
562 Zeilen
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* ConLite Image API functions
* @package ConLite\Includes\Functions\Api\Images
* @version 2.0.0
* @since 3.0.0 recoded from original functions Contenido 4.8.x
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @copyright 2012 - 2024 ConLite Team
* @copyright - 2012 four for business AG <>
* @link
* @license GPL v3 (english version)
* @license GPL v3 (deutsche Version)
defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
* @param string $img
* @param int $maxX
* @param int $maxY
* @param bool $crop
* @param bool $expand
* @param int $cacheTime
* @param bool $wantHQ
* @param int $quality
* @param bool $keepType
* @return bool|string
function cApiImgScale(string $img, int $maxX, int $maxY, bool $crop = false, bool $expand = false, int $cacheTime = 10, bool $wantHQ = false, int $quality = 75, bool $keepType = true): bool|string
if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
return false;
$clientConfig = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId());
$deleteAfter = false;
$relativeImg = str_replace($clientConfig["upl"]["path"], "", $img);
if (is_dbfs($relativeImg)) {
$dbfs = new DBFSCollection();
$file = basename($relativeImg);
$dbfs->writeToFile($relativeImg, $clientConfig["path"]["frontend"] . "cache/" . $file);
$img = $clientConfig["path"]["frontend"] . "cache/" . $file;
$deleteAfter = true;
} else if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
if (cFileHandler::exists($clientConfig['upl']['path'] . $img)
&& !cDirHandler::exists($clientConfig['upl']['path'] . $img)) {
$img = $clientConfig['upl']['path'] . $img;
} else {
return false;
$fileType = cString::toLowerCase(cFileHandler::getExtension($img));
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
$imgEditingPossibility = cApiImageCheckImageEditingPossibility();
if ($fileType == "svg") {
$imgEditingPossibility = "untouched";
switch ($imgEditingPossibility) {
case '1': // gd1
$method = 'gd1';
if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && $fileType == 'gif') {
$method = 'failure';
if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromwebp') && $fileType == 'webp') {
$method = 'failure';
case '2': // gd2
$method = 'gd2';
if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && $fileType == 'gif') {
$method = 'failure';
if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromwebp') && $fileType == 'webp') {
$method = 'failure';
case 'im': // ImageMagick
$method = 'im';
case 'untouched': // special routine for svg only
$method = 'untouched';
case '0':
$method = 'failure';
switch ($method) {
case 'gd1':
$return = cApiImgScaleLQ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);
case 'gd2':
$return = cApiImgScaleHQ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);
case 'im':
$return = cApiImgScaleImageMagick($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);
case 'failure':
$return = str_replace(cRegistry::getFrontendPath(), cRegistry::getFrontendUrl(), $img);
if ($deleteAfter) {
return $return;
// ToDo
function cApiImgScaleLQ(string $img, int $maxX, int $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, int $cacheTime = 10, int $quality = 0, bool $keepType = false): bool|string
if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
return false;
$clientConfig = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId());
$fileType = cString::toLowerCase(cFileHandler::getExtension($img));
$md5 = cApiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
$cacheFileName = cApiImageGetCacheFileName($md5, $fileType, $keepType);
$cacheFile = $clientConfig['cache']['path'] . $cacheFileName;
$webFile = cRegistry::getFrontendUrl() . 'cache/' . $cacheFileName;
if (cApiImageCheckCachedImageValidity($cacheFile, $cacheTime)) {
return $webFile;
// If we can't open the image, return false
$imageHandle = cApiImgCreateImageResourceFromFile($img, $fileType);
if (!$imageHandle) {
return false;
$x = imagesx($imageHandle);
$y = imagesy($imageHandle);
list($targetX, $targetY) = cApiImageGetTargetDimensions($x, $y, $maxX, $maxY, $expand);
// Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards.
if ($crop) {
// Create the target image with the max size, crop it afterwards.
$targetImage = imagecreate($maxX, $maxY);
imagecopy($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $maxX, $maxY);
} else {
// Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards.
