2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Class for handling CMS Type Teaser
* Teaser is able to teaser all articles in a category. It is also possible to set a list of articles
* which were displayed as manual teaser. This function is not category dependant. There are also
* several more properties like sort defintions, character limits for teaser text and a teaser headline
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Content Types
* @version 1.0.5
* @author Timo Trautmann
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release 4.8.12
* {@internal
* created 2009-04-08
* modified 2009-04-14 - added possibility to expand template select by client or system setting using type 'cms_teaser'
* modofied 2009-04-21 - added seperate handling for xhtml
* modified 2009-05-04 - added sort order sequence
* modified 2009-10-01 - Dominik Ziegler, fixed session bug in link
* modified 2009-10-12 - Dominik Ziegler, fixed online/offline articles, dynamic teaser generation and translation implemented
* modified 2009-10-16 - Dominik Ziegler, added manual date support
* modified 2010-01-21 - Dominik Ziegler, strip tags from manual teaser date
* $Id$:
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude('includes', 'functions.con.php');
cInclude('includes', 'functions.api.images.php');
* Class handles content type teaser, its editmode and viewmode. All properties of teaser content type
* were stored as xml document in database as content in {prefix}_content
class Cms_Teaser {
* Contenido configuration array
* @var array
* @access private
private $aCfg;
* Current id of content type CMS_TEASER[3] -> 3
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iId;
* Contenido database object
* @var object
* @access private
private $oDb;
* Idartlang of article, which is currently in edit- or viewmode
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iIdArtLang;
* List of fieldnames in frontend (properties) which the teaser has
* and which were also described in the config xml document
* @var array
* @access private
private $aTeaserData;
* String contains value of stored content in database
* in this case this is the config xml document which is
* later parsed and its settings were stored in $aSettings
* @var string
* @access private
private $sContent;
* Array which contains current teaser settings
* @var array
* @access private
private $aSettings;
* Array which contains all avariable CMS_Types and its ids
* in current Contenido isntallation (described as hash [idtype => cmstypename])
* @var array
* @access private
private $aCMSTypes;
* current Contenido client id
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iClient;
* current Contenido language id
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iLang;
* Contenido Session object
* @var object
* @access private
private $oSess;
* Contenido configuration array for currently active client
* @var array
* @access private
private $aCfgClient;
* print XHTML
* @var string
* @access private
private $sUseXHTML;
* Placeholders for labels in frontend.
* Important: This must be a static array!
* @var array
* @access private
private static $aTranslations = array("MORE" => "mehr");
* Constructor of class inits some important class variables and
* gets some Contenido global vars, so this class has no need to
* use ugly and buggy global commands
* @param string $sContent - xml document from database containing teaser settings
* @param integer $iNumberOfCms - CMS_TEASER[4] => 4
* @param integer $iIdArtLang - Idartlang of current article
* @param array $sEditLink - sEditlink for editbuttons, not currently used
* @param array $aCfg - Contenido configuration array
* @param array $oDB - Contenido database object (not used because we need own object (else problems by cross query in same object))
* @param string $sContenidoLang - Contenido Backend language string
* @param integer $iClient - Contenido client id
* @param integer $iLang - Contenido frontend language id
* @param array $aCfgClient - Contenido Client configuration array
* @access public
function __construct($sContent, $iNumberOfCms, $iIdArtLang, $sEditLink, $aCfg, $oDB, $sContenidoLang, $iClient, $iLang, $aCfgClient, $oSess) {
//set arguments to class variables directly
$this->aCfg = $aCfg;
$this->iId = $iNumberOfCms;
$this->iIdArtLang = $iIdArtLang;
$this->sContent = urldecode($sContent);
$this->iClient = $iClient;
$this->iLang = $iLang;
$this->aCfgClient = $aCfgClient;
$this->oSess = $oSess;
if (!array_key_exists("generate_xhtml", $aCfg)) {
$this->sUseXHTML = getEffectiveSetting("generator", "xhtml", 'false');
} else {
$this->sUseXHTML = $aCfg['generate_xhtml'];
//init other variables with default values
$this->aCMSTypes = null;
$this->aSettings = array();
$this->oDb = new DB_ConLite();
//define class array which contains all names of teaser properties. They were also base for generating dynamic javascripts for
//retrival this properties out of html forms and retriving their values to screen
