2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

491 Zeilen
20 KiB

* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Edit modules
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.0.2
* @author Olaf Niemann
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2003-01-21
* modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* modified 2011-02-07, Dominik Ziegler, removed integration of not supported java module editor
* $Id$:
* }}
// security
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude("includes", "functions.upl.php");
cInclude("external", "edit_area/class.edit_area.php");
$noti = "";
$sOptionDebugRows = getEffectiveSetting("modules", "show-debug-rows", "never");
if (!isset($idmod))
$idmod = 0;
if ($action == "mod_delete") {
$modules = new cApiModuleCollection;
$idmod = 0;
if (($action == "mod_new") && (!$perm->have_perm_area_action_anyitem($area, $action))) {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("No permission"));
} else {
if ($action == "mod_new") {
$modules = new cApiModuleCollection;
$module = $modules->create(i18n("- Unnamed Module -"));
$module->set("description", implode("\n", array(i18n("<your module description>"), "", i18n("Author: "), i18n("Version:"))));
} else {
$module = new cApiModule;
if ($action == "mod_importexport_module") {
if ($mode == "export") {
$name = uplCreateFriendlyName($module->get("name"));
if ($name != "") {
$module->export($name . ".xml");
if ($mode == "import") {
if (file_exists($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"])) {
if (!$module->import($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"])) {
$noti .= sprintf(i18n("Error while importing XML file: %s"), $module->_error) . "<br>";
} else {
// Load the item again (clearing slashes from import)
if ($action == "mod_folder_create") {
if ($module->createModuleFolder()) {
$notification->displayNotification("info", i18n("Module folder created"));
} else {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Error while creating module folder"));
$idmod = $module->get("idmod");
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod_edit", "mod_edit", $idmod)) {
$link = new cHTMLLink;
$link->setCLink("mod_translate", 4, "");
$link->setCustom("idmod", $idmod);
header("Location: " . $link->getHREF());
} else {
$oInUse = new InUseCollection;
list($bInUse, $message) = $oInUse->checkAndMark("idmod", $idmod, true, i18n("Module is in use by %s (%s)"), true, "main.php?area=$area&frame=$frame&idmod=$idmod");
if ($bInUse == true) {
$message .= "<br>";
$disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$disabled = "";
$page = new cPage;
$form = new UI_Table_Form("mod_edit");
$form->setVar("area", "mod_edit");
$form->setVar("frame", $frame);
$form->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
if (!$bInUse) {
$form->setVar("action", "mod_edit");
$form->addHeader(i18n("Edit module"));
$name = new cHTMLTextbox("name", $module->get("name"), 60);
$descr = new cHTMLTextarea("descr", clHtmlSpecialChars($module->get("description")), 100, 5);
// Get input and output code; if specified, prepare row fields
$sInputData = clHtmlSpecialChars($module->get("input"));
$sOutputData = clHtmlSpecialChars($module->get("output"));
if ($sOptionDebugRows !== "never") {
$iInputNewLines = substr_count($sInputData, "\n") + 2; // +2: Just sanity, to have at least two more lines than the code
$iOutputNewLines = substr_count($sOutputData, "\n") + 2; // +2: Just sanity, to have at least two more lines than the code
// Have at least 15 + 2 lines (15 = code textarea lines count)
if ($iInputNewLines < 21) {
$iInputNewLines = 21;
if ($iOutputNewLines < 21) {
$iOutputNewLines = 21;
// Calculate how many characters are needed (e.g. 2 for lines ip to 99)
$iInputNewLineChars = strlen($iInputNewLines);
$iOutputNewLineChars = strlen($iOutputNewLines);
if ($iInputNewLineChars > $iOutputNewLineChars) {
$iChars = $iInputNewLineChars;
} else {
$iChars = $iOutputNewLineChars;
$sRows = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $iInputNewLines; $i++) {
if ($sRows) {
$sRows .= "\r\n";
$sRows .= sprintf("%0" . $iChars . "d", $i);
$oInputRows = new cHTMLTextarea("txtInputRows", $sRows, $iChars, 20);
$sRows = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $iOutputNewLines; $i++) {
if ($sRows) {
$sRows .= "\r\n";
$sRows .= sprintf("%0" . $iChars . "d", $i);
$oOutputRows = new cHTMLTextarea("txtOutputRows", $sRows, $iChars, 20);
$oInputRows->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
$oOutputRows->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
$oInputRows->updateAttributes(array("readonly" => "true"));
$oOutputRows->updateAttributes(array("readonly" => "true"));
$oInputRows->setStyle("font-family: monospace;");
$oOutputRows->setStyle("font-family: monospace;");
$oOutputRows->setStyle("font-family: monospace;");
$input = new cHTMLTextarea("input", $sInputData, 100, 20, 'input');
$output = new cHTMLTextarea("output", $sOutputData, 100, 20, 'output');
// Style the fields
$input->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
$output->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
