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* class UpdateNotifier
* This class handles all notification stuff for updates and rss dashboard entries
* @package Core
* @subpackage Classes
* @version $Rev: 378 $
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @license GPL
* @link ConLite Portal
* @todo recode and optimize methods, remove all contenido related stuff
* $Id: class.update.notifier.php 378 2015-11-09 20:01:25Z oldperl $
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.2
* @author Dominik Ziegler
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release 4.8.7
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class Contenido_UpdateNotifier {
* Minor release for the simplexml xpath() method
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sMinorRelease = "";
* Host for vendor XML
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorHost = "";
* Path to files
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorHostPath = "/";
* Vendor XML file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorXMLFile = "vendor.xml";
* German Vendor RSS file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorRssDeFile = "rss_de.xml";
* English Vendor RSS file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorRssEnFile = "rss_en.xml";
* Language specific RSS file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sRSSFile = "";
* Timestamp cache file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sTimestampCacheFile = "update_time.txt";
* Content of the XML file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sXMLContent = "";
* Content of the language specific RSS file
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sRSSContent = "";
* Current available vendor version
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorVersion = "";
* Download URL
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sVendorURL = "";
* Current backend language
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sBackendLanguage = "";
* Contains the cache path.
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $sCacheDirectory = "";
* SimpleXML object
* @access protected
* @var object
protected $oXML = null;
* Properties object
* @access protected
* @var object
protected $oProperties = null;
* Session object
* @access protected
* @var object
protected $oSession = null;
* Timeout for the fsockopen connection
* @access protected
* @var integer
protected $iConnectTimeout = 3;
* Cache duration in minutes
* @access protected
* @var integer
protected $iCacheDuration = 60;
* Check for system setting
* @access protected
* @var boolean
protected $bEnableCheck = false;
* Check for system setting Rss
* @access protected
* @var boolean
protected $bEnableCheckRss = false;
* If true contenido displays a special error message due to missing write permissions.
* @access protected
* @var boolean
protected $bNoWritePermissions = false;
* Display update notification based on user rights (sysadmin only)
* @access protected
* @var boolean
protected $bEnableView = false;
* Update necessity
* @access protected
* @var boolean
protected $bUpdateNecessity = false;
* Property configuration array
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $aPropConf = array("itemType" => "update", "itemID" => 1, "type" => "file_check", "name" => "xml");
* System property configuration array for update notification
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $aSysPropConf = array("type" => "update", "name" => "check");
* System property configuration array for rss notification
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $aSysPropConfRss = array("type" => "update", "name" => "news_feed");
* System property configuration array for update period
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $aSysPropConfPeriod = array("type" => "update", "name" => "check_period");
* Contenido configuration array
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $aCfg = array();
private $_bUseCurl = false;
public $sErrorOutput;
* Constructor of Contenido_UpdateNotifier
* @access public
* @param string $sConVersion
* @return void
public function __construct($aCfg, $oUser, $oPerm, $oSession, $sBackendLanguage) {
$this->oProperties = new PropertyCollection;
$this->oSession = $oSession;
$this->aCfg = $aCfg;
$this->sBackendLanguage = $sBackendLanguage;
$this->_bUseCurl = (extension_loaded("curl")) ? true : false;
if ($oPerm->isSysadmin($oUser) != 1) {
$this->bEnableView = false;
} else {
$this->bEnableView = true;
$sAction = (isset($_GET['do'])) ? $_GET['do'] : '';
if ($sAction != "") {
$sPropUpdate = getSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConf['type'], $this->aSysPropConf['name']);
$sPropRSS = getSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConfRss['type'], $this->aSysPropConfRss['name']);
$sPeriod = getSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConfPeriod['type'], $this->aSysPropConfPeriod['name']);
$iPeriod = Contenido_Security::toInteger($sPeriod);
if ($sPropUpdate == "true" || $sPropRSS == "true") {
if ($sPropUpdate == "true") {
$this->bEnableCheck = true;
if ($sPropRSS == "true") {
$this->bEnableCheckRss = true;
// default cache duration of 60 minutes
if ($iPeriod >= 60) {
$this->iCacheDuration = $iPeriod;
} else {
$this->iCacheDuration = 60;
if ($this->sCacheDirectory != "") {
* Sets the actual RSS file for the reader