$this->aTeaserData = array('teaser_title', 'teaser_category', 'teaser_count', 'teaser_style', 'teaser_manual',
'teaser_start', 'teaser_source_head', 'teaser_source_head_count', 'teaser_source_text',
'teaser_source_text_count', 'teaser_source_image', 'teaser_source_image_count', 'teaser_filter',
'teaser_sort', 'teaser_sort_order', 'teaser_character_limit', 'teaser_image_width',
'teaser_image_height', 'teaser_manual_art', 'teaser_image_crop', 'teaser_source_date',
//if form is submitted there is a need to store current teaser settings
//notice: there is also a need, that teaser_id is the same (case: more than ohne cms teaser is used on the same page
if (isset($_POST['teaser_action']) && $_POST['teaser_action'] == 'store' &&
isset($_POST['teaser_id']) && (int) $_POST['teaser_id'] == $this->iId) {
//in sContent XML Document is stored, which contains teaser settings, call function which parses this document and store
//properties as easy accessible array into $aSettings
if (trim($this->sContent) != '') {
* Returns all translation strings for mi18n.
* @param array $aTranslationStrings Array with translation strings
* @return array Translation strings
static public function addModuleTranslations($aTranslationStrings) {
foreach (self::$aTranslations as $sValue) {
$aTranslationStrings[] = $sValue;
return $aTranslationStrings;
* Functen parses XML Document which contains teaser settings
* and store properties as array into $aSettings
* @access private
private function readSettings() {
//use XMLReader for parsing XML document
$oXmlReader = new XMLReader();
//store nodename in order to retrive property name when content of node is read
$sLastNode = '';
//in xml document there is a block <art> in this artids for manual teaser were stored
//if we were in this block store all values to an art array
//this variable defines if we were in this block or not
$bPutInArtArray = false;
//array for previous described manual art array
$this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art'] = array();
while ($oXmlReader->read()) {
switch ($oXmlReader->nodeType) {
//read property name (ignore root node or block of manual arts for teaser)
case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
if ($oXmlReader->name != 'teaser' && $oXmlReader->name != 'manual_art' && $oXmlReader->name != 'art') {
$sLastNode = 'teaser_' . $oXmlReader->name;
$this->aSettings[$sLastNode] = '';
//if we reach <art> node store all subnotes to artnode array
if ($oXmlReader->name == 'art') {
$bPutInArtArray = true;
//in case of a textnode we have previous propertyname and corrsponding value -> store into aSettings
//if we were in <art> mode store to corresponding array
case XMLReader::TEXT:
if ($bPutInArtArray == true) {
$bPutInArtArray = false;
array_push($this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art'], Contenido_Security::unfilter($oXmlReader->value));
} else {
$this->aSettings[$sLastNode] = Contenido_Security::unfilter($oXmlReader->value);
* Function gets all submitted values for new teaser properties from
* $_POST array, generates new corresponding config XML Document and
* stores it as content, using contenido conSaveContentEntry() function
* @access private
private function storeTeaser() {
//create new xml document, its encoding and root node
$oXmlDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
$oXmlDom->formatOutput = true;
$oRootNode = $oXmlDom->createElement('teaser');
//$this->aTeaserData defines all teaser properties, so try to read them from %_POST
foreach ($this->aTeaserData as $sParam) {
//in case of article list for manual teaser do a special behaviour
if ($sParam == 'teaser_manual_art') {
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('teaser_', '', $sParam));
//split all arts to array
$aArts = explode(';', Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]));
//for each artid generate subnote in xml document and store its value
foreach ($aArts as $iArt) {
$iArt = (int) $iArt;
if ($iArt > 0) {
$oArt = $oXmlDom->createElement('art', $iArt);
} else {
//generate xml node for current property and store its value
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('teaser_', '', $sParam), Contenido_Security::filter($_POST[$sParam], $this->oDb));
//serialize xml document and store new version in class variable and database
conSaveContentEntry($this->iIdArtLang, 'CMS_TEASER', $this->iId, $oXmlDom->saveXML(), true);
$this->sContent = $oXmlDom->saveXML();
* Function which generated a select box for setting number of articles which were
* displayed in teaser as a maximum. Only important in editmode
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getCountSelect($sSelected) {
$this->oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement('teaser_count', "", 'teaser_count');
//set please chose option element
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//generate a select box containing count 1 to 20 for maximum teaser count
