
564 Zeilen
20 KiB

defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
class cGuiPage {
protected $_pageName;
protected $_pluginName;
protected $_pageTemplate;
protected $_pageBase;
protected $_contentTemplate;
protected $_scripts;
protected $_uniqueScripts;
protected $_styles;
protected $_subnav;
protected $_markScript;
protected $_error;
protected $_warning;
protected $_info;
protected $_ok;
protected $_abort;
protected $_objects;
protected $_metaTags;
protected $_bodyClassNames;
protected $_filesDirectory;
protected $_skipTemplateCheck = false;
protected $_bHTML5 = false;
public function __construct($pageName, $pluginName = '', $subMenu = '') {
$this->_pageName = $pageName;
$this->_pluginName = $pluginName;
$this->_pageTemplate = new cTemplate();
$this->_contentTemplate = new cTemplate();
$this->_scripts = [];
$this->_uniqueScripts = [];
$this->_styles = [];
$this->_subnav = '';
$this->_markScript = '';
$this->_error = '';
$this->_warning = '';
$this->_info = '';
$this->_abort = false;
$this->_objects = [];
$this->_metaTags = [];
$this->_bodyClassNames = [];
$lang = cRegistry::getLanguageId();
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
// Try to extract the current CONTENIDO language
$clang = new cApiLanguage($lang);
if ($clang->isLoaded()) {
// use default page base
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'SUBMENU', $subMenu);
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'PAGENAME', $pageName);
$pageid = str_replace('.', '_', $pageName);
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'PAGENAME', $pageName);
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'PAGEID', $pageid);
$this->addBodyClassName('page_' . $pageid);
if ($pluginName != '') {
$this->_filesDirectory = '';
$scriptDir = cRegistry::getBackendPath() . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['scripts'];
$styleDir = cRegistry::getBackendPath() . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['styles'];
} else {
$this->_filesDirectory = 'includes/';
$scriptDir = $cfg['path']['scripts_includes'];
$styleDir = $cfg['path']['styles_includes'];
if (cFileHandler::exists($styleDir . $pageName . '.css')) {
$this->addStyle($this->_filesDirectory . $pageName . '.css');
/* @var $stylefile SplFileInfo */
if (cFileHandler::exists($styleDir)) {
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($styleDir) as $stylefile) {
if (cString::endsWith($stylefile->getFilename(), '.' . $pageName . '.css')) {
$this->addStyle($this->_filesDirectory . $stylefile->getFilename());
if (cFileHandler::exists($scriptDir . $pageName . '.js')) {
$this->addScript($this->_filesDirectory . $pageName . '.js');
/* @var $scriptfile SplFileInfo */
if (cFileHandler::exists($scriptDir)) {
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($scriptDir) as $scriptfile) {
if (cString::endsWith($scriptfile->getFilename(), '.' . $pageName . '.js')) {
$this->addScript($this->_filesDirectory . $scriptfile->getFilename());
public function addScript($script) {
global $currentuser;
$script = trim($script);
if (empty($script)) {
$perm = cRegistry::getPerm();
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$backendUrl = cRegistry::getBackendUrl();
$backendPath = cRegistry::getBackendPath();
$filePathName = $this->_getRealFilePathName($script);
// Warning message for not existing resources
if ($perm->isSysadmin($currentuser) && cString::findFirstPos(trim($script), '<script') === false &&
((!empty($this->_pluginName) && !cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $script)) &&
(!cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $filePathName)))) {
$this->displayWarning(i18n("The requested resource") . " <strong>" . $filePathName . "</strong> " . i18n("was not found"));
if (cString::findFirstPos(trim($script), 'http') === 0 || cString::findFirstPos(trim($script), '<script') === 0 || cString::findFirstPos(trim($script), '//') === 0) {
// the given script path is absolute
if (!in_array($script, $this->_scripts)) {
$this->_scripts[] = $script;
} else if (!empty($this->_pluginName) && cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $filePathName)) {
// the given script path is relative to the plugin scripts folder
$fullPath = $backendUrl . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $script;
if (!in_array($fullPath, $this->_scripts)) {
$this->_scripts[] = $fullPath;
} else if (cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $filePathName)) {
// the given script path is relative to the CONTENIDO scripts folder
$fullPath = $backendUrl . $cfg['path']['scripts'] . $script;
if (!in_array($fullPath, $this->_scripts)) {
$this->_scripts[] = $fullPath;
public function addStyle($stylesheet) {
global $currentuser;
$stylesheet = trim($stylesheet);
if (empty($stylesheet)) {
$perm = cRegistry::getPerm();
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$backendUrl = cRegistry::getBackendUrl();
$backendPath = cRegistry::getBackendPath();
$filePathName = $this->_getRealFilePathName($stylesheet);
// Warning message for not existing resources
if ($perm->isSysadmin($currentuser) && ((!empty($this->_pluginName) && !cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $stylesheet))) ||
(empty($this->_pluginName) && !cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $filePathName))) {
