2019-08-19 12:02:29 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Super class for revision
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Bilal Arslan, Timo Trautmann
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release >= 4.8.8
* {@internal
* created 2008-08-12
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class VersionImport extends Version {
* The name of modul
* @access private
private $sName;
* Error Output
* @access private
private $sError;
* Description of modul
* @access private
private $sDescripion;
* Information of deletable
* @access private
private $bDeletabel;
* Code Input
* @access private
private $sCodeInput;
* Code Output
* @access private
private $sCodeOutput;
* Template name of modul
* @access public
public $sTemplate;
* static
* @access private
private $sStatic;
* Information about package guid
* @access private
private $sPackageGuid;
* Information of package data
* @access private
private $sPackageData;
* Type of modul
* @access public
public $sModType;
* Array contents all version information
* @access public
private $aCreateVersion;
* Check variable for look version number
* @access public
private $iWert;
* Table name of mod_history
* @access public
private $sTableName;
* The class versionImport object constructor, initializes class variables
* @param string $iIdMod The name of style file
* @param array $aCfg
* @param array $aCfgClient
* @param object $oDB
* @param integer $iClient
* @param object $sArea
* @param object $iFrame
* @return void its only initialize class members
public function __construct($aCfg, $aCfgClient, $oDB, $iClient, $sArea, $iFrame) {
// Set globals in main class
$this->aCfgClient = $aCfgClient;
$this->oDB = $oDB;
if (!is_object($this->oDB))
$this->oDB = new DB_ConLite;
// folder layout
$this->sType = "module";
if (isset($_SESSION["dbprefix"])) {
$this->sTableName = $_SESSION["dbprefix"] . "_mod_history";
} else {
$this->sTableName = $this->aCfg['sql']['sqlprefix'] . "_mod_history";
// init class member
$this->aCreateVersion = array();
// Init class members with table con_history
// end of constructor
* Creats xml files from table mod_history if exists any rows. After create a version it will be delete the current row.
* If no rows any available, it will be drop the table mod_history.
* @return void
public function CreateHistoryVersion() {
if ($this->getRows() > 0) {
// Sort the version files true
// All array read
foreach ($this->aCreateVersion as $sKey => $sLevelOne) {
foreach ($sLevelOne as $sKey2 => $sLevelTwo) {
if (is_array($this->aCfgClient[$sKey])) {
parent::__construct($aCfg, $this->aCfgClient, $this->oDB, $sKey, $sArea, $iFrame);
foreach ($sLevelTwo as $sKey3 => $sLevelThree) {
$this->iIdentity = $sKey2;
$this->sName = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["name"]);
$this->sModType = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["type"]);
$this->sError = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["error"]);
$this->sDescripion = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["description"]);
$this->sDeletabel = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree ["deletable"]);
$this->sCodeInput = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree ["input"]);
$this->sCodeOutput = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree ["output"]);
$this->sTemplate = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["template"]);
$this->sStatic = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["static"]);
$this->sPackageGuid = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["package_guid"]);
$this->sPackageData = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["package_data"]);
$this->sAuthor = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["changedby"]);
$this->dCreated = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["created"]);
$this->dLastModified = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["changed"]);
$this->dActualTimestamp = Contenido_Security::unFilter($sLevelThree["changed"]);
if ($this->createNewVersion()) {
}// end of foreach
if ($this->getRows() == 0) {
* Function reads rows variables from table con_mod and init with the class members.
* @return void
private function getModuleHistoryTable() {
$sSql = "";
$sSql = "SELECT *
FROM " . $this->sTableName;
// save mod_history in three dimension array
while ($this->oDB->next_record()) {
$this->aCreateVersion[$this->oDB->f("idclient")][$this->oDB->f("idmod")][$this->oDB->f("idmodhistory")] = array("idmodhistory" => $this->oDB->f("idmodhistory"), "idmod" => $this->oDB->f("idmod"),
"idclient" => $this->oDB->f("idclient"), "name" => $this->oDB->f("name"),
"type" => $this->oDB->f("type"), "description" => $this->oDB->f("description"),
"input" => $this->oDB->f("input"), "output" => $this->oDB->f("output"),
"template" => $this->oDB->f("template"), "changedby" => $this->oDB->f("changedby"),
"changed" => $this->oDB->f("changed"));
// end of function
* Set with the body nodes of xml file
* @return void
private function createBodyXML() {
// Create Body Node of Xml File
$this->setData("Name", $this->sName);
$this->setData("Modul_Type", $this->sModType);
$this->setData("Error", $this->sError);
$this->setData("Description", $this->sDescripion);
$this->setData("Deletable", $this->bDeletabel);
$this->setData("CodeInput", $this->sCodeInput);
$this->setData("CodeOutput", $this->sCodeOutput);
$this->setData("Template", $this->sTemplate);
$this->setData("Static", $this->sStatic);
$this->setData("PackageGuid", $this->sPackageGuid);
$this->setData("PackageData", $this->sPackageData);
* Get all rows in tabel mod_con_history
* @return integer count of rows
private function getRows() {
$sSqlCount = "";
$iAnz = 0;
$sSqlCount = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->sTableName;
$iAnz = $this->oDB->num_rows();
return $iAnz;
* Drops table if table exists
* @return void
public function dropTable() {
$sSqlDropTable = "";
$sSqlDropTable = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->sTableName;
* Deletes the row wich id of mod_history
* @return void
public function deleteRows($iModHistory) {
$iModHistory = Contenido_Security::unFilter($iModHistory);
$sSql2 = "DELETE FROM " . $this->sTableName .
" WHERE idmodhistory = " . $iModHistory;