for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($i, $i, false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generated a select box for setting teaser style
* currently two seperate teaser templates were supported
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getStyleSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement('teaser_style', "", 'teaser_style');
//set please chose option element
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set other avariable options manually
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Block Style"), 'cms_teaser_style_block.html', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Blog Style"), 'cms_teaser_style_blog.html', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(2, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$aAdditionalOptions = getEffectiveSettingsByType('cms_teaser');
$i = 3;
foreach ($aAdditionalOptions as $sLabel => $sTemplate) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sLabel, $sTemplate, false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generated a select box for setting teaser
* sort order argument
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getSortOrderSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement('teaser_sort_order', "", 'teaser_sort_order');
//set please chose option element
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set other avariable options manually
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Ascending"), 'asc', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Descending"), 'desc', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(2, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which provides select option for cropping teaser images
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getCropSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement('teaser_image_crop', "", 'teaser_image_crop');
//set please chose option element
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set other avariable options manually
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Scaled"), 'false', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Cropped"), 'true', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(2, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generated a select box for setting teaser
* sort argument
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getSortSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement('teaser_sort', "", 'teaser_sort');
//set please chose option element
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set other avariable options manually
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Sort Sequence"), 'sortsequence', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Creationdate"), 'creationdate', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(2, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Publisheddate"), 'publisheddate', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(3, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Modificationdate"), 'modificationdate', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(4, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which gets all currenty avariable content types and their ids
* from database and store it into class variable aCMSTypes. Because this
* information is used multiple, this way causes a better performance to get
* this information seperately
* @access private
private function initCmsTypes() {
$this->aCMSTypes = array();
$sSql = 'SELECT * from %s ORDER BY type';
$this->oDb->query(sprintf($sSql, $this->aCfg['tab']['type']));
while ($this->oDb->next_record()) {
$this->aCMSTypes[$this->oDb->f('idtype')] = $this->oDb->f('type');
* Teaser gets informations from other articles and their content typs
* Function builds a select box in which coresponding cms type can be selected
* after that a text box is rendered for setting id for this conent type to get
* informations from. This function is used three times for source defintion of
* headline text and teaserimage
* @param unknown_type $sSelectName - name of input elements
* @param string $sSelected - value of select box which is selected
* @param string $sValue - current value of text box
* @return html string of select box
* @access private
private function getTypeSelect($sSelectName, $sSelected, $sValue) {
//generate textbox for content type id
$oHtmlInput = new cHTMLTextbox($sSelectName . '_count', $sValue, "", "", $sSelectName . '_count');
//generate content type select
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement($sSelectName, "", $sSelectName);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Please choose"), '', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//use $this->aCMSTypes as basis for this select box which contains all avariable content types in system
