%s\""; $lang['delete_file_error']="Error deleting file \"%s\"!"; $lang['fm_dump_header']="Backup"; $lang['DoCronButton']="Run the Perl Cron script"; $lang['DoPerlTest']="Test Perl Modules"; $lang['DoSimpleTest']="Test Perl"; $lang['perloutput1']="Entry in crondump.pl for absolute_path_of_configdir"; $lang['perloutput2']="URL for the browser or for external Cron job"; $lang['perloutput3']="Commandline in the Shell or for the Crontab"; $lang['restore_of_tables']="Choose tables to be restored"; $lang['converter']="Backup Converter"; $lang['convert_file']="File to be converted"; $lang['convert_filename']="Name of destination file (without extension)"; $lang['converting']="Converting"; $lang['convert_fileread']="Read file '%s'"; $lang['convert_finished']="Conversion finished, '%s' was written successfully."; $lang['no_msd_backupfile']="Backups of other scripts"; $lang['max_upload_size']="Maximum filesize"; $lang['max_upload_size_info']="If your Dumpfile is bigger than the above mentioned limit, you must upload it via FTP into the directory \"work/backup\". After that you can choose it to begin a restore progress. "; $lang['encoding']="encoding"; $lang['fm_choose_encoding']="Choose encoding of backupfile"; $lang['choose_charset']="MySQLDumper couldn't detect the encoding of the backupfile automatically.
You must choose the charset with which this backup was saved.
If you discover any problems with some characters after restoring, you can repeat the backup-progress and then choose another chracter set.
Good luck. ;) "; ?>