$this->displayWarning(i18n("The requested resource") . " <strong>" . $filePathName . "</strong> " . i18n("was not found"));
if (cString::findFirstPos($stylesheet, 'http') === 0 || cString::findFirstPos($stylesheet, '//') === 0) {
// the given stylesheet path is absolute
if (!in_array($stylesheet, $this->_styles)) {
$this->_styles[] = $stylesheet;
} else if (!empty($this->_pluginName) && cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $filePathName)) {
// the given stylesheet path is relative to the plugin stylesheets
// folder
$fullPath = $backendUrl . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/' . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $stylesheet;
if (!in_array($fullPath, $this->_styles)) {
$this->_styles[] = $fullPath;
} else if (cFileHandler::exists($backendPath . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $filePathName)) {
// the given stylesheet path is relative to the CONTENIDO
// stylesheets folder
$fullPath = $backendUrl . $cfg['path']['styles'] . $stylesheet;
if (!in_array($fullPath, $this->_styles)) {
$this->_styles[] = $fullPath;
public function addMeta(array $meta) {
$allowedAttributes = [
foreach ($meta as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $allowedAttributes)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('Unallowed attribute for meta tag given - meta tag will be ignored!');
$this->_metaTags[] = $meta;
public function addBodyClassName($className) {
if (!in_array($className, $this->_bodyClassNames)) {
$this->_bodyClassNames[] = $className;
public function setSubnav($additional = '', $aarea = '') {
$area = cRegistry::getArea();
$sess = cRegistry::getSession();
if ($aarea == '') {
$aarea = $area;
$this->_subnav = '
<script type="text/javascript">
Con.getFrame("right_top").location.href = "' . $sess->url("main.php?area={$aarea}&frame=3&{$additional}") . '";
public function setReload(array $parameters = []) {
$reloadParameters = count($parameters) > 0 ? json_encode($parameters) : '';
$this->_uniqueScripts['left_bottom'] = '
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(Con, $) {
Con.FrameLeftBottom.reload(' . $reloadParameters . ');
})(Con, Con.$);
public function reloadFrame($frameName, $updatedParameters = null) {
if (is_array($updatedParameters)) {
$reloadParameters = count($updatedParameters) > 0 ? json_encode($updatedParameters) : '{}';
$this->_uniqueScripts[$frameName] = '
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(Con, $) {
var frame = Con.getFrame("' . $frameName . '");
if (frame) {
frame.location.href = Con.UtilUrl.replaceParams(frame.location.href, ' . $reloadParameters . ');
})(Con, Con.$);
} else {
$this->_uniqueScripts[$frameName] = '
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(Con, $) {
var frame = Con.getFrame("' . $frameName . '");
if (frame) {
frame.location.href = "' . $updatedParameters .'";
})(Con, Con.$);
public function reloadLeftTopFrame($updatedParameters = null) {
if (is_array($updatedParameters) && !isset($updatedParameters['frame'])) {
$updatedParameters['frame'] = 1;
$this->reloadFrame('left_top', $updatedParameters);
public function reloadLeftBottomFrame($updatedParameters = null) {
if (is_array($updatedParameters) && !isset($updatedParameters['frame'])) {
$updatedParameters['frame'] = 2;
$this->reloadFrame('left_bottom', $updatedParameters);
public function reloadRightTopFrame($updatedParameters = null) {
if (is_array($updatedParameters) && !isset($updatedParameters['frame'])) {
$updatedParameters['frame'] = 3;
$this->reloadFrame('right_top', $updatedParameters);
public function reloadRightBottomFrame($updatedParameters = null) {
if (is_array($updatedParameters) && !isset($updatedParameters['frame'])) {
$updatedParameters['frame'] = 4;
$this->reloadFrame('right_bottom', $updatedParameters);
public function setMarkScript($item) {
$this->_markScript = markSubMenuItem($item, true);
public function setEncoding($encoding) {
if (empty($encoding)) {
$this->_metaTags[] = [
'http-equiv' => 'Content-type',
'content' => 'text/html;charset=' . $encoding
public function set($type, $key, $value) {
$this->_contentTemplate->set($type, $key, $value);
public function setPageBase($filename = '') {
$sFolder = ($this->_bHTML5)?'html5/':'';
if ('' === $filename) {
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$this->_pageBase = $cfg['path']['templates']. $sFolder . $cfg['templates']['generic_page'];
} else {
$this->_pageBase = $sFolder.$filename;
public function next() {
public function abortRendering() {
$this->_abort = true;
public function displayCriticalError($msg) {
$this->_error = $msg;
$this->_abort = true;
public function displayError($msg) {
$this->_error .= $msg . '<br>';
public function displayWarning($msg) {
$this->_warning .= $msg . '<br>';
public function displayInfo($msg) {
$this->_info .= $msg . '<br>';
public function displayOk($msg) {
$this->_ok .= $msg . '<br>';
public function setContent($objects) {
if (!is_array($objects)) {
$objects = [
$this->_objects = $objects;
public function appendContent($objects) {
if (!is_array($objects)) {
$this->_objects[] = $objects;
} else {
$this->_objects = array_merge($this->_objects, $objects);
public function render($template = NULL, $return = false) {
if ($template == NULL) {
$template = $this->_contentTemplate;
// Render some parts like meta tags, scripts, styles, etc...