foreach ($this->aCMSTypes as $sKey => $sValue) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sValue, $sValue, false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($sKey, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render() . $oHtmlInput->render();
* Function is called in editmode of contenido an returns teaser view and editbutton
* @return string - escaped html code for further use in contenido and sending to browser
* @access public
public function getAllWidgetEdit() {
$oTpl = new Template();
/* Set some values into javascript for a better handling */
$oTpl->set('s', 'CON_PATH', $this->aCfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'ID', $this->iId);
$oTpl->set('s', 'IDARTLANG', $this->iIdArtLang);
$oTpl->set('s', 'CONTENIDO', $_REQUEST['contenido']);
//output fields for use in javascript
$oTpl->set('s', 'FIELDS', "'" . implode("','", $this->aTeaserData) . "'");
/* Start set a lot of translations */
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_TEASERSETTINGS', i18n("Teasersettings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_TEASERTITLE', i18n("Teasertitle"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_START', i18n("Teaser Startarticle"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_TARGET', i18n("Sourcecategory"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_COUNT', i18n("Number of Articles"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_GENERAL', i18n("General Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_STYLE', i18n("Teaser Style"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_ADVANCED', i18n("Advanced Teaser Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILTER', i18n("Teaser Filter"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SORT', i18n("Teaser Sort"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SORT_ORDER', i18n("Sort order"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCEHEAD', i18n("Source Headline"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCE', i18n("Source Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCETEXT', i18n("Source Text"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCEIMAGE', i18n("Source Image"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCEDATE', i18n("Source Date"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_CAT', i18n("Category"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_ART', i18n("Article"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'GENERAL', i18n("General"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'ADVANCED', i18n("Advanced"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL', i18n("Manual"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_EXISTING_ARTICLES', i18n("Included Articles"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_ADD_ARTICLE', i18n("Add Article"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_MANUAL', i18n("Manual Teaser Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_USE_MANUAL', i18n("Manual Teaser"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SIZE_SETTINGS', i18n("Size Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_CHARACTER_LIMIT', i18n("Characterlength"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_IMAGE_WIDTH', i18n("Imagewidth"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_IMAGE_HEIGHT', i18n("Imageheight"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_IMAGE_CROP', i18n("Image Scale"));
/* End set a lot of translations */
/* Start set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values CASE CHECKBOXES */
if ($this->aSettings['teaser_start'] == 'true') {
$oTpl->set('s', 'START_CHECKED', 'checked');
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'START_CHECKED', '');
if ($this->aSettings['teaser_manual'] == 'true') {
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL_CHECKED', 'checked');
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL_CHECKED', '');
/* Start set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values CASE CHECKBOXES */
/* Start set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values */
$sCatSelect = buildCategorySelect('teaser_category', $this->aSettings['teaser_category'], 0);
$oTpl->set('s', 'TARGET_SELECT', $sCatSelect);
$oTpl->set('s', 'CAT_SELECT', buildCategorySelect('teaser_cat', 0, 0));
$oTpl->set('s', 'ART_SELECT', buildArticleSelect('teaser_art', 0, 0));