$targetImage = imagecreate($targetX, $targetY);
imagecopyresized($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetX, $targetY, $x, $y);
// Save the cache file
cApiImgSaveImageResourceToFile($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality, $fileType, $keepType);
// Return the web file
return $webFile;
* @param string $img
* @param int $maxX
* @param int $maxY
* @param bool $crop
* @param bool $expand
* @param int $cacheTime
* @param int $quality
* @param bool $keepType
* @return bool|string
function cApiImgScaleHQ(string $img, int $maxX, int $maxY, bool $crop = false, bool $expand = false, int $cacheTime = 10, int $quality = 0, bool $keepType = true): bool|string
if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
return false;
$clientConfig = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId());
$fileType = cString::toLowerCase(cFileHandler::getExtension($img));
$md5 = cApiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
$cacheFileName = cApiImageGetCacheFileName($md5, $fileType, $keepType);
$cacheFile = $clientConfig['cache']['path'] . $cacheFileName;
$webFile = cRegistry::getFrontendUrl() . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cacheFileName;
if (cApiImageCheckCachedImageValidity($cacheFile, $cacheTime)) {
return $webFile;
$imageHandle = cApiImgCreateImageResourceFromFile($img, $fileType);
if (!$imageHandle) {
return false;
$x = imagesx($imageHandle);
$y = imagesy($imageHandle);
if ($crop) {
$targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($maxX, $maxY);
} else {
list($targetX, $targetY) = cApiImageGetTargetDimensions($x, $y, $maxX, $maxY, $expand);
$targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($targetX, $targetY);
if ($fileType == 'gif' || $fileType == 'png' || $fileType == 'webp') {
// Turn off alpha blending
imagealphablending($imageHandle, false);
imagealphablending($targetImage, false);
if ($crop) {
// calculate canter of the image
$srcX = ($x - $maxX) / 2;
$srcY = ($y - $maxY) / 2;
// crop image from center
imagecopy($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, $srcX, $srcY, $maxX, $maxY);
} else {
imagecopyresampled($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetX, $targetY, $x, $y);
if ($fileType == 'gif' || $fileType == 'png' || $fileType == 'webp') {
// Set alpha flag
imagesavealpha($imageHandle, true);
imagesavealpha($targetImage, true);
// Save the cache file
cApiImgSaveImageResourceToFile($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality, $fileType, $keepType);
// Return the web file
return $webFile;
// ToDo
function cApiImgScaleImageMagick($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, $cacheTime = 10, $quality = 0, $keepType = false)
if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
return false;
} elseif (isFunctionDisabled('escapeshellarg') || isFunctionDisabled('exec')) {
return false;
$cfgClient = cRegistry::getClientConfig();
$client = cRegistry::getClientId();
$fileName = $img;
$maxX = cSecurity::toInteger($maxX);
$maxY = cSecurity::toInteger($maxY);
$cacheTime = cSecurity::toInteger($cacheTime);
$frontendURL = cRegistry::getFrontendUrl();
$fileType = cFileHandler::getExtension($fileName);
$md5 = cApiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
$cacheFileName = cApiImageGetCacheFileName($md5, $fileType, $keepType);
$cacheFile = $cfgClient[$client]['cache']['path'] . $cacheFileName;
$webFile = $frontendURL . 'cache/' . $cacheFileName;
if (cApiImageCheckCachedImageValidity($cacheFile, $cacheTime)) {
return $webFile;
list($x, $y) = @getimagesize($fileName);
if ($x == 0 || $y == 0) {
return false;
list($targetX, $targetY) = cApiImageGetTargetDimensions($x, $y, $maxX, $maxY, $expand);
// If is animated gif resize first frame
if ($fileType == 'gif') {
if (cApiImageIsAnimGif($fileName)) {
$fileName .= '[0]';
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
// Try to execute convert
$output = [];
$retVal = 0;
$convertCommand = $cfg['images']['image_magick']['command'];
$program = escapeshellarg($cfg['images']['image_magick']['path'] . $convertCommand);
$source = escapeshellarg($fileName);
$destination = escapeshellarg($cacheFile);
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
if ($crop) {
$cmd = "'{$program}' -gravity center -quality {$quality} -crop {$maxX}x{$maxY}+1+1 '{$source}' '{$destination}'";
} else {
$cmd = "'{$program}' -quality {$quality} -geometry {$targetX}x{$targetY} '{$source}' '{$destination}'";
exec($cmd, $output, $retVal);
if (!cFileHandler::exists($cacheFile)) {
return false;
} else {
return $webFile;
function cApiImageCheckImageEditingPossibility(): string
if (class_exists("Imagick")) {
return 'im';
} else {
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
if (preg_match('#([0-9.])+#', $gdInfo['GD Version'], $strGDVersion)) {
if ($strGDVersion[0] >= '2') {
return '2';
return '1';
return '1';
return '1';
return '0';
* @param string $imgType
* @param int $quality
* @return int
function cApiImgGetCompressionRate(string $imgType, int $quality = 0): int
if ($quality <= 0 || $quality > 100) {
$quality = 75;
switch (cString::toLowerCase($imgType)) {
case 'png':
// Convert compression rate to PNG compression level
$quality = ($quality - 100) / 11.111111;
$quality = round(abs($quality));
case 'svg':
case 'webp':
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
// No action needed for jpg or jpeg
$quality = 0;
return $quality;
* Returns the MD5 filename used for caching.
