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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* HTML elements
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.6.2
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* $Id: class.htmlelements.php 365 2015-10-08 14:26:19Z oldperl $:
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* HTML Form element class
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLFormElement extends cHTML {
* Constructor. This is a generic form element, where
* specific elements should be inherited from this class.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
public function __construct($name = "", $id = "", $disabled = "", $tabindex = "", $accesskey = "") {
$this->updateAttributes(array("name" => $name));
if (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("id" => $id));
$this->setClass("text_medium"); // TODO: Remove this...
* Sets the "disabled" attribute of an element. User Agents
* usually are showing the element as "greyed-out".
* Example:
* $obj->setDisabled("disabled");
* $obj->setDisabled("");
* The first example sets the disabled flag, the second one
* removes the disabled flag.
* @param $disabled string Sets the disabled-flag if non-empty
* @return none
function setDisabled($disabled) {
if (!empty($disabled)) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("disabled" => "disabled"));
} else {
* sets the tab index for this element. The tab
* index needs to be numeric, bigger than 0 and smaller than 32767.
* @param $tabindex int desired tab index
* @return none
function setTabindex($tabindex) {
if (is_numeric($tabindex) && $tabindex >= 0 && $tabindex <= 32767) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("tabindex" => $tabindex));
* sets the access key for this element.
* @param $accesskey string The length of the access key. May be A-Z and 0-9.
* @return none
function setAccessKey($accesskey) {
if ((strlen($accesskey) == 1) && is_alphanumeric($accesskey)) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("accesskey" => $accesskey));
} else {
* HTML Hidden Field
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLHiddenField extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML hidden field.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $value string Title of the button
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @return none
function __construct($name, $value = "", $id = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id);
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "hidden"));
$this->_tag = "input";
* Sets the value for the field
* @param $value string Value of the field
* @return none
function setValue($value) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* Renders the hidden field
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes);
* HTML Button class
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLButton extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML button.
* Creates a submit button by default, can be changed
* using setMode.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $title string Title of the button
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $title = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "", $mode = "submit") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
* Sets the title (caption) for the button
* @param $title string The title to set
* @return none
function setTitle($title) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $title));
* Sets the mode (submit or reset) for the button
* @param $mode string Either "submit", "reset" or "image".
* @return boolean Returns false if failed to set the mode
function setMode($mode) {
switch ($mode) {
case "submit" :
case "reset" :
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => $mode));
case "image" :
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => $mode));
case "button" :
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => $mode));
default :
return false;
* Set the image src if mode type is "image"
* @param $mode string image path.
* @return void
function setImageSource($src) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("src" => $src));
* Renders the button
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes);
* HTML Textbox
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTextbox extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML text box.
* If no additional parameters are specified, the
* default width is 20 units.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $initvalue string Initial value of the box
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @param $maxlength int maximum input length of the box
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
public function __construct($name, $initvalue = "", $width = "", $maxlength = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "text"));
* sets the width of the text box.
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @return none
function setWidth($width) {
$width = intval($width);
if ($width <= 0) {
$width = 50;
$this->updateAttributes(array("size" => $width));
* sets the maximum input length of the text box.
* @param $maxlen int maximum input length
* @return none
function setMaxLength($maxlen) {
$maxlen = intval($maxlen);
if ($maxlen <= 0) {
} else {
$this->updateAttributes(array("maxlength" => $maxlen));
* sets the initial value of the text box.
* @param $value string Initial value
* @return none
function setValue($value) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* Renders the textbox
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
return parent::toHtml();
* HTML Password Box
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLPasswordbox extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML password box.
* If no additional parameters are specified, the
* default width is 20 units.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $initvalue string Initial value of the box
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @param $maxlength int maximum input length of the box
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $initvalue = "", $width = "", $maxlength = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "password"));
* sets the width of the text box.
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @return none
function setWidth($width) {
$width = intval($width);
if ($width <= 0) {
$width = 20;
$this->updateAttributes(array("size" => $width));
* sets the maximum input length of the text box.
* @param $maxlen int maximum input length
* @return none
function setMaxLength($maxlen) {
$maxlen = intval($maxlen);
if ($maxlen <= 0) {
} else {
$this->updateAttributes(array("maxlength" => $maxlen));
* sets the initial value of the text box.
* @param $value string Initial value
* @return none
function setValue($value) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* Renders the textbox
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
return parent::toHTML();
class cHTMLTextarea extends cHTMLFormElement {
var $_value;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML text area.