// Set body class attribute values
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'PAGECLASS', implode(' ', $this->_bodyClassNames));
// Get all messages for the content
$text = $this->_renderContentMessages();
if (cString::getStringLength(trim($text)) > 0) {
$this->_skipTemplateCheck = true;
if (!$this->_abort) {
if (count($this->_objects) == 0) {
$output = $this->_renderTemplate($template);
} else {
$output = $this->_renderObjects();
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'CONTENT', $text . $output);
} else {
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'CONTENT', $text);
return $this->_pageTemplate->generate($this->_pageBase, $return);
protected function _renderMetaTags() {
// render the meta tags
// NB! We don't produce xhtml in the backend
// $produceXhtml = getEffectiveSetting('generator', 'xhtml', 'false');
$produceXhtml = false;
$meta = '';
foreach ($this->_metaTags as $metaTag) {
$tag = '<meta';
foreach ($metaTag as $key => $value) {
$tag .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
if ($produceXhtml) {
$tag .= ' /';
$tag .= ">\n";
$meta .= $tag;
if (!empty($meta)) {
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'META', $meta);
} else {
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'META', '');
protected function _renderScripts() {
$scripts = $this->_subnav . "\n" . $this->_markScript . "\n";
$scripts .= implode("\n", $this->_uniqueScripts);
foreach ($this->_scripts as $script) {
if (cString::findFirstPos($script, 'http') === 0 || cString::findFirstPos($script, '//') === 0) {
$scripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $script . '"></script>' . "\n";
} else if (cString::findFirstPos($script, '<script') === false) {
$scripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/' . $script . '"></script>' . "\n";
} else {
$scripts .= $script;
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'SCRIPTS', $scripts);
protected function _renderStyles() {
$styles = '';
foreach ($this->_styles as $style) {
if (cString::findFirstPos($style, 'http') === 0 || cString::findFirstPos($style, '//') === 0) {
$styles .= '<link href="' . $style . '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' . "\n";
} else {
$styles .= '<link href="styles/' . $style . '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' . "\n";
$this->_pageTemplate->set('s', 'STYLES', $styles);
protected function _renderContentMessages() {
global $notification;
// Get messages from cRegistry
$okMessages = cRegistry::getOkMessages();
foreach ($okMessages as $message) {
$infoMessages = cRegistry::getInfoMessages();
foreach ($infoMessages as $message) {
$errorMessages = cRegistry::getErrorMessages();
foreach ($errorMessages as $message) {
$warningMessages = cRegistry::getWarningMessages();
foreach ($warningMessages as $message) {
$text = '';
if ($this->_ok != '') {
$text .= $notification->returnNotification('ok', $this->_ok) . '<br>';
if ($this->_info != '') {
$text .= $notification->returnNotification('info', $this->_info) . '<br>';
if ($this->_warning != '') {
$text .= $notification->returnNotification('warning', $this->_warning) . '<br>';
if ($this->_error != '') {
$text .= $notification->returnNotification('error', $this->_error) . '<br>';
return $text;
protected function _renderObjects() {
$output = '';
foreach ($this->_objects as $obj) {
if (is_string($obj)) {
$output .= $obj;
if (!method_exists($obj, 'render')) {
// Ridiculous workaround because some objects return
// code if the parameter is true and some return the
// code if the parameter is false.
$oldOutput = $output;
// We don't want any code outside the body (in case the
// object outputs directly we will catch this output).
$output .= $obj->render(false);
// We get the code either directly or via the output
$output .= ob_get_contents();
if ($oldOutput == $output) {
cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Rendering this object (" . print_r($obj, true) . ") doesn't seem to have any effect.");
return $output;
protected function _renderTemplate($template) {
global $currentuser, $notification;
$perm = cRegistry::getPerm();
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
if ($this->_pluginName == '') {
$sHtml5 = ($this->_bHTML5)?'html5/':'';
$file = $cfg['path']['templates'] . $sHtml5 . 'template.' . $this->_pageName . '.html';
} else {
$file = $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $this->_pluginName . '/templates/template.' . $this->_pageName . '.html';
$output = '';
// Warning message for not existing resources
if (!$this->_skipTemplateCheck && $perm->isSysadmin($currentuser) && !cFileHandler::exists($file)) {
$output .= $notification->returnNotification('warning', i18n("The requested resource") . " <strong>template." . $this->_pageName . ".html</strong> " . i18n("was not found")) . '<br>';
if (cFileHandler::exists($file)) {
$output .= $template->generate($file, true);
} else {
$output .= '';
return $output;
protected function _getRealFilePathName($file) {
$tmp = explode('?', $file);
return $tmp[0];
function __destruct() {
$this->_bHTML5 = false;