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8 KiB

defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
class cArticleCollector implements SeekableIterator, Countable {
* @var int
protected $_iCurrentPosition = 0;
protected $_aArticles = array();
protected $_aStartArticles = array();
protected $_aOptions = array();
protected $_aOptionsDefault = array();
private $_bAsObject = TRUE;
* @var cApiArticleLanguage
private $_oArticleLanguage;
public function __construct($aOptions = array()) {
$this->_oArticleLanguage = new cApiArticleLanguage();
public function loadArticles() {
// now lets fetch articles
$oArtLangColl = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection(); //a
$oArtLangColl->link("cApiArticleCollection"); //b
$oArtLangColl->link("cApiCategoryArticleCollection"); //c
if (count($this->_aOptions['categories']) > 0) {
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("cApiCategoryArticleCollection.idcat", $this->_aOptions['categories'], "IN");
if (count($this->_aOptions['artspecs']) > 0) {
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("cApiArticleLanguageCollection.artspec", implode(",", $this->_aOptions['artspec']), "IN");
if (count($this->_aStartArticles) > 0) {
if ($this->_aOptions['start'] == false) {
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("cApiArticleLanguageCollection.idartlang", $this->_aStartArticles, "NOTIN");
//$sqlStartArticles = "a.idartlang NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $this->_startArticles) . "') AND ";
if ($this->_aOptions['startonly'] == true) {
echo "startonly";
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("cApiArticleLanguageCollection.idartlang", $this->_aStartArticles, "IN");
//$sqlStartArticles = "a.idartlang IN ('" . implode("','", $this->_startArticles) . "') AND ";
if ($this->_aOptions['offlineonly'] == true) {
//$sql .= " AND = 0";
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("", 0);
} else if ($this->_aOptions['offline'] == false) {
//$sql .= " AND = 1";
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("", 1);
$oArtLangColl->setWhere("cApiArticleLanguageCollection.idlang", $this->_aOptions['lang']);
echo $oArtLangColl->_lastSQL;
if ($oArtLangColl->count() > 0) {
$aTable = $oArtLangColl->fetchTable();
//echo $oArtLangColl->_lastSQL;
foreach ($aTable as $aItem) {
$this->_aArticles[] = $aItem['idartlang'];
* @param array $aOptions
public function setOptions(array $aOptions) {
if (count($this->_aOptionsDefault) == 0) {
if (isset($aOptions['idcat']) && !isset($aOptions['categories'])) {
$aOptions['categories'] = array(
if (isset($aOptions['with_sub_cats']) && $aOptions['with_sub_cats'] === TRUE) {
foreach ($aOptions['categories'] as $iIdcat) {
$aTmp = $this->_getSubCats($iIdcat);
$aOptions['categories'] = array_merge($aOptions['categories'], $aTmp);
switch ($aOptions['order']) {
case 'sortsequence':
$aOptions['order'] = 'artsort';
case 'title':
$aOptions['order'] = 'title';
case 'modificationdate':
$aOptions['order'] = 'lastmodified';
case 'publisheddate':
$aOptions['order'] = 'published';
case 'creationdate':
$aOptions['order'] = 'created';
$this->_aOptions = array_merge($this->_aOptionsDefault, $aOptions);
* @return int article count
public function count() {
return count($this->_aArticles);
* Returns current element
* @return cApiArticleLanguage|int returns article language object or idartlang
public function current() {
$iIdartlang = $this->_aArticles[$this->_iCurrentPosition];
if ($this->_bAsObject) {
$oArticle = new cApiArticleLanguage($iIdartlang);
if ($oArticle->isLoaded()) {
return $oArticle;
} else {
throw new Exception(get_class() . ": Cannot load cApiArticleLanguage object for idartlang (" . $iIdartlang . ")!");
} else {
return $iIdartlang;
public function getRandomArticle() {
$iArtCount = $this->count();
if($iArtCount > 0) {
if($iArtCount < 2) {
return $this->current();
} else {
$iRand = mt_rand(0, $iArtCount -1);
return $this->current();
return FALSE;
* @return int current position
public function key() {
return $this->_iCurrentPosition;
public function next() {
* set iterator to start position
public function rewind() {
$this->_iCurrentPosition = 0;
* @param type $position
* @throws OutOfBoundsException
public function seek($position) {
$this->_iCurrentPosition = $position;
if ($this->valid() === false) {
throw new OutOfBoundsException(get_class() . ": Invalid seek position: " . $position);
* valid position of iterator
* @return boolean
public function valid() {
return isset($this->_aArticles[$this->_iCurrentPosition]);
private function _setOptionsDefault() {
$this->_aOptionsDefault = array(
'categories' => array(),
'lang' => cRegistry::getLanguageId(),
'client' => cRegistry::getClientId(),
'start' => FALSE,
'startonly' => FALSE,
'offline' => FALSE,
'offlineonly' => FALSE,
'artspecs' => array(),
'direction' => 'DESC',
'limit' => 0
* Returns Array of first leveled SubCats for a given Idcat
* @param int $iIdcat idcat to search for subcats
* @return array
private function _getSubCats($iIdcat) {
$aSubCats = array();
$oCatColl = new cApiCategoryCollection();
$oCatColl->setWhere("parentid", $iIdcat);
$aTable = $oCatColl->fetchTable();
foreach ($aTable as $aItem) {
$aSubCats[] = $aItem['idcat'];
return $aSubCats;
private function _getStartArticles() {
$oCatLangColl = new cApiCategoryLanguageCollection();
$oCatLangColl->setWhere("idlang", $this->_aOptions['lang']);
if(count($this->_aOptions['categories']) > 0) {
$oCatLangColl->setWhere("idcat", implode("','", $this->_aOptions['categories']), 'IN');
while($oCatLang = $oCatLangColl->next()) {
$startId = $oCatLang->get('startidartlang');
if ($startId > 0) {
$this->_aStartArticles[$oCatLang->get('idcat')] = $startId;