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function setRSSFile() {
if ($this->sBackendLanguage == "de_DE") {
$this->sRSSFile = $this->sVendorRssDeFile;
} else {
$this->sRSSFile = $this->sVendorRssEnFile;
* Updates the system property for activation/deactivation requests
* @access protected
* @param $sAction string
* @return void
protected function updateSystemProperty($sAction) {
if ($sAction == "activate") {
setSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConf['type'], $this->aSysPropConf['name'], "true");
} else if ($sAction == "deactivate") {
setSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConf['type'], $this->aSysPropConf['name'], "false");
} else if ($sAction == "activate_rss") {
setSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConfRss['type'], $this->aSysPropConfRss['name'], "true");
} else if ($sAction == "deactivate_rss") {
setSystemProperty($this->aSysPropConfRss['type'], $this->aSysPropConfRss['name'], "false");
* Sets the cache path
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function setCachePath() {
$sCachePath = cRegistry::getConfigValue('path', 'conlite_cache');
if (!is_dir($sCachePath)) {
mkdir($sCachePath, 0777);
if (!is_writable($sCachePath)) {
// setting special flag for error message
$this->bNoWritePermissions = true;
} else {
$this->sCacheDirectory = $sCachePath;
* Checks if the xml files must be loaded from the vendor host or local cache
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function checkUpdateNecessity() {
$bUpdateNecessity = false;
$aCheckFiles = array($this->sVendorXMLFile, $this->sVendorRssDeFile, $this->sVendorRssEnFile, $this->sTimestampCacheFile);
foreach ($aCheckFiles as $sFilename) {
if (!file_exists($this->sCacheDirectory . $sFilename)) {
$bUpdateNecessity = true;
if ($bUpdateNecessity == false) {
$iLastUpdate = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sTimestampCacheFile);
$iCheckTimestamp = $iLastUpdate + ($this->iCacheDuration * 60);
$iCurrentTime = time();
if ($iCheckTimestamp > $iCurrentTime) {
$bUpdateNecessity = false;
} else {
$bUpdateNecessity = true;
$this->bUpdateNecessity = $bUpdateNecessity;
* Detects and converts the minor release of the system version
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function detectMinorRelease() {
$sVersion = $this->aCfg['version'];
$aExplode = explode(".", $sVersion);
$sMinorRelease = "cl" . $aExplode[0] . $aExplode[1];
$this->sMinorRelease = $sMinorRelease;
* Reads the xml files from vendor host or cache and checks for file manipulations
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function readVendorContent() {
$this->sXMLContent = "";
if ($this->bUpdateNecessity == true) {
$aXmlContent = $this->getVendorHostFiles();
if (isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile]) && isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile]) && isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile])) {
} else {
$sXMLContent = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorXMLFile);
$aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile] = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssDeFile);
$aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile] = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssEnFile);
$sXMLHash = md5($sXMLContent . $aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile] . $aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile]);
$sPropertyHash = $this->getHashProperty();
if ($sXMLHash == $sPropertyHash) {
$this->sXMLContent = $sXMLContent;
$this->sRSSContent = $aRSSContent[$this->sRSSFile];
} else {
$aXmlContent = $this->getVendorHostFiles();
if (isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile]) && isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile]) && isset($aXmlContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile])) {
if ($this->sXMLContent != "") {
$this->oXML = simplexml_load_string($this->sXMLContent);
if (!is_object($this->oXML)) {
$sErrorMessage = i18n('Unable to check for new updates!') . " " . i18n('Could not handle server response!');
$this->sErrorOutput = $this->renderOutput($sErrorMessage);
} else {
$oVersion = $this->oXML->xpath("/clteam/conlite/releases/" . $this->sMinorRelease);
if (!isset($oVersion[0])) {
$sErrorMessage = i18n('Unable to check for new updates!') . " " . i18n('Could not determine vendor version!');
$this->sErrorOutput = $this->renderOutput($sErrorMessage);
} else {
$this->sVendorVersion = (string) $oVersion[0];
* Handles the update of files coming per vendor host
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function handleVendorUpdate($aXMLContent) {
$bValidXMLFile = true;
$bValidDeRSSFile = true;
$bValidEnRSSFile = true;
$sCheckXML = stristr($aXMLContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile], "<clteam>");
if ($sCheckXML == false) {
$bValidXMLFile = false;
$sCheckDeRSS = stristr($aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile], "<channel>");
if ($sCheckDeRSS == false) {
$bValidDeRSSFile = false;
$sCheckEnRSS = stristr($aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile], "<channel>");
if ($sCheckEnRSS == false) {
$bValidEnRSSFile = false;
// To prevent simplexml and rss reader parser errors by loading an error page from the vendor host
// the content will be replaced with the cached file (if existing) or a string
if ($bValidXMLFile != true) {
if (file_exists($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorXMLFile)) {
$sXMLReplace = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorXMLFile);
} else {
$sXMLReplace = "<error>The vendor host file at " . $this->sVendorHost . " is not availiable!</error>";
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile] = $sXMLReplace;
if ($bValidDeRSSFile != true) {
if (file_exists($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssDeFile)) {
$sDeRSSReplace = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssDeFile);
} else {
$sDeRSSReplace = "<rss></rss>";
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile] = $sDeRSSReplace;
if ($bValidEnRSSFile != true) {
if (file_exists($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssEnFile)) {
$sEnRSSReplace = file_get_contents($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sVendorRssEnFile);
} else {
$sEnRSSReplace = "<rss></rss>";
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile] = $sEnRSSReplace;
$this->sXMLContent = $aXMLContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile];
$this->sRSSContent = $aXMLContent[$this->sRSSFile];
* get vendor file from host server
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @since 2.0.0
* @todo add old fsockopen functionality if curl is not available
* @param string $sHost
* @param string $sFile
* @param boolean $bCheckCon
* @return string|boolean response or false
protected function _getFile($sHost, $sFile, $bCheckCon = false) {
$response = false;
if ($this->_bUseCurl) {
if ($bCheckCon) {
$ch = $this->_checkCon2Host($sHost);
} else {
$ch = curl_init("http://" . $sHost);
if (is_resource($ch)) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://" . $sHost . $sFile);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Connection: close'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
return $response;
* Check http-connection to a host using curl
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @since 2.0.0
* @param string $sHost
* @return obj|boolean curl object or false
protected function _checkCon2Host($sHost) {
$ch = curl_init("http://" . $sHost);
if (!is_resource($ch)) {
$sErrorMessage = i18n('Unable to check for updates!') . " "
. sprintf(i18n('Connection to %s failed!'), $sHost);
$this->sErrorOutput = $this->renderOutput($sErrorMessage);
return false;
return $ch;
* Connects with vendor host and gets the xml files
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function getVendorHostFiles() {
$aXMLContent = array();
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile] = $this->_getFile($this->sVendorHost, $this->sVendorHostPath . $this->sVendorXMLFile, true);
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile] = $this->_getFile($this->sVendorHost, $this->sVendorHostPath . $this->sVendorRssEnFile);
$aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile] = $this->_getFile($this->sVendorHost, $this->sVendorHostPath . $this->sVendorRssDeFile);
return $aXMLContent;
* Updates the files in cache
* @access protected
* @param $aRSSContent array
* @return void
protected function updateCacheFiles($aRSSContent) {
$aWriteCache = array();
$aWriteCache[$this->sVendorXMLFile] = $this->sXMLContent;
$aWriteCache[$this->sVendorRssDeFile] = $aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile];
$aWriteCache[$this->sVendorRssEnFile] = $aRSSContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile];
$aWriteCache[$this->sTimestampCacheFile] = time();
if (is_writable($this->sCacheDirectory)) {
foreach ($aWriteCache as $sFile => $sContent) {
$sCacheFile = $this->sCacheDirectory . $sFile;
$oFile = fopen($sCacheFile, "w+");
ftruncate($oFile, 0);
fwrite($oFile, $sContent);
* Gets the xml file hash from the property table
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function getHashProperty() {
$sProperty = $this->oProperties->getValue($this->aPropConf['itemType'], $this->aPropConf['itemID'], $this->aPropConf['type'], $this->aPropConf['name']);
return $sProperty;
* Updates the xml file hash in the property table
* @access protected
* @param $aRSSContent array
* @return void
protected function updateHashProperty($aXMLContent) {
$sXML = $aXMLContent[$this->sVendorXMLFile];
$sDeRSS = $aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssDeFile];
$sEnRSS = $aXMLContent[$this->sVendorRssEnFile];
$sPropValue = md5($sXML . $sDeRSS . $sEnRSS);
$this->oProperties->setValue($this->aPropConf['itemType'], $this->aPropConf['itemID'], $this->aPropConf['type'], $this->aPropConf['name'], $sPropValue);
* Checks the patch level of system and vendor version
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function checkPatchLevel() {
$sActVer = str_replace(" ", ".", strtolower($this->aCfg['version']));
$sUpdVer = str_replace(" ", ".", strtolower($this->sVendorVersion));
$sVersionCompare = version_compare($sActVer, $sUpdVer);
return $sVersionCompare;
* Generates the download URL
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function getDownloadURL() {
$sVendorURLVersion = str_replace(".", "_", $this->sVendorVersion);
$sVendorURL = $this->sVendorURL . "/ConLite_" . $sVendorURLVersion;
return $sVendorURL;
* Generates the output for the backend
* @access protected
* @param $sMessage string
* @return string
protected function renderOutput($sMessage) {
$oTpl = new Template();
$oTpl->set('s', 'UPDATE_MESSAGE', $sMessage);