$oTpl->set('s', 'COUNT_SELECT', $this->getCountSelect($this->aSettings['teaser_count']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'STYLE_SELECT', $this->getStyleSelect($this->aSettings['teaser_style']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SOURCEHEAD_SELECT', $this->getTypeSelect('teaser_source_head', $this->aSettings['teaser_source_head'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_head_count']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SOURCETEXT_SELECT', $this->getTypeSelect('teaser_source_text', $this->aSettings['teaser_source_text'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_text_count']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SOURCEIAMGE_SELECT', $this->getTypeSelect('teaser_source_image', $this->aSettings['teaser_source_image'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_image_count']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SOURCEDATE_SELECT', $this->getTypeSelect('teaser_source_date', $this->aSettings['teaser_source_date'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_date_count']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'TEASER_TITLE', $this->aSettings['teaser_title']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILTER_VALUE', $this->aSettings['teaser_filter']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'SORT_SELECT', $this->getSortSelect($this->aSettings['teaser_sort']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'SORT_ORDER_SELECT', $this->getSortOrderSelect($this->aSettings['teaser_sort_order']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMAGE_CROP_SELECT', $this->getCropSelect($this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'CHARACTER_LIMIT', $this->aSettings['teaser_character_limit']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMAGE_WIDTH', $this->aSettings['teaser_image_width']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMAGE_HEIGHT', $this->aSettings['teaser_image_height']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_ADD', i18n('Add'));
$sOptions = '';
if (is_array($this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art'])) {
foreach ($this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art'] as $iIdArt) {
$sOptions .= '<option value="' . $iIdArt . '">' . $this->getArtName($iIdArt) . '</option>' . "\n";
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL_OPTIONS', $sOptions);
/* End set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values */
$sCode = $oTpl->generate($this->aCfg['path']['contenido'] . 'templates/standard/template.cms_teaser_edit.html', 1);
//return $this->encodeForOutput($sCode);
return $this->getAllWidgetView(true) . $this->encodeForOutput($sCode);
* In Contenido content type code is evaled by php. To make this possible,
* this function prepares code for evaluation
* @param string $sCode - code to escape
* @return string - escaped code
* @access private
private function encodeForOutput($sCode) {
$sCode = (string) $sCode;
$sCode = AddSlashes(AddSlashes($sCode));
$sCode = str_replace("\\\'", "'", $sCode);
$sCode = str_replace("\$", '\\\$', $sCode);
return $sCode;
* Function sets some default values for teaser in case that there is no
* value definied
* @access private
private function setDefaultValues() {
//character limit is 120 by default
if ((int) $this->aSettings['teaser_character_limit'] == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_character_limit'] = 120;
//teaser cont is 6 by default
if ((int) $this->aSettings['teaser_count'] == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_count'] = 6;
//teasersort is creationdate by default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_sort']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_sort'] = 'creationdate';
//teaser style is liststyle by default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_style']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_style'] = 'cms_teaser_style_blog.html';
//teaser image width default
if ((int) $this->aSettings['teaser_image_width'] == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_image_width'] = 100;
//teaser image height default
if ((int) $this->aSettings['teaser_image_height'] == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_image_height'] = 75;
//cms type head default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_source_head']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_source_head'] = 'CMS_HTMLHEAD';
//cms type text default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_source_text']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_source_text'] = 'CMS_HTML';
//cms type image default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_source_image']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_source_image'] = 'CMS_IMG';
//cms type date default
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_source_date']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_source_date'] = 'CMS_DATE';
//sort order of teaser articles
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_sort_order']) == 0) {
$this->aSettings['teaser_sort_order'] = 'asc';
//teaser image crop option
if (strlen($this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop']) == 0 || $this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop'] == 'false') {
$this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop'] = 'false';
* Function gets path to an image of base of idupload in contenido,
* scales this image on basis of teaser settings and returns path to
* scaled image. It is also possible to give path to image directly,
* in this case set fourth parameter to true
* @param integer $iImage - idupl of image to use for teaser