* If no additional parameters are specified, the
* default width is 60 chars, and the height is 5 chars.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $initvalue string Initial value of the textarea
* @param $width int width of the textarea
* @param $height int height of the textarea
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $initvalue = "", $width = "", $height = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "textarea";
* sets the width of the text box.
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @return none
function setWidth($width) {
$width = intval($width);
if ($width <= 0) {
$width = 50;
$this->updateAttributes(array("cols" => $width));
* sets the maximum input length of the text box.
* @param $maxlen int maximum input length
* @return none
function setHeight($height) {
$height = intval($height);
if ($height <= 0) {
$height = 5;
$this->updateAttributes(array("rows" => $height));
* sets the initial value of the text box.
* @param $value string Initial value
* @return none
function setValue($value) {
$this->_value = $value;
* Renders the textbox
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_value . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* @package Contenido cHTML
* @subpackage cHTMLElements
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @author Ortwin Pinke
class cHTMLLabel extends cHTML {
* the text for label
* @var string $_sText
protected $_sText;
* Creates an HTML label which can be linked
* to any form element (specified by their ID).
* A label can be used to link to elements. This is very useful
* since if a user clicks a label, the linked form element receives
* the focus (if supported by the user agent).
* @param string $sText Text for the label
* @param string $for Id of the form element the label belongs to
* @return void
public function __construct($sText, $sFor) {
$this->_tag = "label";
$this->updateAttributes(array("for" => $sFor));
$this->_sText = $sText;
* setter for label text
* @param string $sText
public function setLabelText($sText) {
$this->_sText = $sText;
* Renders the label
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_sText . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* HTML Select Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLSelectElement extends cHTMLFormElement {
* All cHTMLOptionElements
* @var array
var $_options;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML select field (aka "DropDown").
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $width int width of the select element
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $width = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "select";
* Automatically creates and fills cHTMLOptionElements
* Array format:
* $stuff = array(
* array("value","title"),
* array("value","title"));
* or regular key => value arrays.
* @param $stuff array Array with all items
* @return none
function autoFill($stuff) {
if (is_array($stuff)) {
foreach ($stuff as $key => $row) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$option = new cHTMLOptionElement($row[1], $row[0]);
$this->addOptionElement($row[0], $option);
} else {
$option = new cHTMLOptionElement($row, $key);
$this->addOptionElement($key, $option);
* Adds an cHTMLOptionElement to the number of choices.
* @param $index string Index of the element
* @param $element object Filled cHTMLOptionElement to add
* @return none
function addOptionElement($index, $element) {
$this->_options[$index] = $element;
function setMultiselect() {
$this->updateAttributes(array("multiple" => "multiple"));
function setSize($size) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("size" => $size));
* Sets a specific cHTMLOptionElement to the selected
* state.
* @param $lvalue string Specifies the "value" of the cHTMLOptionElement to set
* @return none
function setDefault($lvalue) {
$bSet = false;
if (is_array($this->_options)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $key => $value) {
if (strcmp($value->getAttribute("value"), $lvalue) == 0) {
$this->_options[$key] = $value;
$bSet = true;
} else {
$this->_options[$key] = $value;
if ($bSet == false) {
if (is_array($this->_options)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $key => $value) {
$this->_options[$key] = $value;
* Search for the selected elements
* @param none
* @return Selected "lvalue"
function getDefault() {
if (is_array($this->_options)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $key => $value) {
if ($value->isSelected()) {
return $key;
return false;
* Sets specified elements as selected (and all others as unselected)
* @param array $aElements Array with "values" of the cHTMLOptionElement to set
* @return none
function setSelected($aElements) {
if (is_array($this->_options) && is_array($aElements)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $sKey => $oOption) {
if (in_array($oOption->getAttribute("value"), $aElements)) {
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
} else {
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
* Renders the select box
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
$options = "";
if (is_array($this->_options)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $key => $value) {
$options .= $value->toHtml();
return ($this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $options . $this->fillCloseSkeleton());
* HTML Select Option Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLOptionElement extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Title to display
* @var string
* @access private
var $_title;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML option element.
