/* * jQuery.plainOverlay * https://github.com/anseki/jquery-plainoverlay * * Copyright (c) 2015 anseki * Licensed under the MIT license. */ ;(function($, undefined) { 'use strict'; var APP_NAME = 'plainOverlay', APP_PREFIX = APP_NAME.toLowerCase(), EVENT_TYPE_SHOW = APP_PREFIX + 'show', EVENT_TYPE_HIDE = APP_PREFIX + 'hide', // builtin progress element newProgress = (function() { function experimental(props, supports, prefix, sep) { // similar to Compass sep = sep === undefined ? ';' : sep; return $.map(props, function(prop) { return $.map(supports, function(support) { return (prefix || '') + support + prop; }).join(sep); }).join(sep); } var isLegacy, domId = 'jQuery-' + APP_NAME, supports = ['-webkit-','-moz-','-ms-','-o-',''], prefix = domId + '-progress', cssText = '.'+prefix+'{'+experimental(['box-sizing:border-box'],['-webkit-','-moz-',''])+';width:100%;height:100%;border-top:3px solid #17f29b;'+experimental(['border-radius:50%'],supports)+';-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);transform:translateZ(0);box-shadow:0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0);'+experimental(['animation-name:'+domId+'-spin','animation-duration:1s','animation-timing-function:linear','animation-iteration-count:infinite'],supports)+'}'+experimental(['keyframes '+domId+'-spin{from{'+experimental(['transform:rotate(0deg)'],supports)+'}to{'+experimental(['transform:rotate(360deg)'],supports)+'}}'],supports,'@','')+'.'+prefix+'-legacy{width:100%;height:50%;padding-top:25%;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;*zoom:1}.'+prefix+'-legacy:after,.'+prefix+'-legacy:before{content:" ";display:table}.'+prefix+'-legacy:after{clear:both}.'+prefix+'-legacy div{width:18%;height:100%;margin:0 1%;background-color:#17f29b;float:left;visibility:hidden}.'+prefix+'-1 div.'+prefix+'-1,.'+prefix+'-2 div.'+prefix+'-1,.'+prefix+'-2 div.'+prefix+'-2,.'+prefix+'-3 div.'+prefix+'-1,.'+prefix+'-3 div.'+prefix+'-2,.'+prefix+'-3 div.'+prefix+'-3{visibility:visible}', adjustProgress = function() { var progressWH = Math.min(300, // max w/h (this.isBody ? Math.min(this.jqWin.width(), this.jqWin.height()) : Math.min(this.jqTarget.innerWidth(), this.jqTarget.innerHeight())) * 0.9); this.jqProgress.width(progressWH).height(progressWH); if (!this.showProgress) { // CSS Animations this.jqProgress.children('.' + prefix).css('borderTopWidth', Math.max(3, progressWH / 30)); // min width } }, showProgressLegacy = function(start) { var that = this; if (that.timer) { clearTimeout(that.timer); } if (that.progressCnt) { that.jqProgress.removeClass(prefix + '-' + that.progressCnt); } if (that.isShown) { that.progressCnt = !start && that.progressCnt < 3 ? that.progressCnt + 1 : 0; if (that.progressCnt) { that.jqProgress.addClass(prefix + '-' + that.progressCnt); } that.timer = setTimeout(function() { that.showProgress(); }, 500); } }; return function(overlay) { var jqProgress, sheet; // Graceful Degradation if (typeof isLegacy !== 'boolean') { isLegacy = (function() { // similar to Modernizr function contains(str, substr) { return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr); } var res, feature, modElem = document.createElement('modernizr'), mStyle = modElem.style, omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms', cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '), tests = {}, _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProp = _hasOwnProperty !== undefined && _hasOwnProperty.call !== undefined ? function (object, property) { return _hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); } : function (object, property) { return (property in object) && object.constructor.prototype[property] === undefined; }; function testProps(props) { var i; for (i in props) { if (!contains(props[i], '-') && mStyle[props[i]] !