2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU / GPL 2 license
* http :// www . mysqldumper . net
* @ package MySQLDumper
* @ subpackage Language
* @ version $Rev $
* @ author $Author $
$lang = array ();
$lang [ 'L_ACTION' ] = " Actiunea " ;
$lang [ 'L_ACTIVATED' ] = " aktivat " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ACTUALLY_INSERTED_RECORDS' ] = " Up to now <b>%s</b> records were " < br /> . " successfully added. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ACTUALLY_INSERTED_RECORDS_OF' ] = " Up to now <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> " < br /> . " records were successfully added. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ADD' ] = " Add " ;
$lang [ 'L_ADDED' ] = " postat la " ;
$lang [ 'L_ADD_DB_MANUALLY' ] = " Se adauga baze de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_ADD_RECIPIENT' ] = " Add recipient " ;
$lang [ 'L_ALL' ] = " toţi " ;
$lang [ 'L_ANALYZE' ] = " Analyze " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ANALYZING_TABLE' ] = " Now data of the table '<b>%s</b>' is " < br /> . " being analyzed. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKDBCOPY' ] = " Do you want to copy database `%s` to " < br /> . " database `%s`? " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKDBDELETE' ] = " Do you want to delete the Database " < br /> . " `%s` with the content? " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKDBEMPTY' ] = " Do you want to empty the Database `%s` " < br /> . " ? " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ASKDELETEFIELD' ] = " Do you want to delete the Field? " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKDELETERECORD' ] = " Are you sure to delete this record? " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKDELETETABLE' ] = " Should the table `%s` be deleted? " ;
$lang [ 'L_ASKTABLEEMPTY' ] = " Should the table `%s` be emptied? " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ASKTABLEEMPTYKEYS' ] = " Should the table `%s` be emptied and " < br /> . " the Indices reset? " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ATTACHED_AS_FILE' ] = " attached as file " ;
$lang [ 'L_ATTACH_BACKUP' ] = " Backup anexele " ;
$lang [ 'L_AUTHENTICATE' ] = " Login information " ;
$lang [ 'L_AUTHORIZE' ] = " Authorize " ;
$lang [ 'L_AUTODELETE' ] = " ştergerea automatâ de backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_BACK' ] = " înapoi " ;
$lang [ 'L_BACKUPFILESANZAHL' ] = " în zona de backup sunt " ;
$lang [ 'L_BACKUPS' ] = " Copie de rezervă " ;
$lang [ 'L_BACKUP_DBS' ] = " DBs să fie susţinute " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_BACKUP_TABLE_DONE' ] = " Dumping of table `%s` finished. %s " < br /> . " records have been saved. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_BACK_TO_OVERVIEW' ] = " Baza de date Prezentare generală " ;
$lang [ 'L_CALL' ] = " Call " ;
$lang [ 'L_CANCEL' ] = " închide " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CANT_CREATE_DIR' ] = " Nu am putut sa creeze dossaru '%s'. Va " < br /> . " rugam sa va crea o cu FTP " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CHANGE' ] = " schimbâ " ;
$lang [ 'L_CHANGEDIR' ] = " Schimbarea la directorul " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CHANGEDIRERROR' ] = " Acesta nu a putut fi schimbat în " < br /> . " listă! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CHARSET' ] = " setul de caractere " ;
$lang [ 'L_CHARSETS' ] = " Character Sets " ;
$lang [ 'L_CHECK' ] = " Verifica " ;
$lang [ 'L_CHECK_DIRS' ] = " Check my directories " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CHOOSE_CHARSET' ] = " MySQLDumper couldn't detect the " < br /> . " encoding of the backup file " < br /> . " automatically.<br /><br />You must choose " < br /> . " the charset with which this backup was " < br /> . " saved.<br /><br />If you discover any " < br /> . " problems with some characters after " < br /> . " restoring, you can repeat the " < br /> . " backup-progress and then choose " < br /> . " another character set.<br /><br />Good " < br /> . " luck. ;) " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CHOOSE_DB' ] = " alege baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_CLEAR_DATABASE' ] = " goleşte Baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_CLOSE' ] = " închide " ;
$lang [ 'L_COLLATION' ] = " sortarea " ;
$lang [ 'L_COMMAND' ] = " Command " ;
$lang [ 'L_COMMAND_AFTER_BACKUP' ] = " comandă, după copie de rezervă " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_COMMAND_BEFORE_BACKUP' ] = " comandă, înainte de face copie de " < br /> . " rezervă " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_COMMENT' ] = " comentar " ;
$lang [ 'L_COMPRESSED' ] = " comprimată (gz) " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFBASIC' ] = " Basic Parameter " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG' ] = " configurare " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIGFILE' ] = " Fişier de configurare " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIGFILES' ] = " Fişiere de configurare " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIGURATIONS' ] = " Preferences " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_AUTODELETE' ] = " Automatic Deletion " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_CRONPERL' ] = " Crondump-Setări pentru Perlscript " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_EMAIL' ] = " Email notification " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_FTP' ] = " FTP Transfer of Backup file " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_HEADLINE' ] = " configurare " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_INTERFACE' ] = " Interfaţa " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONFIG_LOADED' ] = " Configurare \" %s \" a fost încărcat " < br /> . " cu succes. " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_CONFIGFILE_DELETE' ] = " În cazul în care fişierul de " < br /> . " configurare \" %s \" sunt foarte " < br /> . " şterse? " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_DELETE_FILE' ] = " Should the file '%s' really be " < br /> . " deleted? " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_DELETE_TABLES' ] = " Really delete the selected tables? " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_DROP_DATABASES' ] = " Should the selected databases really " < br /> . " be deleted?<br /><br />Attention: all data will " < br /> . " be deleted! Maybe you should create a " < br /> . " backup first. " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_RECIPIENT_DELETE' ] = " Should the recipient \" %s \" really be " < br /> . " deleted? " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_TRUNCATE_DATABASES' ] = " Should all tables of the selected " < br /> . " databases really be " < br /> . " deleted?<br /><br />Attention: all data will be " < br /> . " deleted! Maybe you want to create a " < br /> . " backup first. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONFIRM_TRUNCATE_TABLES' ] = " Really empty the selected tables? " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONNECT' ] = " connect " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONNECTIONPARS' ] = " Parametrii de conectare " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONNECTTOMYSQL' ] = " Connect to MySQL " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONTINUE_MULTIPART_RESTORE' ] = " Continue Multipart-Restore with next " < br /> . " file '%s'. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERTED_FILES' ] = " Converted Files " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONVERTER' ] = " Backup Converter " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONVERTING' ] = " Converting " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_FILE' ] = " File to be converted " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_FILENAME' ] = " Name of destination file (without " < br /> . " extension) " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_FILEREAD' ] = " Read file '%s' " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_FINISHED' ] = " Conversion finished, '%s' was written " < br /> . " successfully. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_START' ] = " Start Conversion " ;
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_TITLE' ] = " Convert Dump to MSD Format " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CONVERT_WRONG_PARAMETERS' ] = " Wrong parameters! Conversion is not " < br /> . " possible. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CREATE' ] = " create " ;
$lang [ 'L_CREATED' ] = " Created " ;
$lang [ 'L_CREATEDIRS' ] = " Create Directories " ;
$lang [ 'L_CREATE_AUTOINDEX' ] = " Create Auto-Index " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CREATE_CONFIGFILE' ] = " Crearea unui nou fişier de " < br /> . " configurare " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CREATE_DATABASE' ] = " crearea unei baze de date nou " ;
$lang [ 'L_CREATE_TABLE_SAVED' ] = " Definition of table `%s` saved. " ;
$lang [ 'L_CREDITS' ] = " Credits / Ajutor " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRONSCRIPT' ] = " Cronscript " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRON_COMMENT' ] = " Enter Comment " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRON_COMPLETELOG' ] = " scrie jornalul complet " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRON_EXECPATH' ] = " Cale de scripturi Perl " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRON_EXTENDER' ] = " Extinderea script-ul " ;
$lang [ 'L_CRON_PRINTOUT' ] = " Textul in scris " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSVOPTIONS' ] = " CSV Options " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_EOL' ] = " Seperate lines with " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_ERRORCREATETABLE' ] = " Error while creating table `%s` ! " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FIELDCOUNT_NOMATCH' ] = " The count of fields doesn't match with " < br /> . " that of the data to import (%d instead " < br /> . " of %d). " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FIELDSENCLOSED' ] = " Fields enclosed by " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FIELDSEPERATE' ] = " Fields separated with " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FIELDSESCAPE' ] = " Fields escaped with " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FIELDSLINES' ] = " %d fields recognized, totally %d lines " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_FILEOPEN' ] = " Open CSV file " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_NAMEFIRSTLINE' ] = " Field names in first line " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_NODATA' ] = " No data found for import! " ;
$lang [ 'L_CSV_NULL' ] = " Replace NULL with " ;
$lang [ 'L_DATABASES_OF_USER' ] = " Databases of user " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DATABASE_CREATED_FAILED' ] = " The database wasn't created.<br />MySQL " < br /> . " returns:<br/><br />%s " ;
$lang [ 'L_DATABASE_CREATED_SUCCESS' ] = " The database '%s' has been created " < br /> . " successfully. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DATASIZE' ] = " Dosarul marimi " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DATASIZE_INFO' ] = " This is the size of the records - not " < br /> . " the size of the backup file " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DAY' ] = " Day " ;
$lang [ 'L_DAYS' ] = " Days " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB' ] = " baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_DBCONNECTION' ] = " Database Connection " ;
$lang [ 'L_DBPARAMETER' ] = " Database Parameters " ;
$lang [ 'L_DBS' ] = " baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_ADAPTER' ] = " DB-Adapter " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_BACKUPPARS' ] = " Preferences " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_DEFAULT' ] = " Default database " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_HOST' ] = " baza de date-nume host " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DB_IN_LIST' ] = " Baza de date '%s' nu a putut fi " < br /> . " adăugat, pentru că există deja. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DB_NAME' ] = " Database name " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_PASS' ] = " baza de date-password " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DB_SELECT_ERROR' ] = " <br />Error:<br />Selection of " < br /> . " database <b> " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DB_SELECT_ERROR2' ] = " </b> failed! " ;
$lang [ 'L_DB_USER' ] = " baza de date-utilizatorul " ;
$lang [ 'L_DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME' ] = " Default character set " ;
$lang [ 'L_DEFAULT_CHARSET' ] = " Default character set " ;
$lang [ 'L_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME' ] = " Default collation " ;
$lang [ 'L_DELETE' ] = " Delete " ;
$lang [ 'L_DELETE_DATABASE' ] = " sterge Baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_DELETE_FILE_ERROR' ] = " Error deleting file \" %s \" ! " ;
$lang [ 'L_DELETE_FILE_SUCCESS' ] = " File \" %s \" was deleted successfully. " ;
$lang [ 'L_DELETE_HTACCESS' ] = " sterge protecţia de dosar " ;
$lang [ 'L_DESCRIPTION' ] = " Description " ;
$lang [ 'L_DESELECT_ALL' ] = " selecţie anulaţi " ;
$lang [ 'L_DIR' ] = " zona " ;
$lang [ 'L_DISABLEDFUNCTIONS' ] = " Disabled Functions " ;
$lang [ 'L_DO' ] = " face " ;
$lang [ 'L_DOCRONBUTTON' ] = " Run the Perl Cron script " ;
$lang [ 'L_DONE' ] = " Gata! " ;
$lang [ 'L_DONT_ATTACH_BACKUP' ] = " Nu ataşaţi Backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_DOPERLTEST' ] = " Test Perl Modules " ;
$lang [ 'L_DOSIMPLETEST' ] = " Test Perl " ;
$lang [ 'L_DOWNLOAD_FILE' ] = " Download file " ;
$lang [ 'L_DO_NOW' ] = " operate now " ;
$lang [ 'L_DUMP' ] = " copie de rezervă " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DUMP_ENDERGEBNIS' ] = " <b>%s</b> Tabele cu un total de " < br /> . " <b>%s</b> Records salvate.<br /> " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DUMP_FILENAME' ] = " Backup File " ;
$lang [ 'L_DUMP_HEADLINE' ] = " Create backup... " ;
$lang [ 'L_DUMP_NOTABLES' ] = " Nu sunt tabelele din baza de date `%s` " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DUMP_OF_DB_FINISHED' ] = " Copie de siguranţă a bazei de date " < br /> . " `%s` completate " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_DURATION' ] = " Duration " ;
$lang [ 'L_EDIT' ] = " edit " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_EHRESTORE_CONTINUE' ] = " în continuare pentru şi fă un " < br /> . " Jurnal " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_EHRESTORE_STOP' ] = " pause " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL' ] = " E-Mail " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_ATTACH' ] = " In Anexa puteţi găsi copie de " < br /> . " rezervă a bazei de date MySQL.<br /> " < br /> . " Baza de date de rezervă `%s`<br /><br " < br /> . " />Fişierul a fost creat:<br /><br " < br /> . " />%s <br /><br />Multe salutări <br " < br /> . " /><br /> MySQL-Dumper " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_FOOTER' ] = " <br /><br /><br />Multe salutări <br " < br /> . " /><br /> MySQL-Dumper " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_MP_ATTACH' ] = " Aceasta a creat un sistem " < br /> . " Multipart-Copie de rezervă.<br " < br /> . " />Backup-uri sunt livrate în separat " < br /> . " de e-mail-uri ca ataşare!<br />Baza " < br /> . " de date de rezervă `%s` <br /><br " < br /> . " />Sunt create fisierele:<br /><br " < br /> . " />%s<br /><br /><br />Multe salutări " < br /> . " <br /><br /> MySQL-Dumper " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_MP_NOATTACH' ] = " Aceasta a creat un sistem " < br /> . " Multipart-Copie de rezervă.<br " < br /> . " />Siguranţe nu sunt incluse ca " < br /> . " ataşare!<br />Baza de date de " < br /> . " rezervă `%s` <br /><br />Sunt create " < br /> . " fisierele:<br /><br />%s<br /><br " < br /> . " /><br />Multe salutări <br /><br /> " < br /> . " MySQL-Dumper " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_NOATTACH' ] = " Copii de rezervă nu sunt " < br /> . " ataşată.<br />Baza de date de " < br /> . " rezervă `%s` <br /><br />Sunt create " < br /> . " fisierele:<br /><br />%s<br /><br " < br /> . " /><br />Multe salutări <br /><br /> " < br /> . " MySQL-Dumper " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAILBODY_TOOBIG' ] = " Fuse depăşeşte dimensiunea maximă " < br /> . " de %s, nu sunt ataşat.<br />Baza de " < br /> . " date de rezervă `%s` <br /><br />Sunt " < br /> . " create fisierele:<br /><br />%s<br " < br /> . " /><br /><br />Multe salutări <br " < br /> . " /><br /> MySQL-Dumper " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_ADDRESS' ] = " E-Mail-Address " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_CC' ] = " CC-Destinatarii " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_MAXSIZE' ] = " Maximum size of attachment " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_ONLY_ATTACHMENT' ] = " ... doar anexă " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_RECIPIENT' ] = " destinatarii " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_SENDER' ] = " Expeditorul mesajului e-mail " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_START' ] = " Start Trimiterea de e-mail " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMAIL_WAS_SEND' ] = " De e-mail a fost trimis cu succes la " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMPTY' ] = " Empty " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMPTYKEYS' ] = " empty and reset indexes " ;
$lang [ 'L_EMPTYTABLEBEFORE' ] = " Empty table before " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_EMPTY_DB_BEFORE_RESTORE' ] = " Ştergeţi baza de date înainte de " < br /> . " restaurare " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ENCODING' ] = " encoding " ;
$lang [ 'L_ENCRYPTION_TYPE' ] = " Criptare " ;
$lang [ 'L_ENGINE' ] = " Engine " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ENTER_DB_INFO' ] = " First click the button \" Connect to " < br /> . " MySQL \" . Only if no database could be " < br /> . " detected you need to provide a " < br /> . " database name here. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ENTRY' ] = " Entry " ;
$lang [ 'L_ERROR' ] = " greşeală " ;
$lang [ 'L_ERRORHANDLING_RESTORE' ] = " Rezolvarea problemelor Restaurare " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ERROR_CONFIGFILE_NAME' ] = " Nume de fişier \" %s \" conţine " < br /> . " caractere invalide. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ERROR_DELETING_CONFIGFILE' ] = " Eroare: fisier de configurare %s nu a " < br /> . " putut fi şterse! " ;
$lang [ 'L_ERROR_LOADING_CONFIGFILE' ] = " Fişier de configurare \" %s \" nu a " < br /> . " putut fi încărcat. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ERROR_LOG' ] = " Error-Log " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ERROR_MULTIPART_RESTORE' ] = " Multipart-Restore: couldn't finde the " < br /> . " next file '%s'! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ESTIMATED_END' ] = " Estimated end " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXCEL2003' ] = " Excel from 2003 " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXISTS' ] = " Exists " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXPORT' ] = " Export " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXPORTFINISHED' ] = " exporturile sfarsit " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXPORTLINES' ] = " <strong>%s</strong> lines exported " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXPORTOPTIONS' ] = " Export Options " ;
$lang [ 'L_EXTENDEDPARS' ] = " Parametri Advanced " ;
$lang [ 'L_FADE_IN_OUT' ] = " Arăta/Ascunde " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FATAL_ERROR_DUMP' ] = " Fatal error: Declaraţia CREATE din " < br /> . " tabelul '%s', în baza de date '%s' nu " < br /> . " a putut fi citit! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FIELDS' ] = " zone " ;
$lang [ 'L_FIELDS_OF_TABLE' ] = " Fields of table " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILE' ] = " data " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILES' ] = " Datele " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILESIZE' ] = " mărime de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILE_MANAGE' ] = " administraţii de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR' ] = " Error: could not open file. " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' ] = " Datele a fost salvat cu succes " ;
$lang [ 'L_FILE_SAVED_UNSUCCESSFULLY' ] = " Datele nu a putut fi salvat " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FILE_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFULL' ] = " The file '%s' was uploaded " < br /> . " successfully. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FILTER_BY' ] = " Filter by " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ALERTRESTORE1' ] = " Should the database " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_ALERTRESTORE2' ] = " be restored with the records from the " < br /> . " file " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_ALERTRESTORE3' ] = " ? " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ALL_BU' ] = " All Backups " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ANZ_BU' ] = " Backups " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE1' ] = " Should the file(s) " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE2' ] = " really be deleted? " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE3' ] = " Do you want autodelete to be executed " < br /> . " with configured rules now? " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE4' ] = " Do you want to delete all backup " < br /> . " files? " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE5' ] = " Do you want to delete all backup files " < br /> . " with " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_ASKDELETE5_2' ] = " * ? " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_AUTODEL1' ] = " Autodelete: the following files were " < br /> . " deleted because of maximum files " < br /> . " setting: " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_CHOOSE_ENCODING' ] = " Choose encoding of backup file " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_COMMENT' ] = " Enter Comment " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETE' ] = " Delete " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETE1' ] = " The file " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETE2' ] = " was deleted successfully. " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETE3' ] = " couldn't be deleted! " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETEALL' ] = " Delete all backup files " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETEALLFILTER' ] = " Delete all with " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DELETEAUTO' ] = " Run autodelete manually " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DUMPSETTINGS' ] = " Backup Configuration " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_DUMP_HEADER' ] = " Backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_FILEDATE' ] = " File date " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_FILES1' ] = " Database Backups " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_FILESIZE' ] = " File size " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_FILEUPLOAD' ] = " Upload file " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_FREESPACE' ] = " spaţiu liber pe server " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_LAST_BU' ] = " Last Backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_NOFILE' ] = " You didn't choose a file! " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_NOFILESFOUND' ] = " No file found. " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_RECORDS' ] = " Records " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_RESTORE' ] = " Restore " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_RESTORE_HEADER' ] = " Restore of Database " < br /> . " `<strong>%s</strong>` " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_SELECTTABLES' ] = " Select tables " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_STARTDUMP' ] = " Start New Backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_TABLES' ] = " Tables " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_TOTALSIZE' ] = " Total Size " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADFAILED' ] = " The upload has failed! " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADFILEEXISTS' ] = " A file with the same name already " < br /> . " exists ! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADFILEREQUEST' ] = " please choose a file. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADMOVEERROR' ] = " Couldn't move selected file to the " < br /> . " upload directory. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADNOTALLOWED1' ] = " This file type is not supported. " ;
$lang [ 'L_FM_UPLOADNOTALLOWED2' ] = " Valid types are: *.gz and *.sql-files " ;
$lang [ 'L_FOUND_DB' ] = " found db " ;
$lang [ 'L_FROMFILE' ] = " from file " ;
