2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

159 Zeilen
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5,2 KiB

* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Layout history.
* We use SimpleXml to read the xml nodes
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Bilal Arslan
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release >= 5.0
* {@internal
* created 2008-08-12
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
// For Editor syntax highlighting
cInclude("external", "edit_area/class.edit_area.php");
cInclude("includes", "functions.mod.php");
if($idmod =="") {
$idmod = $_REQUEST['idmod'];
$bDeleteFile = false;
$oPage = new cPage;
$oPage->addScript('messageBox', '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$sess->url('scripts/messageBox.js.php').'"></script>');
$oPage->addScript('messageBoxInit', '<script type="text/javascript">box = new messageBox("", "", "", 0, 0);</script>');
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area, 'mod_history_manage'))
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
} else if (!(int) $client > 0) {
} else if (getEffectiveSetting('versioning', 'activated', 'false') == 'false') {
$notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("Versioning is not activated"));
} else {
if ($_POST["mod_send"] == true && ($_POST["CodeOut"] !="" || $_POST["CodeIn"] !="") ) { // save button
$oVersion = new VersionModule($idmod, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame);
$sName = $_POST["modname"];
$sCodeInput = $_POST["CodeIn"];
$sCodeOutput = $_POST["CodeOut"];
$sDescription = $_POST["moddesc"];
// save and mak new revision
$oPage->addScript('refresh', $oVersion->renderReloadScript('mod', $idmod, $sess));
modEditModule($idmod, $sName, $sDescription, $sCodeInput, $sCodeOutput, $oVersion->sTemplate, $oVersion->sModType);
// [action] => history_truncate delete all current history
if($_POST["action"] == "history_truncate") {
$oVersion = new VersionModule($idmod, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame);
$bDeleteFile = $oVersion->deleteFile();
$oVersion = new VersionModule($idmod, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame);
// Init Form variables of SelectBox
$sSelectBox = "";
$oVersion->setVarForm("area", $area);
$oVersion->setVarForm("frame", $frame);
$oVersion->setVarForm("idmod", $idmod);
// create and output the select box, for params please look class.version.php
$sSelectBox = $oVersion->buildSelectBox("mod_history", "Mod History", "Show History Entry", "idmodhistory");
// Generate Form
$oForm = new UI_Table_Form("mod_display");
$oForm->addHeader(i18n("Edit Module"));
$oForm ->setWidth("100%");
$oForm->setVar("area", "mod_history");
$oForm->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
$oForm->setVar("mod_send", 1);
// if send form refresh
if ($_POST["idmodhistory"] != "") {
$sRevision = $_POST["idmodhistory"];
} else {
$sRevision = $oVersion->getLastRevision();
if ($sRevision != '' && $_POST["action"] != "history_truncate") {
// File Path
$sPath = $oVersion->getFilePath() . $sRevision;
// Read XML Nodes and get an array
$aNodes = array();
$aNodes = $oVersion->initXmlReader($sPath);
if (count($aNodes) > 1) {
// if choose xml file read value an set it
$sName = $oVersion->getTextBox("modname", $aNodes["name"], 60);
$sDescription = $oVersion->getTextarea("moddesc", $aNodes["desc"], 100, 10);
$sCodeInput = $oVersion->getTextarea("CodeIn", $aNodes["code_input"], 100, 30, "IdCodeIn");
$sCodeOutput = $oVersion->getTextarea("CodeOut", $aNodes["code_output"], 100, 30, "IdCodeOut");
// Add new Elements of Form
$oForm->add(i18n("Name"), $sName);
$oForm->add(i18n("Description"), $sDescription);
$oForm->add(i18n("Code Input"), $sCodeInput);
$oForm->add(i18n("Code Output"), $sCodeOutput);
$oForm->setActionButton("apply", "images/but_ok.gif", i18n("Copy to current"), "c"/*, "mod_history_takeover"*/); //modified it
// Render and handle History Area
$oEditAreaIn = new EditArea('IdCodeIn', 'php', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg, !$bInUse);
$oEditAreaOutput = new EditArea('IdCodeOut', 'php', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg, !$bInUse);
$oPage->addScript('IdCodeIn', $oEditAreaIn->renderScript());
$oPage->addScript('IdCodeOut', $oEditAreaOutput->renderScript());
if($sSelectBox !="") {
$oPage->setContent($sSelectBox . $oForm->render());
} else {
$notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("Version history was cleared"));
} else {
$notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("No module history available"));