== undefined) { return true; } } return false; } function testPropsAll(prop) { var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1), props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' '); return testProps(props); } tests.borderradius = function() { return testPropsAll('borderRadius'); }; tests.cssanimations = function() { return testPropsAll('animationName'); }; tests.csstransforms = function() { return !!testPropsAll('transform'); }; res = false; for (feature in tests) { if (hasOwnProp(tests, feature) && !tests[feature]()) { res = true; break; } } mStyle.cssText = ''; modElem = null; return res; })(); } if (!overlay.elmDoc.getElementById(domId)) { // Add style rules if (overlay.elmDoc.createStyleSheet) { // IE sheet = overlay.elmDoc.createStyleSheet(); sheet.owningElement.id = domId; sheet.cssText = cssText; } else { sheet = (overlay.elmDoc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || overlay.elmDoc.documentElement) .appendChild(overlay.elmDoc.createElement('style')); sheet.type = 'text/css'; sheet.id = domId; sheet.textContent = cssText; } } if (isLegacy) { jqProgress = $('
' + '
'); overlay.showProgress = showProgressLegacy; } else { jqProgress = $('
'); } overlay.adjustProgress = adjustProgress; return jqProgress; }; })(); function Overlay(jqTarget, options, curObject) { var that = this, elmTarget = jqTarget.get(0); that.duration = options.duration; that.opacity = options.opacity; that.isShown = false; that.jqTargetOrg = jqTarget; // that.jqWin = that.jqTarget.ownerDocument.defaultView; // Not supported by IE if ($.isWindow(elmTarget) || elmTarget.nodeType === 9) { // window or document -> body that.jqTarget = $('body'); } else if (elmTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe' || elmTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'frame') { // iframe or frame -> body of it // contentDocument not supported by IE that.jqWin = $(elmTarget.contentWindow); that.elmDoc = elmTarget.contentWindow.document; that.jqTarget = $('body', that.elmDoc); that.isFrame = true; } else { that.jqTarget = jqTarget; } that.jqWin = that.jqWin || $(window); that.elmDoc = that.elmDoc || document; that.isBody = that.jqTarget.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'body'; if (curObject) { // Remove jqProgress that exists always, because it may be replaced. if (curObject.jqProgress) { if (curObject.timer) { clearTimeout(curObject.timer); } curObject.jqProgress.remove(); delete curObject.jqProgress; } curObject.reset(true); // Restore styles curObject.jqOverlay.stop(); } that.jqOverlay = (curObject && curObject.jqOverlay || $('
').css({ position: that.isBody ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, display: 'none', cursor: 'wait' }).appendTo(that.jqTarget) .on('touchmove', function() { return false; }) // avoid scroll on touch devices ).css({backgroundColor: options.fillColor, zIndex: options.zIndex}); if (that.jqProgress = options.progress === false ? undefined : (typeof options.progress === 'function' ? options.progress.call(that.jqTarget, options) : newProgress(that))) { that.jqProgress.css({ position: that.isBody ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display: 'none', zIndex: options.zIndex + 1, cursor: 'wait' }).appendTo(that.jqTarget) .on('touchmove', function() { return false; }); // avoid scroll on touch devices; } // Not shared methods for calling per object in event of one element. that.callAdjust = (function(that) { return that.adjustProgress ? function() { that.adjustProgress(); that.adjust(); } : function() { that.adjust(); }; })(that); that.avoidFocus = (function(that) { return function(e) { $(that.elmDoc.activeElement).blur(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }; })(that); that.avoidScroll = (function(that) { return function(e) { (function(jqView) { jqView.scrollLeft(that.scrLeft).scrollTop(that.scrTop); })(that.isBody ? that.jqWin : that.jqTarget); e.preventDefault(); return false; }; })(that); if (curObject) { if (curObject.timer) { clearTimeout(curObject.timer); } curObject = undefined; // Erase } } Overlay.prototype.show = function() { var that = this, inlineStyles, position, calMarginR, calMarginB, jqActive; that.reset(true); // Restore styles inlineStyles = that.jqTarget.get(0).style; that.orgPosition = inlineStyles.position; position = that.jqTarget.css('position'); if (position !== 'relative' && position !== 'absolute' && position !