$lang [ 'L_FROMTEXTBOX' ] = " from text box " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP' ] = " FTP " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_ADD_CONNECTION' ] = " Adauga conexiune " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CHOOSE_MODE' ] = " FTP Transfer Mode " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONFIRM_DELETE' ] = " Conexiunea FTP: se elimină " < br /> . " într-adevăr? " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONNECTION' ] = " Conexiunea FTP " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONNECTION_CLOSED' ] = " Conexiune de FTP închisă " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONNECTION_DELETE' ] = " şterge conexiunea " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONNECTION_ERROR' ] = " Conexiunea la server '%s' pe portul %s " < br /> . " nu a putut fi construită " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_CONNECTION_SUCCESS' ] = " Conexiunea la server '%s' pe portul %s " < br /> . " a fost produsă cu succes " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_DIR' ] = " Upload directory " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_FILE_TRANSFER_ERROR' ] = " De transfer a fişierului '%s' a fost " < br /> . " greşită " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_FILE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS' ] = " Fisierul '%s' a fost transferat cu " < br /> . " succes " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_LOGIN_ERROR' ] = " Inregistrare ca un utilizator '%s' a " < br /> . " fost respinsă " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_LOGIN_SUCCESS' ] = " Inregistrare ca un utilizator '%s' a " < br /> . " fost cu succes " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_OK' ] = " Conexiunea cu succes " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_PASS' ] = " Password " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_PASSIVE' ] = " modul pasiv de transfer " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_PASV_ERROR' ] = " Schimbare în modul pasiv-FTP nu a " < br /> . " avut succes " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_PASV_SUCCESS' ] = " Schimbare în modul pasiv-FTP a fost " < br /> . " reuşit " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_PORT' ] = " Port " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_SEND_TO' ] = " la <strong>%s</strong><br />in " < br /> . " <strong>%s</strong> " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_FTP_SERVER' ] = " Server " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_SSL' ] = " Secure SSL FTP connection " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_START' ] = " Incepand de transfer FTP " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_TIMEOUT' ] = " Connection Timeout " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_TRANSFER' ] = " FTP-Transfer " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_USER' ] = " User " ;
$lang [ 'L_FTP_USESSL' ] = " folosi SSL-Conexiunea " ;
$lang [ 'L_GENERAL' ] = " Comun " ;
$lang [ 'L_GZIP' ] = " GZip-Compression " ;
$lang [ 'L_GZIP_COMPRESSION' ] = " GZip Compression " ;
$lang [ 'L_HOME' ] = " acasâ " ;
$lang [ 'L_HOUR' ] = " Hour " ;
$lang [ 'L_HOURS' ] = " Hours " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_ACTIVATE_REWRITE_ENGINE' ] = " Activare de \" Rewrite \" " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_ADD_HANDLER' ] = " Adauga manipulant " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CONFIRM_DELETE' ] = " Sa create acum directorul de " < br /> . " protecţie? " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CONTENT' ] = " Conţinutul dosarului " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CREATE' ] = " Creaţi directorul de protecţie acum " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CREATED' ] = " Director este creat cu o protecţie " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CREATE_ERROR' ] = " Este o eroare atunci când am " < br /> . " compilarea listei de protecţie!<br " < br /> . " />Vă rugăm să creaţi fişierele " < br /> . " manual cu următorul conţinut " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_CRYPT' ] = " Maxime Cripta de 8 caractere (Linux " < br /> . " şi Unix-Systeme) " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_DENY_ALLOW' ] = " nega / permite " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_DIR_LISTING' ] = " Listare de director " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_EDIT' ] = " .htaccess editaţi " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_ERROR_DOC' ] = " Error Document " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_EXAMPLES' ] = " Mai multe exemple şi documentaţie " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_EXISTS' ] = " Există deja un director de " < br /> . " protecţie. Când creaţi unul nou, " < br /> . " acesta va suprascrie " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_MAKE_EXECUTABLE' ] = " A face executabil " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_MD5' ] = " MD5 (Linux şi Unix-Systems) " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_NO_ENCRYPTION' ] = " indicarea clar (Windows) " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_NO_USERNAME' ] = " Trebuie să introduceţi un nume " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_PROPOSED' ] = " Urgently recommended " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_REDIRECT' ] = " Redirect " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_SCRIPT_EXEC' ] = " Execute script " ;
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_SHA1' ] = " SHA1 (all Systems) " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_HTACC_WARNING' ] = " Atenţie! .htaccess are un impact " < br /> . " direct asupra browser-ul.<br " < br /> . " />Aplicării incorecte a paginilor nu " < br /> . " mai sunt accesibile. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_IMPORT' ] = " Import " ;
$lang [ 'L_IMPORTIEREN' ] = " Import " ;
$lang [ 'L_IMPORTOPTIONS' ] = " Import Options " ;
$lang [ 'L_IMPORTSOURCE' ] = " Import Source " ;
$lang [ 'L_IMPORTTABLE' ] = " Import in Table " ;
$lang [ 'L_IMPORT_NOTABLE' ] = " No table was selected for import! " ;
$lang [ 'L_IN' ] = " în " ;
$lang [ 'L_INDEX_SIZE' ] = " Size of index " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_ACTDB' ] = " baza de date actualâ " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_INFO_DATABASES' ] = " Baza de date următoarele sunt situate " < br /> . " pe server MySQL " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_INFO_DBEMPTY' ] = " Baza de date este gol " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_INFO_FSOCKOPEN_DISABLED' ] = " Pe acest server, funcţia PHP " < br /> . " \" fsockopen() \" pare a fi dezactivat " < br /> . " prin intermediul serverului de " < br /> . " configurare, de ce descărcarea " < br /> . " automată a vocii nu poate fi " < br /> . " executat.Dar, aveţi posibilitatea să " < br /> . " descărcaţi manual pachete pe care " < br /> . " doriţi. Salvaţi şi dezarhivaţi " < br /> . " programul în subfolderul " < br /> . " \" language \" al instalării " < br /> . " MySQLDumper. Apoi, aveţi această " < br /> . " disponibile pentru o selecţie. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_INFO_LASTUPDATE' ] = " Last update " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_LOCATION' ] = " Sunteţi pe " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_NODB' ] = " Baza de date nu exista " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_NOPROCESSES' ] = " nici un procesele care ruleaza " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_NOSTATUS' ] = " statut disponibile " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_NOVARS' ] = " variabile disponibile " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_OPTIMIZED' ] = " optimizată " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_RECORDS' ] = " Recorduri " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_SIZE' ] = " măsură " ;
$lang [ 'L_INFO_SUM' ] = " total " ;
$lang [ 'L_INSTALL' ] = " Installation " ;
$lang [ 'L_INSTALLED' ] = " Installed " ;
$lang [ 'L_INSTALL_DB_DEFAULT' ] = " Use as default database " ;
$lang [ 'L_INSTALL_HELP_PORT' ] = " (empty = Default Port) " ;
$lang [ 'L_INSTALL_HELP_SOCKET' ] = " (empty = Default Socket) " ;
$lang [ 'L_IS_WRITABLE' ] = " Is writable " ;
$lang [ 'L_KILL_PROCESS' ] = " Stop process " ;
$lang [ 'L_LANGUAGE' ] = " Limba " ;
$lang [ 'L_LANGUAGE_NAME' ] = " Romanian " ;
$lang [ 'L_LASTBACKUP' ] = " ultimul backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOAD' ] = " Load default settings " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOAD_DATABASE' ] = " reîncarcă baza de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOAD_FILE' ] = " Încărcaţi fişier " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOG' ] = " jornal " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOGFILENOTWRITABLE' ] = " jurnalul nu poate fi scris! " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOGFILES' ] = " Logfiles " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOGGED_IN' ] = " Logged in " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOGIN' ] = " Login " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOGIN_AUTOLOGIN' ] = " Automatic login " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_LOGIN_INVALID_USER' ] = " Unknown combination of username and " < br /> . " password. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_LOGOUT' ] = " Log out " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOG_CREATED' ] = " Log file created. " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOG_DELETE' ] = " delete Log " ;
$lang [ 'L_LOG_MAXSIZE' ] = " Maximum size of log files " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_LOG_NOT_READABLE' ] = " The log file '%s' does not exist or is " < br /> . " not readable. " ;
$lang [ 'L_MAILERROR' ] = " s-a întâmplat o greşeală la " < br /> . " trimiterea de e-mail! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MAILPROGRAM' ] = " Programul de mail " ;
$lang [ 'L_MAXIMUM_LENGTH' ] = " Maximum length " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' ] = " This is the maximum number of bytes " < br /> . " one character needs, when it is saved " < br /> . " to disk. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MAXSIZE' ] = " Dimensiune maximă " ;
$lang [ 'L_MAX_BACKUP_FILES_EACH2' ] = " pentru fiecare bazâ de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME' ] = " Timp maxim de executie " ;
$lang [ 'L_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' ] = " Maximum file size " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_INFO' ] = " If your Dumpfile is bigger than the " < br /> . " above mentioned limit, you must upload " < br /> . " it via FTP into the directory " < br /> . " \" work/backup \" . <br />After that you can " < br /> . " choose it to begin a restore progress. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MEMORY' ] = " Memory " ;
$lang [ 'L_MENU_HIDE' ] = " Hide menu " ;
$lang [ 'L_MENU_SHOW' ] = " Show menu " ;
$lang [ 'L_MESSAGE' ] = " Message " ;
$lang [ 'L_MESSAGE_TYPE' ] = " Message type " ;
$lang [ 'L_MINUTE' ] = " minute " ;
$lang [ 'L_MINUTES' ] = " minute " ;
$lang [ 'L_MOBILE_OFF' ] = " Off " ;
$lang [ 'L_MOBILE_ON' ] = " On " ;
$lang [ 'L_MODE_EASY' ] = " Easy " ;
$lang [ 'L_MODE_EXPERT' ] = " Expert " ;
$lang [ 'L_MSD_INFO' ] = " MySQLDumper-informaţii " ;
$lang [ 'L_MSD_MODE' ] = " MySQLDumper-Mode " ;
$lang [ 'L_MSD_VERSION' ] = " MySQLDumper-Version " ;
$lang [ 'L_MULTIDUMP' ] = " Multidump " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MULTIDUMP_FINISHED' ] = " Au fost susţinute <b>%d</b> Baze de " < br /> . " date " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MULTIPART_ACTUAL_PART' ] = " Subfile curent " ;
$lang [ 'L_MULTIPART_SIZE' ] = " Mărimea maximă a fişierului " ;
$lang [ 'L_MULTI_PART' ] = " multe bucăţi-Backup " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQLVARS' ] = " MySQL-variabile " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_CLIENT_VERSION' ] = " MySQL-Client " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_CONNECTION_ENCODING' ] = " codificare standard de la " < br /> . " MySQL-Serveru " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_DATA' ] = " MySQL-Data " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_ROUTINE' ] = " Routine " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_ROUTINES' ] = " Routinen " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_ROUTINES_EXPLAIN' ] = " Stored functions and procedures " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_TABLES_EXPLAIN' ] = " Tables have a defined column structure " < br /> . " in which one can save data (records). " < br /> . " Each record represents a row in the " < br /> . " table. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_VERSION' ] = " MySQL-Version " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_VERSION_TOO_OLD' ] = " We are sorry: the installed " < br /> . " MySQL-Version %s is too old and can " < br /> . " not be used together with this version " < br /> . " of MySQLDumper. Please update your " < br /> . " MySQL-Version to at least version " < br /> . " %s.<br />As an alternative you could " < br /> . " install MySQLDumper version 1.24, " < br /> . " which is able to work together with " < br /> . " older MySQL-Versions. But you will " < br /> . " lose some of the new functions of " < br /> . " MySQLDumper in that case. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_VIEW' ] = " View " ;
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_VIEWS' ] = " Views " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_MYSQL_VIEWS_EXPLAIN' ] = " Views show (filtered) recordsets of " < br /> . " one ore more tables but don't contain " < br /> . " own records. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NAME' ] = " Nume " ;
$lang [ 'L_NEW' ] = " nou " ;
$lang [ 'L_NEWTABLE' ] = " Create new table " ;
$lang [ 'L_NEXT_AUTO_INCREMENT' ] = " Next automatic index " ;
$lang [ 'L_NEXT_AUTO_INCREMENT_SHORT' ] = " Autoindex " ;
$lang [ 'L_NO' ] = " nu " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOFTPPOSSIBLE' ] = " Nu sunt funcţii de FTP disponibile! " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NOGZPOSSIBLE' ] = " Deoarece \" zlib \" nu este instalat, " < br /> . " caracteristici GZip nu sunt " < br /> . " disponibile! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NONE' ] = " nimic " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOREVERSE' ] = " Oldest entry first " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOTAVAIL' ] = " <em>unavailable</em> " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOTHING_TO_DO' ] = " There is nothing to do. " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOTICE' ] = " Nota " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOTICES' ] = " Notele " ;
$lang [ 'L_NOT_ACTIVATED' ] = " inactivi " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NOT_SUPPORTED' ] = " Această copie de rezervă nu acceptă " < br /> . " această caracteristică. " ;
$lang [ 'L_NO_DB_FOUND' ] = " Nu se vedea o baza de date. Expand " < br /> . " parametrii de conexiune şi " < br /> . " introduceţi numele de baze de date " < br /> . " manual! " ;
$lang [ 'L_NO_DB_FOUND_INFO' ] = " The connection to the database was " < br /> . " successfully established.<br /><br />Your " < br /> . " userdata is valid and was accepted by " < br /> . " the MySQL-Server.<br /><br />But " < br /> . " MySQLDumper was not able to find any " < br /> . " database.<br /><br />The automatic " < br /> . " detection via script is blocked on " < br /> . " some servers.<br /><br />You must enter " < br /> . " your database name manually after the " < br /> . " installation is finished.<br />Click on " < br /> . " \" configuration \" \" Connection " < br /> . " Parameter - display \" and enter the " < br /> . " database name there. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NO_DB_SELECTED' ] = " No database selected. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NO_ENTRIES' ] = " Table is empty and doesn't have any " < br /> . " entry. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NO_MSD_BACKUPFILE' ] = " Backups of other scripts " ;
$lang [ 'L_NO_NAME_GIVEN' ] = " nici un nume scris " ;
$lang [ 'L_NR_OF_RECORDS' ] = " Number of records " ;
$lang [ 'L_NR_TABLES_OPTIMIZED' ] = " %s Tabelele sunt optimizate. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_NUMBER_OF_FILES_FORM' ] = " Numărul de fişiere de rezervă " < br /> . " pentru fiecare bază de date " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_OF' ] = " de la " ;
$lang [ 'L_OK' ] = " OK " ;
$lang [ 'L_OPTIMIZE' ] = " Optimizare " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_OPTIMIZE_TABLES' ] = " Optimizaţi înainte de mese de " < br /> . " rezervă " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_OPTIMIZE_TABLE_ERR' ] = " Error optimizing table `%s`. " ;
$lang [ 'L_OPTIMIZE_TABLE_SUCC' ] = " Optimized table `%s` successfully. " ;
$lang [ 'L_OS' ] = " Operating system " ;
$lang [ 'L_OVERHEAD' ] = " Overhead " ;
$lang [ 'L_PAGE' ] = " Page " ;
$lang [ 'L_PAGE_REFRESHS' ] = " Pageviews " ;
$lang [ 'L_PASS' ] = " Password " ;
$lang [ 'L_PASSWORD' ] = " Password " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PASSWORDS_UNEQUAL' ] = " \" Passwords \" nu sunt identice sau " < br /> . " gol! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PASSWORD_REPEAT' ] = " Password (repeat) " ;
$lang [ 'L_PASSWORD_STRENGTH' ] = " Password strength " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PERLOUTPUT1' ] = " Entry in crondump.pl for " < br /> . " absolute_path_of_configdir " ;
$lang [ 'L_PERLOUTPUT2' ] = " URL for the browser or for external " < br /> . " Cron job " ;
$lang [ 'L_PERLOUTPUT3' ] = " Commandline in the Shell or for the " < br /> . " Crontab " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PERL_COMPLETELOG' ] = " Perl-Complete-Log " ;
$lang [ 'L_PERL_LOG' ] = " Perl-Log " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PHPBUG' ] = " Bug in \" Zlib \" ! Nu de compresie " < br /> . " disponibile! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PHPMAIL' ] = " PHP-Function mail() " ;
$lang [ 'L_PHP_EXTENSIONS' ] = " PHP-Extensions " ;
