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2011-06-10 22:58:43 +00:00
- upload all files to your webspace
- make on file "config.php" chmod 777
- start the script in your browser (http://www.deineDomain.de/mysqldumper/)
- Follow the Installationscript
- in step 2 (Configuration) change Data (Host, Name, Password) of your databaseconnection and save
(all other parameters you can change online)
- in case of safe_mode=1 you must create the folders manually.
create following folders in the Scriptdir:
- work
- work/backup
- work/config
- work/structure
- work/log
and make chmod 777 on all folders
- Ready !
Guidance for the Perl script:
Most have a cgi-bin directory, in which Perl can be executed.
This is usually by Browser over http://www.domain.de/cgi-bin/ available.
Make the following steps for this case please.
1. Call in MySQLDumper the page Backup
2. Copy the path, that stands behind entry in crondump.pl for $absolute_path_of_configdir:
3. open the file "crondump.pl" in the editor
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks)
5. Save crondump.pl
6. copy crondump.pl, as well as perltest.pl and simpletest.pl to the cgi-bin directory (ASCII mode in the ftp-client!)
7. chmod 755 to the scripts.
7b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename)
8. Call in the MySQLDumper the page Configuration
9. click on Cronscript
10. changes Perl execution path to /cgi-bin/
10b. if the Scripts are renamed to *.cgi , change Fileextension to cgi
11 save the Configuration
Ready ! The scripts are available from the Page "Backup"
When you can execute Perl anywhere, only following step are needed:
1. Call in MySQLDumper the page Backup.
2. Copy the path, that stands behind entry in crondump.pl for $absolute_path_of_configdir:
3. open the file "crondump.pl" in the editor
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks)
5. Save crondump.pl
6. chmod 755 to the scripts.
6b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename)
(ev. 10b+11 from above)
Windowsuser must change the first line of all Perlscripts, to the path of Perl.
instead of: #!/usr/bin/perl w
now #!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe w