard_character_set'] == '') get_sql_encodings(); if ($config['mysql_standard_character_set'] != $encoding) { $set_encoding=@mysql_query('SET NAMES \'' . $encoding . '\'',$config['dbconnection']); if ($set_encoding === false) $config['mysql_can_change_encoding']=false; else $config['mysql_can_change_encoding']=true; } if ($keycheck_off) mysql_query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0',$config['dbconnection']); return $config['dbconnection']; } function GetMySQLVersion() { $res=MSD_query("select version()"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $version=$row[0]; if (!defined('MSD_MYSQL_VERSION')) define('MSD_MYSQL_VERSION',$version); $versions=explode('.',$version); $new=false; if ($versions[0] == 4 && $versions[1] >= 1) $new=true; if ($versions[0] > 4) $new=true; if (!defined('MSD_NEW_VERSION')) define('MSD_NEW_VERSION',$new); return $version; } function MSD_query($query, $error_output=true) { global $config; if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect(); //echo "
Query: ".htmlspecialchars($query); $res=mysql_query($query,$config['dbconnection']); if (false === $res && $error_output) SQLError($query,mysql_error($config['dbconnection'])); return $res; } function SQLError($sql, $error, $return_output=false) { // v(debug_backtrace()); global $lang; $ret='
' . $lang['L_SQL_ERROR2'] . '
' . $error . '

' . $lang['L_SQL_ERROR1'] . '
' . Highlight_SQL($sql) . '
'; if ($return_output) return $ret; else echo $ret; } function Highlight_SQL($sql) { global $sql_keywords; $end=''; $tickstart=false; if (function_exists("token_get_all")) $a=@token_get_all(""); else return $sql; foreach ($a as $token) { if (!is_array($token)) { if ($token == '`') $tickstart=!$tickstart; $end.=$token; } else { if ($tickstart) $end.=$token[1]; else { switch (token_name($token[0])) { case "T_STRING": case "T_AS": case "T_FOR": $end.=( in_array(strtoupper($token[1]),$sql_keywords) ) ? "" . $token[1] . "" : $token[1]; break; case "T_IF": case "T_LOGICAL_AND": case "T_LOGICAL_OR": case "T_LOGICAL_XOR": $end.=( in_array(strtoupper($token[1]),$sql_keywords) ) ? "" . $token[1] . "" : $token[1]; break; case "T_CLOSE_TAG": case "T_OPEN_TAG": break; default: $end.=$token[1]; } } } } $end=preg_replace("/`(.*?)`/si","`$1`",$end); return $end; } function Fieldlist($db, $tbl) { $fl=''; $res=MSD_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$tbl`;"); if ($res) { $fl='('; for ($i=0; $i < mysql_num_rows($res); $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_row($res); $fl.='`' . $row[0] . '`,'; } $fl=substr($fl,0,strlen($fl) - 1) . ')'; } return $fl; } // reads all Tableinfos and place them in $dump-Array function getDBInfos() { global $databases,$dump,$config,$tbl_sel,$flipped; for ($ii=0; $ii < count($databases['multi']); $ii++) { $dump['dbindex']=$flipped[$databases['multi'][$ii]]; $tabellen=mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '`',$config['dbconnection']) or die('getDBInfos: ' . mysql_error()); $num_tables=mysql_num_rows($tabellen); // Array mit den gewünschten Tabellen zusammenstellen... wenn Präfix angegeben, werden die anderen einfach nicht übernommen if ($num_tables > 0) { for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($tabellen); if (isset($row['Type'])) $row['Engine']=$row['Type']; if (isset($row['Comment']) && substr(strtoupper($row['Comment']),0,4) == 'VIEW') $dump['table_types'][]='VIEW'; else $dump['table_types'][]=strtoupper($row['Engine']); // check if data needs to be backed up if (strtoupper($row['Comment']) == 'VIEW' || ( isset($row['Engine']) && in_array(strtoupper($row['Engine']),array( 'MEMORY' )) )) { $dump['skip_data'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Name']; } if ($config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] == 1 && $dump['table_offset'] == -1) mysql_query('OPTIMIZE `' . $row['Name'] . '`'); if (isset($tbl_sel)) { if (in_array($row['Name'],$dump['tblArray'])) { $dump['tables'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Name']; $dump['records'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Rows']; $dump['totalrecords']+=$row['Rows']; } } elseif ($databases['praefix'][$dump['dbindex']] != '' && !isset($tbl_sel)) { if (substr($row['Name'],0,strlen($databases['praefix'][$dump['dbindex']])) == $databases['praefix'][$dump['dbindex']]) { $dump['tables'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Name']; $dump['records'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Rows']; $dump['totalrecords']+=$row['Rows']; } } else { $dump['tables'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Name']; $dump['records'][]=$databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . '|' . $row['Rows']; // Get nr of records -> need to do it this way because of incorrect returns when using InnoDBs $sql_2="SELECT count(*) as `count_records` FROM `" . $databases['Name'][$dump['dbindex']] . "`.`" . $row['Name'] . "`"; $res2=@mysql_query($sql_2); if ($res2 === false) { $read_error='(' . mysql_errno() . ') ' . mysql_error(); SQLError($read_error,$sql_2); WriteLog($read_error); if ($config['stop_with_error'] > 0) { die($read_error); } } else { $row2=@mysql_fetch_array($res2); $row['Rows']=$row2['count_records']; $dump['totalrecords']+=$row['Rows']; } } } // Correct total number of records; substract skipped data foreach ($dump['skip_data'] as $skip_data) { $index=false; $records_to_skip=0; //find index of table to get the nr of records $count=sizeof($dump['tables']); for ($a=0; $a < $count; $a++) { if ($dump['tables'][$a] == $skip_data) { $index=$a; $t=explode('|',$dump['records'][$a]); $rekords_to_skip=$t[1]; break; } } if ($index) $dump['totalrecords']-=$rekords_to_skip; } } } } // gets the numeric index in dump-array and returns it function getDBIndex($db, $table) { global $dump; $index=array_keys($dump['tables'],$db . '|' . $table); return $index[0]; } ?>