$lang [ 'L_PHP_LOG' ] = " PHP-Log " ;
$lang [ 'L_PHP_VERSION' ] = " PHP-Version " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PHP_VERSION_TOO_OLD' ] = " We are sorry: the installed " < br /> . " PHP-Version is too old. MySQLDumper " < br /> . " needs a PHP-Version of %s or higher. " < br /> . " This server has a PHP-Version of %s " < br /> . " which is too old. You need to update " < br /> . " your PHP-Version before you can " < br /> . " install and use MySQLDumper. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_POP3_PORT' ] = " POP3-Port " ;
$lang [ 'L_POP3_SERVER' ] = " POP3-Server " ;
$lang [ 'L_PORT' ] = " Portul " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_BC' ] = " bottom center " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_BL' ] = " bottom left " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_BR' ] = " bottom right " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_MC' ] = " center center " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_ML' ] = " middle left " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_MR' ] = " middle right " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_NOTIFICATIONS' ] = " Position of notification window " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_TC' ] = " top center " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_TL' ] = " top left " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSITION_TR' ] = " top right " ;
$lang [ 'L_POSSIBLE_COLLATIONS' ] = " Possible collations " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_POSSIBLE_COLLATIONS_EXPLAIN' ] = " These are the possible collations one " < br /> . " can choose for this character " < br /> . " set.<br /><br />_cs = case sensitiv<br />_ci = case " < br /> . " insensitive " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_PREFIX' ] = " Prefixul " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEYS_CHANGED' ] = " Primary keys changed " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEYS_CHANGINGERROR' ] = " Error changing primary keys " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEYS_SAVE' ] = " primarâ cheie in memorie (save) " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEY_CONFIRMDELETE' ] = " sâ şterg primarâ cheie? " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEY_DELETED' ] = " Primary key deleted " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEY_FIELD' ] = " primarâ cheie " ;
$lang [ 'L_PRIMARYKEY_NOTFOUND' ] = " Primary key not found " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROCESSKILL1' ] = " Încercarea procesului " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROCESSKILL2' ] = " a termina. " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROCESSKILL3' ] = " Acesta este din moment " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROCESSKILL4' ] = " Seconds încercarea de a procesului " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROCESS_ID' ] = " Process ID " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROGRESS_FILE' ] = " Progress file " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROGRESS_OVER_ALL' ] = " Progresul total " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROGRESS_TABLE' ] = " Progresele tabelul " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROVIDER' ] = " Provider " ;
$lang [ 'L_PROZESSE' ] = " procesele " ;
$lang [ 'L_QUERY' ] = " Query " ;
$lang [ 'L_RECHTE' ] = " permisuri " ;
$lang [ 'L_RECORDS' ] = " înregistrarea " ;
$lang [ 'L_RECORDS_INSERTED' ] = " <b>%s</b> records inserted. " ;
$lang [ 'L_RECORDS_OF_TABLE' ] = " Records of table " ;
$lang [ 'L_RECORDS_PER_PAGECALL' ] = " Records per pagecall " ;
$lang [ 'L_REFRESHTIME' ] = " Refresh time " ;
$lang [ 'L_REFRESHTIME_PROCESSLIST' ] = " Refreshing time of the process list " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_REGISTRATION_DESCRIPTION' ] = " Please enter the administrator account " < br /> . " now. You will login into MySQLDumper " < br /> . " with this user. Note the dates now " < br /> . " given good reason.<br /><br />You can choose " < br /> . " your username and password free. " < br /> . " Please make sure to choose the safest " < br /> . " possible combination of user name and " < br /> . " password to protect access to " < br /> . " MySQLDumper against unauthorized " < br /> . " access best! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_RELOAD' ] = " Reload " ;
$lang [ 'L_REMOVE' ] = " Remove " ;
$lang [ 'L_REPAIR' ] = " Repair " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESET' ] = " reset " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESET_SEARCHWORDS' ] = " reset search words " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE' ] = " recuperare " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_COMPLETE' ] = " <b>%s</b> tables created. " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_DB' ] = " Database '<b>%s</b>' on '<b>%s</b>'. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_DB_COMPLETE_IN' ] = " Restoring of database '%s' finished in " < br /> . " %s. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_OF_TABLES' ] = " Choose tables to be restored " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_TABLE' ] = " Restoring of table '%s' " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_TABLES_COMPLETED' ] = " Up to now <b>%d</b> of <b>%d</b> " < br /> . " tables were created. " ;
$lang [ 'L_RESTORE_TABLES_COMPLETED0' ] = " Up to now <b>%d</b> tables were " < br /> . " created. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_REVERSE' ] = " Last entry first " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SAFEMODEDESC' ] = " Because PHP is running in safe_mode " < br /> . " you need to create the following " < br /> . " directories manually using your " < br /> . " FTP-Programm: " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SAVE' ] = " Save " ;
$lang [ 'L_SAVEANDCONTINUE' ] = " Save and continue installation " ;
$lang [ 'L_SAVE_ERROR' ] = " Setările nu a putut fi salvat! " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SAVE_SUCCESS' ] = " Setările de succes au fost stocate " < br /> . " în fişierul de configurare \" %s \" . " ;
$lang [ 'L_SAVING_DATA_TO_FILE' ] = " Salvaţi de date la baza de date '%s' " < br /> . " în fişierul de '%s' " ;
$lang [ 'L_SAVING_DATA_TO_MULTIPART_FILE' ] = " Mărimea maximă a fişierului ajuns: " < br /> . " Continuaţi cu dosar '%s' " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SAVING_DB_FORM' ] = " basâ de date " ;
$lang [ 'L_SAVING_TABLE' ] = " Salvare de tabele " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_ACCESS_KEYS' ] = " Browse: forward=ALT+V, backwards=ALT+C " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_IN_TABLE' ] = " Search in table " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS' ] = " The search for \" <b>%s</b> \" in table " < br /> . " \" <b>%s</b> \" doesn't bring any hits! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_OPTIONS' ] = " Search options " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_OPTIONS_AND' ] = " a column must contain all search words " < br /> . " (AND-search) " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_OPTIONS_CONCAT' ] = " a row must contain all of the search " < br /> . " words but they can be in any column " < br /> . " (could take some time) " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_OPTIONS_OR' ] = " a column must have one of the search " < br /> . " words (OR-search) " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEARCH_RESULTS' ] = " The search for \" <b>%s</b> \" in table " < br /> . " \" <b>%s</b> \" brings the following " < br /> . " results " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SECOND' ] = " Second " ;
$lang [ 'L_SECONDS' ] = " secunde " ;
$lang [ 'L_SELECT' ] = " Select " ;
$lang [ 'L_SELECTED_FILE' ] = " Selected file " ;
$lang [ 'L_SELECT_ALL' ] = " selecteaza tot " ;
$lang [ 'L_SELECT_FILE' ] = " Select file " ;
$lang [ 'L_SELECT_LANGUAGE' ] = " Select language " ;
$lang [ 'L_SENDMAIL' ] = " Sendmail " ;
$lang [ 'L_SENDRESULTASFILE' ] = " send result as file " ;
$lang [ 'L_SEND_MAIL_FORM' ] = " Trimite E-mail " ;
$lang [ 'L_SERVER' ] = " serverul " ;
$lang [ 'L_SERVERCAPTION' ] = " selectati serverul " ;
$lang [ 'L_SETPRIMARYKEYSFOR' ] = " nou primarâ cheie pentru tabele " ;
$lang [ 'L_SHOWING_ENTRY_X_TO_Y_OF_Z' ] = " Showing entry %s to %s of %s " ;
$lang [ 'L_SHOWRESULT' ] = " show result " ;
$lang [ 'L_SHOW_TABLES' ] = " Show tables " ;
$lang [ 'L_SHOW_TOOLTIPS' ] = " Show nicer tooltips " ;
$lang [ 'L_SMTP' ] = " SMTP " ;
$lang [ 'L_SMTP_HOST' ] = " SMTP-Host " ;
$lang [ 'L_SMTP_PORT' ] = " SMTP-Port " ;
$lang [ 'L_SOCKET' ] = " Socket " ;