if ($module->isLoadedFromFile("input")) {
} else {
if ($module->isLoadedFromFile("output")) {
} else {
$descr->setStyle("width: 100%; font-family: monospace;");
$input->setStyle("width: 100%; font-family: monospace;");
$output->setStyle("width: 100%; font-family: monospace;");
// Check, if tabs may be inserted in text areas (instead jumping to next element)
if (getEffectiveSetting("modules", "edit-with-tabs", "false") == "true") {
$sTabScript = '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
* Insert a tab at the current text position in a textarea
* Jan Dittmer,, 2005-05-28
* Inspired by
* Tested on:
* Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 (Linux)
* Mozilla 1.7.8 (Linux)
* Epiphany 1.4.8 (Linux)
* Internet Explorer 6.0 (Linux)
* Does not work in:
* Konqueror (no tab inserted, but focus stays)
* Fix for IE "free focus" problem:
* Idea from mastercomputers from New Zealand
* integrated by HerrB
function insertTab(event, obj) {
var tabKeyCode = 9;
if (event.which) // mozilla
var keycode = event.which;
else // ie
var keycode = event.keyCode;
if (keycode == tabKeyCode) {
if (event.type == "keydown") {
if (obj.setSelectionRange) { // mozilla
var s = obj.selectionStart;
var e = obj.selectionEnd;
obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, s) + "\t" + obj.value.substr(e);
obj.setSelectionRange(s + 1, s + 1);
} else if (obj.createTextRange) { // ie
document.selection.createRange().text = "\t";
} else {
// unsupported browsers
if (event.returnValue) // ie ?
event.returnValue = false;
if (event.preventDefault) // dom
return false; // should work in all browsers
} else {
return true;
$page->addScript("tabScript", $sTabScript);
$input->setEvent("onkeydown", "return insertTab(event,this);");
$output->setEvent("onkeydown", "return insertTab(event,this);");
// Prepare type select box
$typeselect = new cHTMLSelectElement("type");
$db2 = new DB_ConLite;
$sql = "SELECT type FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["mod"] . " " .
"WHERE idclient = '" . $client . "' GROUP BY type"; // This query can't be designed using GenericDB...
$aTypes = array();
while ($db2->next_record()) {
if ($db2->f("type") != "") {
$aTypes[] = $db2->f("type");
// Read existing layouts
$oLayouts = new cApiLayoutCollection;
$oLayouts->setWhere("idclient", $client);
while ($oLayout = $oLayouts->next()) {
$aTypes = array_merge(explode(";", $oLayout->getProperty("layout", "used-types")), $aTypes);
$aTypes = array_unique($aTypes);
foreach ($aTypes as $sType) {
$typearray[$sType] = $sType;
if (is_array($typearray)) {
$typeselect->autoFill(array_merge(array("" => "-- " . i18n("Custom") . " --"), $typearray));
} else {
$typeselect->autoFill(array("" => "-- " . i18n("Custom") . " --"));
$typeselect->setEvent("change", 'if (document.forms["mod_edit"].elements["type"].value == 0) { document.forms["mod_edit"].elements["customtype"].disabled=0;} else {document.forms["mod_edit"].elements["customtype"].disabled=1;}');
$custom = new cHTMLTextbox("customtype", "");
if ($module->get("type") == "" || $module->get("type") == "0") {
} else {
$modulecheck = getSystemProperty("system", "modulecheck");
$inputok = true;
$outputok = true;
if ($modulecheck !== "false") {
$outputok = modTestModule($module->get("output"), $module->get("idmod") . "o", true);
if (!$outputok) {
$errorMessage = sprintf(i18n("Error in module. Error location: %s"), $modErrorMessage);
$outled = '<img align="right" src="images/but_online_no.gif" alt="' . $errorMessage . '" title="' . $errorMessage . '">';
} else {
$okMessage = i18n("Module successfully compiled");
$outled = '<img align="right" src="images/but_online.gif" alt="' . $okMessage . '" title="' . $okMessage . '">';
$inputok = modTestModule($module->get("input"), $module->get("idmod") . "i");
if (!$inputok) {
$errorMessage = sprintf(i18n("Error in module. Error location: %s"), $modErrorMessage);
$inled = '<img align="right" src="images/but_online_no.gif" alt="' . $errorMessage . '" title="' . $errorMessage . '">';
} else {
$okMessage = i18n("Module successfully compiled");
$inled = '<img align="right" src="images/but_online.gif" alt="' . $okMessage . '" title="' . $okMessage . '">';
// Store error information in the database (to avoid re-eval for module overview/menu)
if ($inputok && $outputok) {
$sStatus = "none";
} else if ($inputok) {
$sStatus = "input";
} else if ($outputok) {
$sStatus = "output";
} else {
$sStatus = "both";
// If status has been changed, store and show in overview
$sPrevStatus = $module->get("error");
if ($sPrevStatus !== $sStatus) {
$module->set("error", $sStatus);
/* dceModFileEdit (c)2009-2011 */
if ($cfg['dceModEdit']['use']) {
// button for mod folder creation
if (!$module->hasModuleFolder() && $action != "mod_new") {
$aParam = array(
'action' => 'mod_folder_create',
'area' => $area,
'idmod' => $idmod,
'frame' => $frame
$oCreateFolderButton = new cHTMLLink($sess->self_url($aParam));
$oCreateFolderButton->setContent(i18n("Create Folder"));
$sCreateFolderButton = " " . $oCreateFolderButton->render();
} else {
$sCreateFolderButton = "";
$form->add(i18n("Name"), $name->render() . " (id: " . $module->get("idmod") .