if ($this->bEnableCheck == true) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'UPDATE_ACTIVATION', i18n('Disable update notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMG_BUT_UPDATE', 'but_cancel.gif');
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_BUT_UPDATE', i18n('Disable notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'URL_UPDATE', $this->oSession->url('main.php?frame=4&amp;area=mycontenido&amp;do=deactivate'));
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'UPDATE_ACTIVATION', i18n('Enable update notification (recommended)'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMG_BUT_UPDATE', 'but_ok.gif');
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_BUT_UPDATE', i18n('Enable notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'URL_UPDATE', $this->oSession->url('main.php?frame=4&amp;area=mycontenido&amp;do=activate'));
if ($this->bEnableCheckRss == true) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'RSS_ACTIVATION', i18n('Disable RSS notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMG_BUT_RSS', 'but_cancel.gif');
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_BUT_RSS', i18n('Disable notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'URL_RSS', $this->oSession->url('main.php?frame=4&amp;area=mycontenido&amp;do=deactivate_rss'));
$oTpl = $this->renderRss($oTpl);
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'RSS_ACTIVATION', i18n('Enable RSS notification (recommended)'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'IMG_BUT_RSS', 'but_ok.gif');
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_BUT_RSS', i18n('Enable notification'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'URL_RSS', $this->oSession->url('main.php?frame=4&amp;area=mycontenido&amp;do=activate_rss'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'NEWS_NOCONTENT', i18n('RSS notification is disabled'));
$oTpl->set("s", "DISPLAY_DISABLED", 'block');
return $oTpl->generate('templates/standard/' . $this->aCfg['templates']['welcome_update'], 1);
* Generates the output for the rss informations
* @access protected
* @param $oTpl
* @return contenido template object
protected function renderRss($oTpl) {
if (!is_object($oTpl)) {
$oTpl = new Template();
if ($this->sRSSContent != '') {
$sFeedContent = substr($this->sRSSContent, 0, 1024);
$sFeedContent = trim($sFeedContent);
$aMatches = array();
$sRegExp = "/<\?xml.*encoding=[\"\'](.*)[\"\']\?>/i";
preg_match($sRegExp, $sFeedContent, $aMatches);
if ($aMatches[1]) {
$oRss = new XML_RSS($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sRSSFile, $aMatches[1]);
} else {
$oRss = new XML_RSS($this->sCacheDirectory . $this->sRSSFile);
$iCnt = 0;
foreach ($oRss->getItems() as $aItem) {
$sText = clHtmlEntities($aItem['description'], ENT_QUOTES);
if (strlen($sText) > 150) {
$sText = capiStrTrimAfterWord($sText, 150) . '...';
$oTpl->set("d", "NEWS_DATE", $aItem['pubdate']);
$oTpl->set("d", "NEWS_TITLE", $aItem['title']);
$oTpl->set("d", "NEWS_TEXT", $sText);
$oTpl->set("d", "NEWS_URL", $aItem['link']);
$oTpl->set("d", "LABEL_MORE", i18n('read more'));
if ($iCnt == 3) {
if ($iCnt == 0) {
$oTpl->set("s", "NEWS_NOCONTENT", i18n("No RSS content available"));
$oTpl->set("s", "DISPLAY_DISABLED", 'block');
} else {
$oTpl->set("s", "NEWS_NOCONTENT", "");
$oTpl->set("s", "DISPLAY_DISABLED", 'none');
} else if ($this->bNoWritePermissions == true) {
$oTpl->set("s", "NEWS_NOCONTENT", i18n('Your webserver does not have write permissions for the directory /contenido/cache/!'));
} else {
$oTpl->set("s", "NEWS_NOCONTENT", i18n("No RSS content available"));
return $oTpl;
* Displays the rendered output
* @access public
* @return string
public function displayOutput() {
if (!$this->bEnableView) {
$sOutput = "";
} else if ($this->bNoWritePermissions == true) {
$sMessage = i18n('Your webserver does not have write permissions for the directory /contenido/cache/!');
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else if (!$this->bEnableCheck) {
$sMessage = i18n('Update notification is disabled! For actual update information, please activate.');
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else if ($this->sErrorOutput != "") {
$sOutput = $this->sErrorOutput;
} else if (!$this->sVendorVersion) {
$sMessage = i18n('You have an unknown or unsupported version of ConLite!');
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else if ($this->sVendorVersion == "deprecated") {
$sMessage = sprintf(i18n('Your version of ConLite is deprecated and not longer supported for any updates. Please update to a higher version! <br /> <a href="%s" class="blue" target="_blank">Download now!</a>'), '');
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else if ($this->checkPatchLevel() == "-1") {
$sVendorDownloadURL = $this->getDownloadURL();
$sMessage = sprintf(i18n('A new version of ConLite is available! <br /> <a href="%s" class="blue" target="_blank">Download %s now!</a>'), $sVendorDownloadURL, $this->sVendorVersion);
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else if ($this->checkPatchLevel() == "1") {
$sMessage = sprintf(i18n('It seems to be that your version string was manipulated. ConLite %s does not exist!'), $this->aCfg['version']);
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
} else {
$sMessage = i18n('Your version of ConLite is up to date!');
$sOutput = $this->renderOutput($sMessage);
return $sOutput;