$lang [ 'L_SPEED' ] = " Viteză " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLBOX' ] = " SQL-Box " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLBOXHEIGHT' ] = " Înălţimea SQL-Box " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIB_ACTIVATEBOARD' ] = " activate Board " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIB_BOARDS' ] = " Boards " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIB_DEACTIVATEBOARD' ] = " deactivate Board " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIB_GENERALFUNCTIONS' ] = " general functions " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIB_RESETAUTO' ] = " reset auto-increment " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQLLIMIT' ] = " Numărul de înregistrări pe pagină " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ACTIONS' ] = " Actions " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_AFTER' ] = " after " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ALLOWDUPS' ] = " Duplicates allowed " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ATPOSITION' ] = " insert at position " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ATTRIBUTES' ] = " Attributes " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BACKDBOVERVIEW' ] = " Back to Overview " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLNEU' ] = " New command " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLSAVED1' ] = " SQL Command " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLSAVED2' ] = " was added " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLSAVED3' ] = " was saved " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLSAVED4' ] = " was moved up " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BEFEHLSAVED5' ] = " was deleted " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_BROWSER' ] = " SQL-Browser " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CARDINALITY' ] = " Cardinality " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CHANGED' ] = " was changed. " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CHANGEFIELD' ] = " change field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CHOOSEACTION' ] = " Choose action " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COLLATENOTMATCH' ] = " Charset and Collation don't fit " < br /> . " together! " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COLUMNS' ] = " Columns " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COMMANDS' ] = " SQL-comanda " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN' ] = " lines in " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN2' ] = " sec. parsed. " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COPYDATADB' ] = " Copy complete Database to " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COPYSDB' ] = " Copy Structure of Database " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_COPYTABLE' ] = " copy table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CREATED' ] = " was created. " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CREATEINDEX' ] = " create new index " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_CREATETABLE' ] = " create table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_DATAVIEW' ] = " Data View " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_DBCOPY' ] = " The Content of Database `%s` was " < br /> . " copied in Database `%s`. " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_DBSCOPY' ] = " The Structure of Database `%s` was " < br /> . " copied in Database `%s`. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_DELETED' ] = " was deleted " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_DESTTABLE_EXISTS' ] = " Destination Table exists ! " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EDIT' ] = " edit " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EDITFIELD' ] = " Edit field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EDIT_TABLESTRUCTURE' ] = " Edit table structure " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EMPTYDB' ] = " Empty Database " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ERROR1' ] = " Erori la cererea de: " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_ERROR2' ] = " MySQL report: " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EXEC' ] = " Execute SQL Statement " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_EXPORT' ] = " Export from Database `%s` " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_FIELDDELETE1' ] = " The Field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_FIELDNAMENOTVALID' ] = " Error: No valid fieldname " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_FIRST' ] = " first " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_IMEXPORT' ] = " Import-Export " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_IMPORT' ] = " Import in Database `%s` " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_INCOMPLETE_STATEMENT_DETECTED' ] = " %s: incomplete statement " < br /> . " detected.<br />Couldn't find closing match " < br /> . " for '%s' in query:<br /><br />%s " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_INDEXES' ] = " Indices " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_INSERTFIELD' ] = " insert field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_INSERTNEWFIELD' ] = " insert new field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_LIBRARY' ] = " SQL Library " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NAMEDEST_MISSING' ] = " Name of Destination is missing ! " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NEWFIELD' ] = " New field " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NODATA' ] = " no records " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NODEST_COPY' ] = " No Copy without Destination ! " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NOFIELDDELETE' ] = " Delete is not possible because Tables " < br /> . " must contain at least one field. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NOTABLESINDB' ] = " No tables found in Database " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_NOTABLESSELECTED' ] = " No tables selected ! " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OPENFILE' ] = " Open SQL-File " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OPENFILE_BUTTON' ] = " Upload " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUT1' ] = " Executed " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUT2' ] = " Commands " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUT3' ] = " It had " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUT4' ] = " Comments " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUT5' ] = " Because the output contains more than " < br /> . " 5000 lines it isn't displayed. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_OUTPUT' ] = " SQL Output " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_QUERYENTRY' ] = " The Query contains " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RECORDDELETED' ] = " Record was deleted " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RECORDEDIT' ] = " edit record " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RECORDINSERTED' ] = " Record was added " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RECORDNEW' ] = " new record " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RECORDUPDATED' ] = " Record was updated " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RENAMEDB' ] = " Rename Database " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_RENAMEDTO' ] = " was renamed to " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SCOPY' ] = " Table structure of `%s` was copied in " < br /> . " Table `%s`. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SEARCH' ] = " Search " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SEARCHWORDS' ] = " Searchword(s) " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SELECTTABLE' ] = " select table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SERVER' ] = " SQL-Server " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_SHOWDATATABLE' ] = " Show Data of Table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_STRUCTUREDATA' ] = " Structure and Data " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_STRUCTUREONLY' ] = " Only Structure " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLEEMPTIED' ] = " Table `%s` was deleted. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLEEMPTIEDKEYS' ] = " Table `%s` was deleted and the indices " < br /> . " were reset. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLEINDEXES' ] = " Indexes of table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLENEW' ] = " Edit Tables " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLENOINDEXES' ] = " No Indexes in Table " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLENONAME' ] = " Table needs a name! " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLESOFDB' ] = " Tables of Database " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TABLEVIEW' ] = " Table View " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TBLNAMEEMPTY' ] = " Table name can't be empty! " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TBLPROPSOF' ] = " Table properties of " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_TCOPY' ] = " Table `%s` was copied with data in " < br /> . " Table `%s`. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_UPLOADEDFILE' ] = " loaded file: " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_VIEW_COMPACT' ] = " View: compact " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_VIEW_STANDARD' ] = " View: standard " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_VONINS' ] = " from totally " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_WARNING' ] = " The execution of SQL Statements can " < br /> . " manipulate data. TAKE CARE! The " < br /> . " Authors don't accept any liability for " < br /> . " damaged or lost data. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SQL_WASCREATED' ] = " was created " ;
