"; $lang['htaccess10']="The Passwords are not identical or empty !
"; $lang['htaccess11']="Should the directory protection be written now ?"; $lang['htaccess12']="The directory protection was created."; $lang['htaccess13']="Contents of file:"; $lang['htaccess14']="There was an error while creating the directory protection !
Please create the 2 files manually with following content:"; $lang['htaccess15']="Urgently recommended !"; $lang['htaccess16']="Edit .htaccess"; $lang['htaccess17']="Create and edit .htaccess"; $lang['htaccess18']="Create .htaccess in "; $lang['htaccess19']="Reload "; $lang['htaccess20']="Execute script"; $lang['htaccess21']="Add handler"; $lang['htaccess22']="Make executable"; $lang['htaccess23']="Directory Listing"; $lang['htaccess24']="Error Document"; $lang['htaccess25']="Activate rewrite"; $lang['htaccess26']="Deny / Allow"; $lang['htaccess27']="Redirect"; $lang['htaccess28']="Error Log"; $lang['htaccess29']="More examples and documentation"; $lang['htaccess30']="Provider"; $lang['htaccess31']="General"; $lang['htaccess32']="Attention! The .htaccess directly affects the browser's behavior.
With incorrect content, these pages may no longer be accessible."; $lang['phpbug']="Bug in zlib ! No Compression possible"; $lang['disabledfunctions']="Disabled Functions"; $lang['nogzpossible']="Because Zlib is not installed, you cannot use GZip-Functions."; $lang['delete_htaccess']="Remove directory protection (delete .htaccess)"; $lang['wrong_rights']="The file or the directory '%s' is not writable for me.
The rights (chmod) are not set properly or it has the wrong owner.
Pleae set the correct attributes using your FTP-Programm.
The file or the directory needs to be set to %s.
"; $lang['cant_create_dir']="Couldn' t create dir '%s'. Please create it using your FTP-Programm."; ?>