* @param integer $iMaxX - maximum image width
* @param integer $iMaxY - maximum image height
* @param boolean $bIsFile - in case of a direct file path retrival from database is not needed
* @return string - <img> tag contains scaled image
* @access private
private function getImage($iImage, $iMaxX, $iMaxY, $bCropped, $bIsFile = false) {
$sContent = '';
if ($bCropped == 'true') {
$bCropped = true;
} else {
$bCropped = false;
//check if there is a need to get image path
if ($bIsFile == false) {
//get path out of database
$sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->aCfg['tab']['upl'] . ' WHERE idupl = ' . $iImage;
if ($this->oDb->next_record()) {
$sTeaserImage = $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['path']['frontend'] . 'upload/' . $this->oDb->f("dirname") . $this->oDb->f("filename");
} else {
$sTeaserImage = $iImage;
//scale image if exists and return it
if (file_exists($sTeaserImage)) {
//Scale Image using capiImgScale
$sImgSrc = capiImgScale($sTeaserImage, $iMaxX, $iMaxY, $bCropped);
if ($this->sUseXHTML == 'true') {
$sLetter = ' /';
} else {
$sLetter = '';
//Put Image into the teasertext
$sContent = '<img alt="" src="' . $sImgSrc . '" class="teaser_image"' . $sLetter . '>' . $sContent;
return $sContent;
* Function retrives name of an article by its id from database
* @param integer $iIdArt - Contenido article id
* @return string - name of article
* @access private
private function getArtName($iIdArt) {
$iIdArt = (int) $iIdArt;
//get article name from database
$sSql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->aCfg['tab']['art_lang'] . ' WHERE idart = ' . $iIdArt;
if ($this->oDb->next_record()) {
return $this->oDb->f('title');
} else {
return 'Unknown Article';
* Teaser allows to get a list of ids in which article content is searched in
* article like 1,2,5,6 the result with largest character count is returned
* @param object $oArticle - Contenido article object
* @param string $sIdType - Name of Content type to extract informations from
* @param integer $iIdType - list of ids to search in
* @return string - largest result of content
* @access private
private function getArtContent(&$oArticle, $sIdType, $iIdType) {
$sReturn = '';
//split ids, if there is only one id, array has only one place filled, that is also ok
$aIds = explode(',', $iIdType);
foreach ($aIds as $iCurIdType) {
$sTmp = $oArticle->getContent($sIdType, $iCurIdType);
//check for largest result and replace when new value is larger
if (strlen($sReturn) < strlen($sTmp)) {
$sReturn = $sTmp;
return $sReturn;
* When a HTML Code is given for a Teaser image try to find a image in this code and generate
* Teaser image on that basis
* @param string $sContent - HTML string to search image in
* @return img tag containing scaled image
* @access private
private function extractImage($sContent) {
$sImage = '';
//search an image tag
$sRegEx = "/<img[^>]*?>.*?/i";
$aMatch = array();
preg_match($sRegEx, $sContent, $aMatch);
//if found extract its src content
$sRegEx = "/(src)(=)(['\"]?)([^\"']*)(['\"]?)/i";
$aImg = array();
preg_match($sRegEx, $aMatch[0], $aImg);
//check if this image lies in upload folder
$iPos = strrpos($aImg[4], $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]["upload"]);
if (!is_bool($iPos)) {
//if it is generate full internal path to image and scale it for display using class internal function getImage()
$sFile = $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['path']['frontend'] . $aImg[4];
$sImage = $this->getImage($sFile, $this->aSettings['teaser_image_width'], $this->aSettings['teaser_image_height'], $this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop'], true);
return $sImage;
* In edit and view mode this function fills teaser template with informations from an
* Contenido article object
* @param object $oArticle - Contenido Article object
* @param object $oTpl - Contenido Template object (as reference)
* @return boolean - success state of this operation
* @access private
private function fillTeaserTemplateEntry($oArticle, &$oTpl) {
global $cCurrentModule;
//get necessary informations for teaser from articles use properties in a Settings for retirval
$sTitle = $this->getArtContent($oArticle, $this->aSettings['teaser_source_head'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_head_count']);
$sText = $this->getArtContent($oArticle, $this->aSettings['teaser_source_text'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_text_count']);
$iImage = $this->getArtContent($oArticle, $this->aSettings['teaser_source_image'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_image_count']);
$sDate = $this->getArtContent($oArticle, $this->aSettings['teaser_source_date'], $this->aSettings['teaser_source_date_count']);
$iIdArt = $oArticle->getField('idart');
$iPublished = $oArticle->getField('published');
$iOnline = $oArticle->getField('online');
if ($iOnline == 1) {
//teaserfilter defines strings which must be contained in text for display.
