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2011-06-10 22:58:43 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
use Config;
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new();
print $cgi->header();
warningsToBrowser(1); # dies ist ganz wichtig!
my $eval_in_died;
my $mod_dbi=0;
my $mod_ff=0;
my $mod_fb=0;
my $mod_gz=0;
my $mod_ftp=0;
my $mod_mime=0;
my $dbi_driver;
my $dbi_mysql_exists=0;
my $get_options=0;
my $ok='<font color="green">';
my $err='<font color="red">';
my $zlib_version='unknown';
print "<html><head><title>MySQLDumper Perltest</title>\n";
print '<style type="text/css">body { padding-left:18px; }</style></head>';
print "<body><h2>Testing needed Perl-Moduls in order to run the Perl script crondump.pl</h2>\n";
print "<h4 style=\"background-color:#ccffcc;\">Necessary Modules for crondump.pl</h4>";
print "<strong>testing DBI ...</strong>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require DBI; };
$mod_dbi = 1;
import DBI;
print $err."Couldn't findDBI!<br>crondump.pl can't establih a connection to the MySQL database!</font>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul DBI. OK.</font>\n";
my @available_drivers = DBI->available_drivers('quiet');
foreach $dbi_driver (@available_drivers)
print "<br>Found modul DBI::$dbi_driver\n";
if ( $dbi_driver eq 'mysql' ) { $dbi_mysql_exists=1; } ;
if ($dbi_mysql_exists !=1 ) { print $err."Critical error: modul DBI::mysql not found! crondump.pl can't establish a connection to the MySQL-Databse if this modul isn't installed! Please install DBI::mysql!</font>"; }
else { print "<br>".$ok."Found modul DBI::mysql. OK. crondump.pl can connect to MySQL-Database.</font>"; }
print "<br><br><strong>testing File::Find ...</strong>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require File::Find; };
$mod_ff = 1;
import File::Find;
print $err."Critical error: modul File::Find not found! Please install it</font><br>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul File::Find. OK.</font><br>\n";
print "<strong>testing File::Basename ...</strong>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require File::Basename; };
$mod_fb = 1;
import File::Basename;
print $err."Critical error: modul File::Basename not found! Please install it!</font><br>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul File::Basename. OK.</font><br>\n";
print "<strong>testing Getop...</strong>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require Getopt::Long; };
$get_options = 1;
import Getopt::Long;
print $err."Modul Getopt not found! You should install it if you want to set configfile via shell.</font><br>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul Getopt. OK. crondump.pl can read configfile-parameter from shell.</font><br>\n";
print "<h4 style=\"background-color:#ccffcc;\">Configurable functions for crondump.pl (these moduls are only needed when explained option is turned on):</h4>";
print "<strong>testing Compress::Zlib (needed for dumping data into a crompessed *.gz-file)...</strong><br>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require Compress::Zlib; };
$zlib_version=qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION];
$mod_gz = 1;
import Compress::Zlib;
print "<font color='red'>Error: modul Compress::Zlib not found! crondump.pl can't write compressed files. Falling back to uncrompressed files (files are 10 times bigger).</font><br>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul Compress::Zlib <strong>".$zlib_version."</strong>. OK. crondump.pl can write compressed backups.</font><br>\n";
print "<br><strong>testing Net::FTP (needed if you want to transfer backups to another server)...</strong><br>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require Net::FTP; };
$mod_ftp = 1;
import Net::FTP;
print $err."Error: modul Net::FTP not found! crondump.pl can't transfer data via FTP.</font><br>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul Net::FTP. OK - crondump.pl can send backups via FTP.</font><br>\n";
print "<br><strong>testing MIME::Lite (needed if you want to send backups via email)...</strong><br>\n";
eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require MIME::Lite; };
$mod_mime = 1;
import MIME::Lite;
print $err."Error: modul MIME::Lite not found!<br>crondump.pl can't send emails! Option will automatically be deactivated. Install Mime::Lite in order to send emails!</font>\n";
} else {
print $ok."Found modul MIME::Lite. OK. crondump.pl can send emails.</font><br>\n";
print "<br><br><br><br></body></html>\n";