* @param $title string Displayed title of the element
* @param $value string Value of the option
* @param $selected boolean If true, element is selected
* @param $disabled boolean If true, element is disabled
* @return none
function __construct($title, $value, $selected = false, $disabled = false) {
$this->_tag = "option";
$this->_title = $title;
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* sets the selected flag
* @param $selected boolean If true, adds the "selected" attribute
* @return none
function setSelected($selected) {
if ($selected == true) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("selected" => "selected"));
} else {
* sets the selected flag
* @param $selected boolean If true, adds the "selected" attribute
* @return none
function isSelected() {
if ($this->getAttribute("selected") == "selected") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* sets the disabled flag
* @param $disabled boolean If true, adds the "disabled" attribute
* @return none
function setDisabled($disabled) {
if ($disabled == true) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("disabled" => "disabled"));
} else {
* Renders the option element. Note:
* the cHTMLSelectElement renders the options by itself.
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_title . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* HTML Radio Button
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLRadiobutton extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Values for the check box
* @var string
* @access private
var $_value;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML radio button element.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $value string Value of the radio button
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $checked boolean Is element checked?
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $value, $id = "", $checked = false, $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
$this->_value = $value;
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "radio"));
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* Sets the checked flag.
* @param $checked boolean If true, the "checked" attribute will be assigned.
* @return none
function setChecked($checked) {
if ($checked == true) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("checked" => "checked"));
} else {
* Sets a custom label text
* @param $text string Text to display
* @return none
function setLabelText($text) {
$this->_labelText = $text;
* Renders the option element. Note:
* If this element has an ID, the value (which equals the text displayed)
* will be rendered as seperate HTML label, if not, it will be displayed
* as regular text. Displaying the value can be turned off via the parameter.
* @param $renderlabel boolean If true, renders a label
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml($renderLabel = true) {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
if ($renderLabel == false) {
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes);
$id = $this->getAttribute("id");
$renderedLabel = "";
if ($id != "") {
$label = new cHTMLLabel($this->_value, $this->getAttribute("id"));
if ($this->_labelText != "") {
$renderedLabel = $label->toHtml();
} else {
$renderedLabel = $this->_value;
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $renderedLabel;
* HTML Checkbox
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLCheckbox extends cHTMLFormElement {
var $_value;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML checkbox element.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $value string Value of the radio button
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $checked boolean Is element checked?
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $value, $id = "", $checked = false, $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
$this->_value = $value;
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "checkbox"));
$this->updateAttributes(array("value" => $value));
* Sets the checked flag.
* @param $checked boolean If true, the "checked" attribute will be assigned.
* @return none
function setChecked($checked) {
if ($checked == true) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("checked" => "checked"));
} else {
* Sets a custom label text
* @param $text string Text to display
* @return none
function setLabelText($text) {
$this->_labelText = $text;
* Renders the checkbox element. Note:
* If this element has an ID, the value (which equals the text displayed)
* will be rendered as seperate HTML label, if not, it will be displayed
* as regular text. Displaying the value can be turned off via the parameter.
* @param $renderlabel boolean If true, renders a label
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml($renderlabel = true) {
$id = $this->getAttribute("id");
$renderedLabel = "";
if ($renderlabel == true) {
if ($id != "") {
$label = new cHTMLLabel($this->_value, $this->getAttribute("id"));
if ($this->_labelText != "") {
$renderedLabel = $label->toHtml();
} else {
$renderedLabel = $this->_value;
if ($this->_labelText != "") {
$label = new cHTMLLabel($this->_value, $this->getAttribute("id"));
$renderedLabel = $label->toHtml();
return '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">' . parent::toHTML() . '</td><td nowrap="nowrap">' . $renderedLabel . '</td></tr></table>';
} else {
return parent::toHTML();
* HTML File upload box
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLUpload extends cHTMLFormElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML upload box.
* If no additional parameters are specified, the
* default width is 20 units.
* @param $name string Name of the element
* @param $initvalue string Initial value of the box
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @param $maxlength int maximum input length of the box
* @param $id string ID of the element
* @param $disabled string Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param $tabindex string Tab index for form elements
* @param $accesskey string Key to access the field
* @return none
function __construct($name, $width = "", $maxlength = "", $id = "", $disabled = false, $tabindex = null, $accesskey = "") {
parent::__construct($name, $id, $disabled, $tabindex, $accesskey);
$this->_tag = "input";
$this->updateAttributes(array("type" => "file"));
* sets the width of the text box.
* @param $width int width of the text box
* @return none
function setWidth($width) {
$width = intval($width);
if ($width <= 0) {
$width = 20;
$this->updateAttributes(array("size" => $width));
* sets the maximum input length of the text box.