$lang [ 'L_SQL_WASEMPTIED' ] = " was emptied " ;
$lang [ 'L_STARTDUMP' ] = " Start Backup " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_START_RESTORE_DB_FILE' ] = " Starting restore of database '%s' from " < br /> . " file '%s'. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_START_SQL_SEARCH' ] = " start search " ;
$lang [ 'L_STATUS' ] = " Statut " ;
$lang [ 'L_STEP' ] = " Step " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_SUCCESS_CONFIGFILE_CREATED' ] = " Fişier de configurare \" %s \" a fost " < br /> . " creat cu succes. " ;
$lang [ 'L_SUCCESS_DELETING_CONFIGFILE' ] = " Fişier de configurare \" %s \" a fost " < br /> . " şters cu succes. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_TABLE' ] = " Tabele " ;
$lang [ 'L_TABLENAME' ] = " Table name " ;
$lang [ 'L_TABLENAME_EXPLAIN' ] = " Table name " ;
$lang [ 'L_TABLES' ] = " Tabele " ;
$lang [ 'L_TABLESELECTION' ] = " Selecţie de tabele " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_TABLE_CREATE_SUCC' ] = " The table '%s' has been created " < br /> . " successfully. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_TABLE_TYPE' ] = " Type " ;
$lang [ 'L_TESTCONNECTION' ] = " testare de conexiune " ;
$lang [ 'L_THEME' ] = " Style " ;
$lang [ 'L_TIME' ] = " Time " ;
$lang [ 'L_TIMESTAMP' ] = " Timestamp " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_INDEX' ] = " Index " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_KEY_FULLTEXT' ] = " Fulltext key " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_KEY_PRIMARY' ] = " Primary key " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_KEY_UNIQUE' ] = " Unique key " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_MYSQL_HELP' ] = " MySQL documentation " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_NOKEY' ] = " No key " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_SEARCH' ] = " Search " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_SHOW_DATA' ] = " aratâ datele " ;
$lang [ 'L_TITLE_UPLOAD' ] = " Upload SQL file " ;
$lang [ 'L_TO' ] = " până la " ;
$lang [ 'L_TOOLS' ] = " Tools " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_TOOLS_TOOLBOX' ] = " Select Database / Datebase functions / " < br /> . " Import - Export " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_TRUNCATE' ] = " Truncate " ;
$lang [ 'L_TRUNCATE_DATABASE' ] = " Truncate database " ;
$lang [ 'L_UNIT_KB' ] = " KiloByte " ;
$lang [ 'L_UNIT_MB' ] = " MegaByte " ;
$lang [ 'L_UNIT_PIXEL' ] = " Pixel " ;
$lang [ 'L_UNKNOWN' ] = " nu cunoscuţi " ;
$lang [ 'L_UNKNOWN_SQLCOMMAND' ] = " unknown SQL-Command " ;
$lang [ 'L_UPDATE' ] = " Update " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_UPDATE_CONNECTION_FAILED' ] = " Update failed because connection to " < br /> . " server '%s' could not be established. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_UPDATE_ERROR_RESPONSE' ] = " Update failed, server returned: '%s' " ;
$lang [ 'L_UPTO' ] = " până " ;
$lang [ 'L_USERNAME' ] = " Username " ;
$lang [ 'L_USE_SSL' ] = " Use SSL " ;
$lang [ 'L_VALUE' ] = " conţinut " ;
$lang [ 'L_VERSIONSINFORMATIONEN' ] = " informaţii despre versiune " ;
$lang [ 'L_VIEW' ] = " privi " ;
$lang [ 'L_VISIT_HOMEPAGE' ] = " vizitâ Homepage " ;
$lang [ 'L_VOM' ] = " de la " ;
$lang [ 'L_WITH' ] = " cu " ;
$lang [ 'L_WITHATTACH' ] = " cu anexa " ;
$lang [ 'L_WITHOUTATTACH' ] = " fără anexa " ;
$lang [ 'L_WITHPRAEFIX' ] = " cu prefix " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_WRONGCONNECTIONPARS' ] = " Incorectâ sau parametrii greşti de " < br /> . " conexiune! " ;
$lang [ 'L_WRONG_CONNECTIONPARS' ] = " Parametrii de conectare nu sunt " < br /> . " corecte! " ;
$lang [ 'L_WRONG_RIGHTS' ] = " Fişier sau director '%s' nu poate fi " < br /> . " scris pentru mine.<br />Fie ea a " < br /> . " greşit proprietarul (owner) sau " < br /> . " drepturile de greşit (chmod).<br " < br /> . " />Vă rugăm să setaţi atribute " < br /> . " corect cu programul FTP.<br />Fişier " < br /> . " sau director are nevoie de drepturi " < br /> . " %s.<br /> " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_YES' ] = " da " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_FRAMEWORK_VERSION' ] = " Zend Framework Version " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY' ] = " The given filename '%value%' isn't a " < br /> . " directory. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_A_FILE' ] = " The given filename '%value%' isn't a " < br /> . " file. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_A_LINK' ] = " The given target '%value%' is not a " < br /> . " link. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_EXECUTABLE' ] = " The file or directory '%value%' isn't " < br /> . " executable. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_EXISTS' ] = " The file or directory '%value%' " < br /> . " doesn't exists. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_READABLE' ] = " The file or directory '%value%' isn't " < br /> . " readable. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_UPLOADED' ] = " The given file '%value%' isn't an " < br /> . " uploaded file. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_ACCESS_NOT_WRITABLE' ] = " The file or directory '%value%' isn't " < br /> . " writable. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_DIGITS_INVALID' ] = " Invalid type given. String, integer or " < br /> . " float expected. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_DIGITS_STRING_EMPTY' ] = " Value is an empty string. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_DOT_ATOM' ] = " The email address can not be matched " < br /> . " against dot-atom format. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID' ] = " Invalid type given. String expected. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID_FORMAT' ] = " The email address format is invalid. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID_HOSTNAME' ] = " The hostname is invalid. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID_LOCAL_PART' ] = " The local part of the email address " < br /> . " (<local-part>@<domain>.<tld>) is " < br /> . " invalid. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID_MX_RECORD' ] = " There is no valid MX record for this " < br /> . " email address. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID_SEGMENT' ] = " The hostname is located in a not " < br /> . " routable network segment. The email " < br /> . " address can not be resolved from " < br /> . " public network. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' ] = " The email address is too long. The " < br /> . " maximum length is 320 chars. " ;
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_QUOTED_STRING' ] = " The email addess can not be matched " < br /> . " against quoted-string format. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_IS_EMPTY' ] = " Value is required and can't be empty. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_MISSING_TOKEN' ] = " No token was provided to match " < br /> . " against. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_NOT_DIGITS' ] = " Only digits are allowed. " ;
2011-06-20 09:07:45 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_NOT_EMPTY_INVALID' ] = " Invalid type given. String, integer, " < br /> . " float, boolean or array expected. " ;
2011-06-10 21:55:32 +00:00
$lang [ 'L_ZEND_ID_NOT_SAME' ] = " The two given tokens do not match. " ;
return $lang ;