2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* This object makes contenido more secure
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version $Id$:
* @author Frederic Schneider
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release 4.8.7
* @TODO: Some features are the same as in HttpInputValidator (see contenido/classes/class.httpinputvalidator.php),
* merge them...
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Contenido Security exception class
class Contenido_Security_Exception extends Exception {
* Logging flag. Set to true for logging invalid calls.
* @access protected
* @static
* @var boolean
protected static $_logging = false;
* @see Exception::__construct()
public function __construct($sMessage, $sParamName) {
// check if logging is enabled
if (self::$_logging == true) {
$sLogFile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../logs/') . '/security.txt';
$sFileContent = '---------' . PHP_EOL;
$sFileContent .= "Invalid call caused by parameter '" . $sParamName . "' at " . date("c") . PHP_EOL;
$sFileContent .= "Original value was '" . $_REQUEST[$sParamName] . "'" . PHP_EOL;
$sFileContent .= "URL: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . " (Protocol: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ")" . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($sLogFile, $sFileContent, FILE_APPEND);
// strictly die here
class Contenido_Security extends cSecurity {
* Contenido Security class
class cSecurity {
* Accepted backend languages
* @var array
protected static $_acceptedBelangValues = array('de_DE', 'en_US', 'fr_FR', 'it_IT', 'nl_NL');
* Request paramaters, which must be numeric
* @var array
protected static $_mustbeNumericParameters = array(
'client', 'changeclient', 'lang', 'changelang', 'idcat', 'idcatlang', 'idart', 'idartlang',
* Request paramaters, which are strictly forbidden
* @var array
protected static $_forbiddenParameters = array('cfg', 'cfgClient', 'contenido_path', '_PHPLIB', 'db', 'sess');
* Returns accepted backend language values
* @return array
public static function getAcceptedBelangValues() {
return self::$_acceptedBelangValues;
* Returns must be numeric request parameters
* @return array
public static function getMustbeNumericParameters() {
return self::$_mustbeNumericParameters;
* Returns forbidden request parameters
* @return array
public static function getForbiddenParameters() {
return self::$_forbiddenParameters;
* Escapes string using contenido urlencoding method and escapes string for inserting
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @param DB_ConLite $oDb Contenido database object
* @return string Filtered string
public static function filter($sString, $oDb) {
$sString = self::toString($sString);
$sString = stripslashes($sString);
return self::escapeDB(clHtmlSpecialChars(urlencode($sString)), $oDb, false);
* Reverts effect of method filter()
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @return string Unfiltered string
public static function unFilter($sString) {
$sString = self::toString($sString);
return urldecode(htmldecode(self::unEscapeDB($sString)));
* Check: Has the variable an boolean value?
* @static
* @param string $sVar Input string
* @return boolean Check state
public static function isBoolean($sVar) {
$sTempVar = $sVar;
$sTemp2Var = self::toBoolean($sVar);
return ($sTempVar === $sTemp2Var);
* Check: Is the variable an integer?
* @static
* @param string $sVar Input string
* @return boolean Check state
public static function isInteger($sVar) {
return (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $sVar));
* Check: Is the variable an string?
* @static
* @param string $sVar Input string
* @return boolean Check state
public static function isString($sVar) {
return (is_string($sVar));
* Check: Is the variable formatted as MySQL DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD'
* @static
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @since ConLite 0.1.0
* @param string $sVar given date/string
* @param boolean $bCheckValid additional use of checkdate for validation
* @return boolean true|false
public static function isMySQLDate($sVar, $bCheckValid = false) {
$sVar = trim($sVar);
$bFormatOk = preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/", $sVar);
if ($bCheckValid && $bFormatOk) {
$aDateParts = explode("-", $sVar);
return checkdate($aDateParts[1], $aDateParts[2], $aDateParts[0]);
} elseif ($bFormatOk) {
return true;
return false;
* Check: Is the variable formatted as MySQL DATETIME 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
* @static
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @since ConLite 0.1.0
* @param string $Var given datetime/string
* @param boolean $bCheckValid additional use of checkdate for validation
* @return boolean true|false
public static function isMySQLDateTime($sVar, $bCheckValid = false) {
$sVar = trim($sVar);
$bFormatOk = preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-2][0-3]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/", $sVar);
if ($bCheckValid && $bFormatOk) {
$aDateTimeParts = explode(" ", $sVar);
$aDateParts = explode("-", $aDateTimeParts[0]);
return checkdate($aDateParts[1], $aDateParts[2], $aDateParts[0]);
} elseif ($bFormatOk) {
return true;
return false;
* Convert an string to an boolean
* @static
* @deprecated since ConLite 0.1.0, this function will be deleted in future versions, use buildin PHP-functions
* @param string $sString Input string
* @return boolean Type casted input string
public static function toBoolean($sString) {
return (bool) $sString;
* Convert an string to an integer
* @static
* @deprecated since ConLite 0.1.0, this function will be deleted in future versions, use buildin PHP-functions
* @param string $sString Input string
* @return integer Type casted input string
public static function toInteger($sString) {
return (int) $sString;
* Convert an string
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @param boolean $bHTML If true check with strip_tags and stripslashes
* @param string $sAllowableTags Allowable tags if $bHTML is true
* @return string Converted string
public static function toString($sString, $bHTML = false, $sAllowableTags = '') {
$sString = (string) $sString;
if ($bHTML == true) {
$sString = strip_tags(stripslashes($sString), $sAllowableTags);
return $sString;
* Checks some Contenido core related request parameters against XSS
* @access public
* @return bool|void True on success otherwhise nothing.