* @param $maxlen int maximum input length
* @return none
function setMaxLength($maxlen) {
$maxlen = intval($maxlen);
if ($maxlen <= 0) {
} else {
$this->updateAttributes(array("maxlength" => $maxlen));
* Renders the textbox
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHtml() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes);
* HTML Link
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLLink extends cHTML {
/* Stores the link location */
var $_link;
/* Stores the content */
var $_content;
/* Stores the anchor */
var $_anchor;
/* Stores the custom entries */
var $_custom;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML link.
* @param $href String with the location to link to
function __construct($href = "") {
global $sess;
$this->_tag = "a";
/* Check for backend */
if (is_object($sess)) {
if ($sess->classname == "Contenido_Session") {
function enableAutomaticParameterAppend() {
$this->setEvent("click", 'var doit = true; try { var i = get_registered_parameters() } catch (e) { doit = false; }; if (doit == true) { this.href += i; }');
function disableAutomaticParameterAppend() {
* setLink: Sets the link to a specific location
* @param $href String with the location to link to
function setLink($href) {
$this->_link = $href;
$this->_type = "link";
if (strpos($href, "javascript:") !== false) {
* setTargetFrame: Sets the target frame
* @param $target string Target frame identifier
function setTargetFrame($target) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("target" => $target));
* setLink: Sets a Contenido link (area, frame, action)
* @param $targetarea string Target backend area
* @param $targetframe string Target frame (1-4)
* @param $targetaction string Target action
function setCLink($targetarea, $targetframe, $targetaction = "") {
$this->_targetarea = $targetarea;
$this->_targetframe = $targetframe;
$this->_targetaction = $targetaction;
$this->_type = "clink";
* setMultiLink: Sets a multilink
* @param $righttoparea string Area (right top)
* @param $righttopaction string Action (right top)
* @param $rightbottomarea string Area (right bottom)
* @param $rightbottomaction string Action (right bottom)
function setMultiLink($righttoparea, $righttopaction, $rightbottomarea, $rightbottomaction) {
$this->_targetarea = $righttoparea;
$this->_targetframe = 3;
$this->_targetaction = $righttopaction;
$this->_targetarea2 = $rightbottomarea;
$this->_targetframe2 = 4;
$this->_targetaction2 = $rightbottomaction;
$this->_type = "multilink";
* setCustom: Sets a custom attribute to be appended to the link
* @param $key string Parameter name
* @param $value string Parameter value
function setCustom($key, $value) {
$this->_custom[$key] = $value;
function getHref() {
global $sess;
if (is_array($this->_custom)) {
$custom = "";
foreach ($this->_custom as $key => $value) {
$custom .= "&$key=$value";
if ($this->_anchor) {
$anchor = "#" . $this->_anchor;
} else {
$anchor = "";
switch ($this->_type) {
case "link" :
$custom = "";
if (is_array($this->_custom)) {
foreach ($this->_custom as $key => $value) {
if ($custom == "") {
$custom .= "?$key=$value";
} else {
$custom .= "&$key=$value";
return $this->_link . $custom . $anchor;
case "clink" :
return 'main.php?area=' . $this->_targetarea . '&frame=' . $this->_targetframe . '&action=' . $this->_targetaction . $custom . "&contenido=" . $sess->id . $anchor;
case "multilink" :
$tmp_mstr = 'javascript:conMultiLink(\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\');';
$mstr = sprintf($tmp_mstr, 'right_top', $sess->url("main.php?area=" . $this->_targetarea . "&frame=" . $this->_targetframe . "&action=" . $this->_targetaction . $custom), 'right_bottom', $sess->url("main.php?area=" . $this->_targetarea2 . "&frame=" . $this->_targetframe2 . "&action=" . $this->_targetaction2 . $custom));
return $mstr;
* setAnchor: Sets an anchor
* Only works for the link types Link and cLink.
* @param $content string Anchor name
function setAnchor($anchor) {
$this->_anchor = $anchor;
* setContent: Sets the link's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the link
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$this->updateAttributes(array("href" => $this->getHref()));
return parent::toHTML();
* DIV Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLDiv extends cHTML {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML Div element.
* @param $content mixed String or object with the contents
function __construct($content = "") {
$this->_tag = "div";
* setContent: Sets the div's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the DIV element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
return parent::toHTML();
* SPAN Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLSpan extends cHTML {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML Span element.
* @param $content mixed String or object with the contents
function __construct($content = "") {
$this->_tag = "span";
* setContent: Sets the div's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the SPAN element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* Image Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLImage extends cHTML {
* Image source
* @var string
* @access private
var $_src;
* Image width
* @var int
* @access private
var $_width;
* Image height
* @var int
* @access private
var $_height;
* Constructor. Creates an HTML IMG element.
