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<title>Contenido - Pluggable Authentification for the Contenido
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<h1 style="float:left;line-height:80px;padding:0;margin:0;">Pluggable Authentification for the Contenido Backend (V. 4.8.x)</h1>
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Contenido introduces a new system to authenticate against external
sources (LDAP directories, for example).<br>
<h2>What does it do?</h2>
Contenido Pluggable Authentification Modules (don't swap them around
with Linux PAM) makes it possible to authenticate via external sources
- and just authentification. <br>
<h2>How it works (authentification handler)<br>
To write your own authentification handler, you have to write a single
function which looks like this:<br>
<pre>function active_directory_auth ($username, $password)<br>{<br> global $cfg;<br> <br> if ($cfg['ldap']['server'] != "")<br> {<br> $ad = ldap_connect($cfg['ldap']['server']);<br> if ($ad)<br> {<br> ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);<br> $bd = ldap_bind($ad, $username . $cfg['ldap']['suffix'], $password);<br> <br> if (!$bd)<br> {<br> return false;<br> }<br> }<br> }<br> <br> return true;<br>}</pre>
If that function returns true, the mechanism knows that the login was
successful. After that, you have to register the function:<br>
By registering the function, the login mechanism knows that it should
call "active_directory_auth" for certain users. Finally, you have to
include your new handler file (the recommended place is
The login mechanism knows that you want to use a registered auth
handler if the entry in the password field of the user equals a
registered auth handler; e.g. the user "test" has
"active_directory_auth" in his password field, thus the login mechanism
would use the "active_directory_auth" function to validate. The
password field has to be set using the sync script.<br>
<h2>Syncing with a remote source</h2>
To make the authentification handler working, you have to "sync" your
users to Contenido. This means that each user needs to be created
and/or updated by a sync script (it's preferred to automate this using
a cronjob to ensure regular updates). The active directory example has
a sync script; you can modify it to fit your own needs.<br>
Remember that if you want your permissions syncronized using the sync
script, you are on your own - we recommend that you only sync users,
user-to-group relationships and groups and apply all rights to groups
to keep it simple.<br>