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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Defines the "mod" related functions
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.0.2
* @author Olaf Niemann, Jan Lengowski
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2003
* modified 2008-06-26, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* modified 2010-08-13, Dominik Ziegler, fixed CON-337 - added update of lastmodified
* $Id: functions.mod.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude ("includes", "functions.tpl.php");
cInclude ("includes", "functions.con.php");
function modEditModule($idmod, $name, $description, $input, $output, $template, $type = "") {
global $db, $client, $cfgClient, $auth, $cfg, $sess, $area_tree, $perm, $frame;
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$author = $auth->auth["uname"];
$oVersion = new VersionModule($idmod, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame);
// Create new Module Version in cms/version/module/
if (!$idmod) {
$cApiModuleCollection = new cApiModuleCollection;
$cApiModule = $cApiModuleCollection->create($name);
$idmod = $cApiModule->get("idmod");
cInclude ("includes", "functions.rights.php");
createRightsForElement("mod", $idmod);
} else {
$cApiModule = new cApiModule;
/* dceModFileEdit (c)2009-2011 */
if ($cfg['dceModEdit']['use']
|| $cApiModule->get("name") != stripslashes($name)
|| $cApiModule->get("output") != stripslashes($output)
|| $cApiModule->get("template") != stripslashes($template)
|| $cApiModule->get("description") != stripslashes($description)
|| $cApiModule->get("input") != stripslashes($input)
|| $cApiModule->get("type") != stripslashes($type)) {
$cApiModule->set("name", $name);
$cApiModule->set("output", $output);
$cApiModule->set("template", $template);
$cApiModule->set("description", $description);
$cApiModule->set("input", $input);
$cApiModule->set("type", $type);
$cApiModule->set("lastmodified", $date);
return $idmod;
function modDeleteModule($idmod)
# Global vars
global $db, $sess, $client, $cfg, $area_tree, $perm;
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["mod"]." WHERE idmod = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idmod)."' AND idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($client)."'";
// delete rights for element
cInclude ("includes", "functions.rights.php");
deleteRightsForElement("mod", $idmod);
// $code: Code to evaluate
// $id: Unique ID for the test function
// $mode: true if start in php mode, otherwise false
// Returns true or false
function modTestModule ($code, $id, $output = false)
global $cfg, $modErrorMessage;
$magicvalue = 0;
$db = new DB_ConLite;
/* Put a $ in front of all CMS variables
to prevent PHP error messages */
$sql = "SELECT type FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["type"];
while ($db->next_record())
$code = str_replace($db->f("type").'[','$'.$db->f("type").'[', $code);
$code = preg_replace(',\[(\d+)?CMS_VALUE\[(\d+)\](\d+)?\],i', '[\1\2\3]', $code);
$code = str_replace('CMS_VALUE','$CMS_VALUE', $code);
$code = str_replace('CMS_VAR','$CMS_VAR', $code);
/* If the module is an output module, escape PHP since
all output modules enter php mode */
if ($output == true)
$code = "?>\n" . $code . "\n<?php";
/* Looks ugly: Paste a function declarator
in front of the code */
$code = "function foo".$id." () {" . $code;
$code .= "\n}\n";
/* Set the magic value */
$code .= '$magicvalue = 941;';
/* To parse the error message, we prepend and
append a phperror tag in front of the output */
$sErs = ini_get("error_prepend_string"); // Save current setting (see below)
$sEas = ini_get("error_append_string"); // Save current setting (see below)
/* Turn off output buffering and error reporting, eval the code */
$display_errors = ini_get("display_errors");
@ini_set("display_errors", true);
$output = eval($code);
@ini_set("display_errors", $display_errors);
/* Get the buffer contents and turn it on again */
$output = ob_get_contents();
/* Remove the prepend and append settings */
/* 19.09.2006: Following lines have been disabled, as ini_restore has been disabled
by some hosters as there is a security leak in PHP (PHP <= 5.1.6 & <= 4.4.4) */
@ini_set("error_prepend_string", $sErs); // Restoring settings (see above)
@ini_set("error_append_string", $sEas); // Restoring settings (see above)
/* Strip out the error message */
$start = strpos($output, "<phperror>");
$end = strpos($output, "</phperror>");
/* More stripping: Users shouldnt see where the file
is located, but they should see the error line */
if ($start !== false)
$start = strpos($output, "eval()");
$modErrorMessage = substr($output, $start, $end - $start);
/* Kill that HTML formatting */
$modErrorMessage = str_replace("<b>","",$modErrorMessage);
$modErrorMessage = str_replace("</b>","",$modErrorMessage);
$modErrorMessage = str_replace("<br>","",$modErrorMessage);
$modErrorMessage = str_replace("<br />","",$modErrorMessage);
/* check if there are any php short tags in code, and display error*/
$bHasShortTags = false;
if (preg_match('/<\?\s+/', $code) && $magicvalue == 941) {
$bHasShortTags = true;
$modErrorMessage = i18n('Please do not use short open Tags. (Use <?php instead of <?).');
/* Now, check if the magic value is 941. If not, the function
didn't compile */
if ($magicvalue != 941 || $bHasShortTags)
return false;
} else {
return true;