" | dir: " . strtolower(uplCreateFriendlyName($module->get("name"))) . ")" .
} else {
$form->add(i18n("Name"), $name->render());
/* End dceModFileEdit (c)2009-2011 */
$form->add(i18n("Type"), $typeselect->render() . $custom->render());
$form->add(i18n("Description"), $descr->render());
if ($sOptionDebugRows == "always" || ($sOptionDebugRows == "onerror" && (!$inputok || !$outputok))) {
$sSyncScript = '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function scrolltheother() {
var oICArea = document.mod_edit.input;
var oOCArea = document.mod_edit.output;
var oIRArea = document.mod_edit.txtInputRows;
var oORArea = document.mod_edit.txtOutputRows;
oIRArea.scrollTop = oICArea.scrollTop;
oORArea.scrollTop = oOCArea.scrollTop;
setTimeout("scrolltheother()", 10);
window.onload = scrolltheother;
$page->addScript("syncScript", $sSyncScript);
$form->add('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . i18n("Input") . '</td><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $inled . '</td><td style="padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: top;">' . $oInputRows->render() . '</td></tr></table>', $input->render());
$form->add('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . i18n("Output") . '</td><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $outled . '</td><td style="padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: top;">' . $oOutputRows->render() . '</td></tr></table>', $output->render());
} else {
$form->add('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . i18n("Input") . '</td><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $inled . '</td></tr></table>', $input->render());
$form->add('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . i18n("Output") . '</td><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $outled . '</td></tr></table>', $output->render());
$noti = "";
if ($module->isOldModule()) {
$noti .= $notification->returnNotification("warning", i18n("This module uses variables and/or functions which are probably not available in this Contenido version. Please make sure that you use up-to-date modules."));
$noti .= "<br>";
if ($idmod != 0) {
$import = new cHTMLRadiobutton("mode", "import");
$export = new cHTMLRadiobutton("mode", "export");
$import->setLabelText(i18n("Import from file"));
$export->setLabelText(i18n("Export to file"));
$import->setEvent("click", "document.getElementById('vupload').style.display = '';");
$export->setEvent("click", "document.getElementById('vupload').style.display = 'none';");
$upload = new cHTMLUpload("upload");
if ($module->get("input") != "" && $module->get("output") != "") {
} else {
$form2 = new UI_Table_Form("export");
$form2->setVar("action", "mod_importexport_module");
$form2->setVar("use_encoding", "false");
$form2->add(i18n("Mode"), array($export, "<br>", $import));
if ($module->get("input") != "" && $module->get("output") != "") {
$form2->add(i18n("File"), $upload, "vupload", "display: none;");
} else {
$form2->add(i18n("File"), $upload, "vupload");
$form2->setVar("area", $area);
$form2->setVar("frame", $frame);
$form2->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
$form2->custom["submit"]["accesskey"] = '';
$sScript = '<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementById(\'scroll\')) {
document.getElementById(\'scroll\').onmousedown = triggerClickOn;
document.getElementById(\'scroll\').onmouseup = triggerClickOff;
$page->setContent($noti . $message . $form->render() . "<br>" . $form2->render() . $sScript);
$page->setSubnav("idmod=$idmod", "mod");
if ($action) {
if (stripslashes($idmod > 0)) {
$sReloadScript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var left_bottom = parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'];
if (left_bottom) {
var href = left_bottom.location.href;
href = href.replace(/&idmod[^&]*/, '');
left_bottom.location.href = href+'&idmod='+'" . $idmod . "';
} else {
$sReloadScript = "";
// Only reload overview/menu page, if something may have changed
$page->addScript('reload', $sReloadScript);
if (!($action == "mod_importexport_module" && $mode == "export")) {
$oEditAreaInput = new EditArea('input', 'php', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg, (($module->isLoadedFromFile("input")) ? FALSE : !$bInUse));
$oEditAreaOutput = new EditArea('output', 'php', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), false, $cfg, (($module->isLoadedFromFile("output")) ? FALSE : !$bInUse));
$page->addScript('editarea', $oEditAreaInput->renderScript() . $oEditAreaOutput->renderScript());