* @throws Contenido_Security_Exception if one of the checks fails
public static function checkRequests() {
// Check backend language
// Check for forbidden parameters
// Check for parameters who must be numeric
// Check session id
return true;
* Checks backend language parameter in request.
* @return bool|void True on success otherwhise nothing.
* @throws Contenido_Security_Exception if existing backend language parameter is not valid
public static function checkRequestBelang() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['belang'])) {
$_REQUEST['belang'] = strval($_REQUEST['belang']);
if (!in_array($_REQUEST['belang'], self::$_acceptedBelangValues)) {
throw new Contenido_Security_Exception('Please use a valid language!', 'belang');
return true;
* Checks for forbidden parameters in request.
* @return bool|void True on success otherwhise nothing.
* @throws Contenido_Security_Exception if the request contains one of forbidden parameters.
public static function checkRequestForbiddenParameter() {
foreach (self::$_forbiddenParameters as $param) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$param])) {
throw new Contenido_Security_Exception('Invalid call!', $param);
return true;
* Checks for parameters in request who must be numeric.
* Contrary to other request checks, this method don't throws a exception. It just insures that
* incomming values are really numeric, by type casting them to an integer.
* @return bool Just true
public static function checkRequestMustbeNumericParameter() {
foreach (self::$_mustbeNumericParameters as $sParamName) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$sParamName])) {
$sValue = $_REQUEST[$sParamName];
if (strlen($sValue) > 0 && self::isInteger($sValue) == false) {
throw new Contenido_Security_Exception('Invalid call', $sParamName);
return true;
* Checks/Validates existing contenido session request parameter.
* @return bool|void True on success otherwhise nothing.
* @throws Contenido_Security_Exception if contenido parameter in request don't matches the required format
public static function checkRequestSession() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['contenido']) && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $_REQUEST['contenido'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['contenido'] != '') {
throw new Contenido_Security_Exception('Invalid call', 'contenido');
return true;
* Checks also contenido-var (session) to ascii, but works as a wrapper to checkRequestSession().
* @access public
* @return true
* @throws Contenido_Security_Exception if contenido parameter in request don't matches the required format
* @deprecated Use checkRequestSession() instead due to better naming conventions
* @TODO: Should be removed, but later in few years...
public static function checkSession() {
return self::checkRequestSession();
* Checks some global variables at frontend like $lang, $client, $changelang, $changeclient,
* $tmpchangelang.
* Validates client and language related variables and takes care that their content is
* really a numeric value.
* Logic in this function is taken over from front_content.php (v 4.8.12, line 164 - 192).
* @TODO: Need a solution for used globals
* @return void
public static function checkFrontendGlobals() {
global $tmpchangelang, $savedlang, $lang, $changelang, $load_lang, $changeclient, $client, $load_client;
if (isset($tmpchangelang) && is_numeric($tmpchangelang) && $tmpchangelang > 0) {
// savelang is needed to set language before closing the page, see
// {frontend_clientdir}/front_content.php before page_close()
$savedlang = $lang;
$lang = $tmpchangelang;
// Check basic incomming data
if (isset($changeclient) && !is_numeric($changeclient)) {
if (isset($client) && !is_numeric($client)) {
if (isset($changelang) && !is_numeric($changelang)) {
if (isset($lang) && !is_numeric($lang)) {
// Change client
if (isset($changeclient)) {
$client = $changeclient;
// Change language
if (isset($changelang)) {
$lang = $changelang;
// Initialize client
if (!isset($client)) {
// load_client defined in {frontend_clientdir}/config.php
$client = $load_client;
* Escaped an query-string with mysql_real_escape_string
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @param DB_ConLite $oDB Contenido database object
* @param boolean $bUndoAddSlashes Flag for undo addslashes (optional, default: true)
* @return string Converted string
public static function escapeDB($sString, $oDB = null, $bUndoAddSlashes = true) {
if (!is_object($oDB)) {
return self::escapeString($sString);
} else {
if (defined('CONTENIDO_STRIPSLASHES') && $bUndoAddSlashes == true) {
$sString = stripslashes($sString);
return $oDB->Escape($sString);
* Escaped an query-string with addslashes
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @return string Converted string
public static function escapeString($sString) {
$sString = (string) $sString;
$sString = stripslashes($sString);
return addslashes($sString);
* Un-quote string quoted with escapeDB()
* @static
* @param string $sString Input string
* @return string Converted string
public static function unescapeDB($sString) {
return stripslashes($sString);