Fork 0

72 Zeilen
3,3 KiB

2011-06-10 22:58:43 +00:00
//generated at 28.02.2005
$lang['info_location']="Your location is ";
$lang['info_browser']="Your Browser is";
$lang['info_admin']="The Server's administrator is ";
$lang['info_databases']="The following database(s) are on your server:";
$lang['info_nodb']="database does not exist.";
$lang['info_dbdetail']="Detail-Info of database ";
$lang['info_dbempty']="The database is empty !";
$lang['info_lastupdate']="last Update";
$lang['info_rechte']="Your Priviliges";
$lang['info_cronyes']="Du kannst MySQL Dumper als Cronjob durchf&uuml;hren.";
$lang['info_cronno']="Aufgrund deiner PHP-Einstellungen (safe_mode=on) kannst du MySQL Dumper nicht als Cronjob durchf&uuml;hren!";
$lang['optimize_databases']="Optimize Tables";
$lang['check_tables']="Check Tables";
$lang['clear_database']="Clear database";
$lang['delete_database']="Delete database";
$lang['info_cleared']="was cleared";
$lang['info_deleted']="was deleted";
$lang['info_emptydb1']="Should the Database";
$lang['info_emptydb2']=" be truncated? (Attention: All Data will be lost forever!)";
$lang['info_killdb']=" be deleted? (Attention: All Data will be lost forever!)";
$lang['dbnoempty']="Databasename can't be empty !";
$lang['processkill1']="The script tries to kill process ";
$lang['processkill3']="The script tries since ";
$lang['processkill4']=" sec. to kill the process ";
$lang['htaccess1']="create directory protection";
$lang['htaccess3']="Password (repeat):";
$lang['htaccess4']="Kind of encrypting:";
$lang['htaccess5']="Crypt (Linux and Unix-Systems)";
$lang['htaccess6']="MD5 (Windows)";
$lang['htaccess7']="plain text (no cryption)";
$lang['htaccess8']="It already exists an directory protection. If you create a new one, the older one will be overwritten !";
$lang['htaccess9']="You have to enter a name !<br>";
$lang['htaccess10']="The Passwords are not identically or empty !<br>";
$lang['htaccess11']="Shell the directory protection be written now ?";
$lang['htaccess12']="The directory protection was created.";
$lang['htaccess13']="Contents of file:";
$lang['htaccess14']="There was an error while creating the directory protection !<br>Pleas create the 2 files manually with following content:";
$lang['htaccess15']="Urgently recommended !";
$lang['htaccess16']="edit .htaccess";
$lang['htaccess17']="create and edit .htaccess";
$lang['htaccess18']="create .htaccess in ";
$lang['htaccess19']=" reload ";
$lang['htaccess20']="execute script";
$lang['htaccess21']="add handler";
$lang['htaccess22']="make executable";
$lang['htaccess25']="activate Rewrite";
$lang['htaccess26']="Deny / Allow";
$lang['htaccess29']="more examples and documentation";
$lang['htaccess32']="Attention! The .htaccess directly manipulate the browser behavior.<br>With wrong application the sides are no longer attainable.";
$lang['phpbug']="Bug in zlib ! No Compression possible";