* @param $content mixed String or object with the contents
function __construct($src = NULL) {
$this->_tag = "img";
* setSrc: Sets the image's source file
* @param $src string source location
function setSrc($src) {
if ($src === NULL) {
$this->_src = "images/spacer.gif";
} else {
$this->_src = $src;
* setWidth: Sets the image's width
* @param $width int Image width
function setWidth($width) {
$this->_width = $width;
* setHeight: Sets the image's height
* @param $height int Image height
function setHeight($height) {
$this->_height = $height;
* setBorder: Sets the border size
* @param $border int Border size
function setBorder($border) {
$this->_border = $border;
function setAlignment($alignment) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("align" => $alignment));
* applyDimensions: Apply dimensions from the source image
* @param none
function applyDimensions() {
global $cfg;
/* Try to open the image */
list ($width, $height) = @ getimagesize($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $this->_src);
if (!empty($width) && !empty($height)) {
$this->_width = $width;
$this->_height = $height;
* Renders the IMG element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$this->updateAttributes(array("src" => $this->_src));
if (!empty($this->_width)) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("width" => $this->_width));
if (!empty($this->_height)) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("height" => $this->_height));
//$this->updateAttributes(array ("border" => $this->_border));
return parent::toHTML();
* Table Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTable extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "table";
* setContent: Sets the table's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* setCellSpacing: Sets the spacing between cells
* @param $cellspacing Spacing
function setCellSpacing($cellspacing) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("cellspacing" => $cellspacing));
function setPadding($cellpadding) {
function setSpacing($cellspacing) {
* setCellPadding: Sets the padding between cells
* @param $cellpadding Padding
function setCellPadding($cellpadding) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("cellpadding" => $cellpadding));
* setBorder: Sets the table's border
* @param border Border size
function setBorder($border) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("border" => $border));
* setWidth: Sets the table width
* @param $width Width
function setWidth($width) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("width" => $width));
* Renders the Table element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
return parent::toHTML();
* Table Body Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTableBody extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "tbody";
* setContent: Sets the table body's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table body element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
return parent::toHTML();
* Table Row Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTableRow extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "tr";
* setContent: Sets the table row's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table row element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
return parent::toHTML();
* Table Data Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTableData extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "td";
* setWidth: Sets the table width
* @param $width Width
function setWidth($width) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("width" => $width));
function setHeight($height) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("height" => $height));
function setAlignment($alignment) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("align" => $alignment));
function setVerticalAlignment($alignment) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("valign" => $alignment));
function setBackgroundColor($color) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("bgcolor" => $color));
function setColspan($colspan) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("colspan" => $colspan));
* setContent: Sets the table data's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table data element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* Table Head Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTableHead extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "th";
* setContent: Sets the table head's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table head element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* Table Head Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLTableHeader extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "thead";
* setContent: Sets the table head's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table head element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* IFrame element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLIFrame extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "iframe";
* setSrc: Sets this frame's source
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setSrc($src) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("src" => $src));
* setWidth: Sets this frame's width
* @param $width Width of the item
function setWidth($width) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("width" => $width));
* setHeight: Sets this frame's height
* @param $height Height of the item
function setHeight($height) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("height" => $height));
* setBorder: Sets wether this iframe should have a border or not
* @param $border If 1 or true, this frame will have a border
function setBorder($border) {
$this->updateAttributes(array("frameborder" => intval($border)));
* Renders the table head element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
class cHTMLAlignmentTable extends cHTMLTable {
function __construct() {
$this->_data = func_get_args();
function render() {
$tr = new cHTMLTableRow;
$td = new cHTMLTableData;
$out = "";
foreach ($this->_data as $data) {
$out .= $td->render();
return $this->toHTML();
class cHTMLForm extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "form";
function setVar($var, $value) {
$this->_vars[$var] = $value;
* setContent: Sets the form's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the form element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$out = '';
foreach ($this->_vars as $var => $value) {
$f = new cHTMLHiddenField($var, $value);
$out .= $f->render();
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $out . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();
* Table Head Element
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cHTMLScript extends cHTML {
function __construct() {
$this->_tag = "script";
* setContent: Sets the table head's content
* @param $content string/object String with the content or an object to render.
function setContent($content) {
* Renders the table head element
* @param none
* @return string Rendered HTML
function toHTML() {
$attributes = $this->getAttributes(true);
return $this->fillSkeleton($attributes) . $this->_content . $this->fillCloseSkeleton();