//if string is defined check if article contains this string and abort, if article does not contain this string
if ($this->aSettings['teaser_filter'] != '') {
$iPosText = strrpos(clHtmlEntityDecode($sText), $this->aSettings['teaser_filter']);
$iPosHead = strrpos(clHtmlEntityDecode($sTitle), $this->aSettings['teaser_filter']);
if (is_bool($iPosText) && !$iPosText && is_bool($iPosHead) && !$iPosHead) {
return false;
//convert date to readable format
if (preg_match('/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/', $iPublished, $aResults)) {
$iPublished = $aResults[3] . '.' . $aResults[2] . '.' . $aResults[1];
//strip tags in teaser text and cut it if it is to long
$sTitle = trim(strip_tags($sTitle));
$sText = trim(strip_tags($sText));
if (strlen($sText) > $this->aSettings['teaser_character_limit']) {
$sText = capiStrTrimAfterWord($sText, $this->aSettings['teaser_character_limit']) . '...';
//try to get a teaser image directly from cms_img or try to extract if a content type is given, wich contains html
if ((int) $iImage > 0) {
$sImage = $this->getImage($iImage, $this->aSettings['teaser_image_width'], $this->aSettings['teaser_image_height'], $this->aSettings['teaser_image_crop']);
$oTpl->set('d', 'IMAGE', $sImage);
} else if (strip_tags($iImage) != $iImage && strlen($iImage) > 0) {
$sImage = $this->extractImage($iImage);
if (strlen($sImage) > 0) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'IMAGE', $sImage);
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'IMAGE', '');
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'IMAGE', '');
// strip all tags from manual teaser date
$sDate = strip_tags($sDate);
//set generated values to teaser template
$oTpl->set('d', 'TITLE', $sTitle);
$oTpl->set('d', 'TEXT', $sText);
$oTpl->set('d', 'IDART', $iIdArt);
$oTpl->set('d', 'ART_URL', 'front_content.php?idart=' . $iIdArt);
$oTpl->set('d', 'PUBLISHED', $iPublished);
$oTpl->set('d', 'PUBLISHED_MANUAL', $sDate);
if ($sDate != "") {
$oTpl->set('d', 'PUBLISHED_COMBINED', $sDate);
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'PUBLISHED_COMBINED', $iPublished);
foreach (self::$aTranslations as $sKey => $sValue) {
$oTpl->set('d', $sKey, mi18n($sValue));
return true;
* Function is called in edit- and viewmode in order to generate teasercode for output
* @param boolean $bEditmode - in editmode skip encoding because it is done in getAllWidgetEdit()
* @return html string of select box
* @access public
public function getAllWidgetOutput($bEditmode = false) {
$oTpl = new Template();
//set title of teaser
$oTpl->set('s', 'TITLE', $this->aSettings['teaser_title']);
//decide if it is a manual or category teaser
if ($this->aSettings['teaser_manual'] == 'true' && count($this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art']) > 0) {
$i = 0;
//in manual case get all art to display and generate article objects manually
foreach ($this->aSettings['teaser_manual_art'] as $iIdArt) {
$oArticle = new Article($iIdArt, $this->iClient, $this->iLang);
//try to fill teaser image
if ($this->fillTeaserTemplateEntry($oArticle, $oTpl)) {
//break render, if teaser limit is reached
if ($i == $this->aSettings['teaser_count'])
} else {
//in case of autmatic teaser use class Contenido_Category_Articles for getting all arts in category
$oConCatArt = new Contenido_Category_Articles($this->oDb, $this->aCfg, $this->iClient, $this->iLang);
//decide to teaser articles or not
if ($this->aSettings['teaser_start'] == 'true') {
$aArticles = $oConCatArt->getArticlesInCategory($this->aSettings['teaser_category'], $this->aSettings['teaser_sort'], $this->aSettings['teaser_sort_order']);
} else {
$aArticles = $oConCatArt->getNonStartArticlesInCategory($this->aSettings['teaser_category'], $this->aSettings['teaser_sort'], $this->aSettings['teaser_sort_order']);
$i = 0;
//iterate over all found articles
foreach ($aArticles as $oArticle) {
//try to fill teaser image
if ($this->fillTeaserTemplateEntry($oArticle, $oTpl)) {
//break render, if teaser limit is reached
if ($i == $this->aSettings['teaser_count'])
$sCode = '';
//generate teasertemplate
if (file_exists($this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['path']['frontend'] . 'templates/' . $this->aSettings['teaser_style'])) {
$sCode = $oTpl->generate($this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['path']['frontend'] . 'templates/' . $this->aSettings['teaser_style'], 1);
return $sCode;
//use this to show xml document which contains teaser settings
#return '<pre>'.clHtmlEntities($this->sContent).'</pre>';
* Dynamic filelist generator.
* This method is executed every time the filelist is displayed.
* @return string output of the filelist
public function getAllWidgetView() {
$sCode = '\";?><?php
$oTeaser = new Cms_Teaser(\'%s\', %s, 0, "", $cfg, null, "", $client, $lang, $cfgClient, null);
echo $oTeaser->getAllWidgetOutput();
?><?php echo \"';
$sCode = sprintf($sCode, $this->sContent, $this->iId);
return $sCode;