* @param string $img Path to image
* @param int $maxX Maximum image x size
* @param int $maxY Maximum image y size
* @param bool $crop Flag to crop image
* @param bool $expand Flag to expand image
* @return false|string Path to the resulting image or false if image file does not exists
function cApiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile(string $img, int $maxX, int $maxY, bool $crop, bool $expand): bool|string
if (!cFileHandler::exists($img)) {
return false;
$fileSize = filesize($img);
$nameParts = [$img, $fileSize, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand];
if (function_exists('md5_file')) {
array_unshift($nameParts, $img, md5_file($img));
return md5(implode("", $nameParts));
* Returns cache file name.
* @param string $md5
* @param string $fileType
* @param bool $keepType
* @return string
function cApiImageGetCacheFileName(string $md5, string $fileType, bool $keepType): string
if ($keepType) {
switch (cString::toLowerCase($fileType)) {
case 'png':
$fileName = $md5 . '.png';
case 'gif':
$fileName = $md5 . '.gif';
case 'webp':
$fileName = $md5 . '.webp';
$fileName = $md5 . '.jpg';
} else {
$fileName = $md5 . '.jpg';
return $fileName;
* Validates cache version of a image.
* @param string $cacheFile
* @param int $cacheTime
* @return bool Returns true, if cache file exists and/or is still valid or false
function cApiImageCheckCachedImageValidity(string $cacheFile, int $cacheTime): bool
if (cFileHandler::exists($cacheFile)) {
if ($cacheTime == 0) {
return true;
} else {
if ((filemtime($cacheFile) + (60 * $cacheTime)) < time()) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Returns image resource by file name.
* @param string $fileName Path to image
* @param string|null $fileType File type (extension)
* @return resource|null Created image resource or null
function cApiImgCreateImageResourceFromFile(string $fileName, string $fileType = null)
if (!cFileHandler::exists($fileName)) {
return null;
if (is_null($fileType)) {
$fileType = cFileHandler::getExtension($fileName);
// Find out which file we have
switch (cString::toLowerCase($fileType)) {
case 'gif':
$function = 'imagecreatefromgif';
case 'png':
$function = 'imagecreatefrompng';
case 'jpeg':
case 'jpg':
$function = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
case 'webp':
$function = 'imagecreatefromwebp';
return null;
return function_exists($function) ? @$function($fileName) : null;
* Saves the given image resource to file
* @param GdImage $targetImage
* @param string $saveTo
* @param int $quality
* @param string $fileType
* @param bool $keepType
* @return bool
function cApiImgSaveImageResourceToFile(GdImage $targetImage, string $saveTo, int $quality, string $fileType, bool $keepType): bool
// save the file
if ($keepType) {
switch (cString::toLowerCase($fileType)) {
case 'png':
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
return imagepng($targetImage, $saveTo, $quality);
case 'gif':
return imagegif($targetImage, $saveTo);
case 'webp':
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
return imagewebp($targetImage, $saveTo, $quality);
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
return imagejpeg($targetImage, $saveTo, $quality);
} else {
$quality = cApiImgGetCompressionRate($fileType, $quality);
return imagejpeg($targetImage, $saveTo, $quality);
* Returns new calculated dimensions of a target image.
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $maxX
* @param int $maxY
* @param bool $expand
* @return array Index 0 is target X and index 1 is target Y
function cApiImageGetTargetDimensions(int $x, int $y, int $maxX, int $maxY, bool $expand): array
if (($maxX / $x) < ($maxY / $y)) {
$targetY = $y * ($maxX / $x);
$targetX = round($maxX);
// Force wished height
if ($targetY < $maxY) {
$targetY = ceil($targetY);
} else {
$targetY = floor($targetY);
} else {
$targetX = $x * ($maxY / $y);
$targetY = round($maxY);
// Force wished width
if ($targetX < $maxX) {
$targetX = ceil($targetX);
} else {
$targetX = floor($targetX);
if (!$expand && (($targetX > $x) || ($targetY > $y))) {
$targetX = $x;
$targetY = $y;
$targetX = ($targetX != 0) ? $targetX : 1;
$targetY = ($targetY != 0) ? $targetY : 1;
return [