== 'fixed') { that.jqTarget.css('position', 'relative'); } that.orgOverflow = inlineStyles.overflow; calMarginR = that.jqTarget.prop('clientWidth'); calMarginB = that.jqTarget.prop('clientHeight'); that.jqTarget.css('overflow', 'hidden'); calMarginR -= that.jqTarget.prop('clientWidth'); calMarginB -= that.jqTarget.prop('clientHeight'); that.addMarginR = that.addMarginB = 0; if (calMarginR < 0) { that.addMarginR = -calMarginR; } if (calMarginB < 0) { that.addMarginB = -calMarginB; } if (that.isBody) { if (that.addMarginR) { that.orgMarginR = inlineStyles.marginRight; that.jqTarget.css('marginRight', '+=' + that.addMarginR); } if (that.addMarginB) { that.orgMarginB = inlineStyles.marginBottom; that.jqTarget.css('marginBottom', '+=' + that.addMarginB); } } else { // change these in adjust() if (that.addMarginR) { that.orgMarginR = inlineStyles.paddingRight; that.orgWidth = inlineStyles.width; } if (that.addMarginB) { that.orgMarginB = inlineStyles.paddingBottom; that.orgHeight = inlineStyles.height; } } that.jqActive = undefined; jqActive = $(that.elmDoc.activeElement); if (that.isBody && !that.isFrame) { that.jqActive = jqActive.blur(); } // Save activeElement else if (that.jqTarget.has(jqActive.get(0)).length) { jqActive.blur(); } that.jqTarget.focusin(that.avoidFocus); (function(jqView) { that.scrLeft = jqView.scrollLeft(); that.scrTop = jqView.scrollTop(); jqView.scroll(that.avoidScroll); })(that.isBody ? that.jqWin : that.jqTarget); that.jqWin.resize(that.callAdjust); that.callAdjust(); that.isShown = true; that.jqOverlay.stop().fadeTo(that.duration, that.opacity, function() { that.jqTargetOrg.trigger(EVENT_TYPE_SHOW); }); if (that.jqProgress) { if (that.showProgress) { that.showProgress(true); } that.jqProgress.fadeIn(that.duration); } }; Overlay.prototype.hide = function() { var that = this; if (!that.isShown) { return; } that.jqOverlay.stop().fadeOut(that.duration, function() { that.reset(); that.jqTargetOrg.trigger(EVENT_TYPE_HIDE); }); if (that.jqProgress) { that.jqProgress.fadeOut(that.duration); } }; Overlay.prototype.adjust = function() { var calW, calH; if (this.isBody) { // base of overlay size and progress position is window. calW = this.jqWin.width(); calH = this.jqWin.height(); this.jqOverlay.width(calW).height(calH); if (this.jqProgress) { this.jqProgress.css({ left: (calW - this.jqProgress.outerWidth()) / 2, top: (calH - this.jqProgress.outerHeight()) / 2 }); } } else { if (this.addMarginR) { calW = this.jqTarget.css({paddingRight: this.orgMarginR, width: this.orgWidth}) .width(); // original size this.jqTarget.css('paddingRight', '+=' + this.addMarginR).width(calW - this.addMarginR); } if (this.addMarginB) { calH = this.jqTarget.css({paddingBottom: this.orgMarginB, height: this.orgHeight}) .height(); // original size this.jqTarget.css('paddingBottom', '+=' + this.addMarginB).height(calH - this.addMarginB); } // base of overlay size is element size that includes hidden area. calW = Math.max(this.jqTarget.prop('scrollWidth'), this.jqTarget.innerWidth()); // for IE bug calH = Math.max(this.jqTarget.prop('scrollHeight'), this.jqTarget.innerHeight()); this.jqOverlay.width(calW).height(calH); if (this.jqProgress) { // base of progress position is element size that doesn't include hidden area. calW = this.jqTarget.innerWidth(); calH = this.jqTarget.innerHeight(); this.jqProgress.css({ left: (calW - this.jqProgress.outerWidth()) / 2 + this.scrLeft, top: (calH - this.jqProgress.outerHeight()) / 2 + this.scrTop }); } } }; Overlay.prototype.reset = function(forceHide) { // default: display of jqOverlay and jqProgress is kept var that = this; if (forceHide) { that.jqOverlay.css('display', 'none'); if (that.jqProgress) { that.jqProgress.css('display', 'none'); } } if (!that.isShown) { return; } that.jqTarget.css({position: that.orgPosition, overflow: that.orgOverflow}); if (that.isBody) { if (that.addMarginR) { that.jqTarget.css('marginRight', that.orgMarginR); } if (that.addMarginB) { that.jqTarget.css('marginBottom', that.orgMarginB); } } else { if (that.addMarginR) { that.jqTarget.css({paddingRight: that.orgMarginR, width: that.orgWidth}); } if (that.addMarginB) { that.jqTarget.css({paddingBottom: that.orgMarginB, height: that.orgHeight}); } } that.jqTarget.off('focusin', that.avoidFocus); if (that.jqActive && that.jqActive.length) { that.jqActive.focus(); } // Restore activeElement (function(jqView) { jqView.off('scroll', that.avoidScroll).scrollLeft(that.scrLeft).scrollTop(that.scrTop); })(that.isBody ? that.jqWin : that.jqTarget); that.jqWin.off('resize', that.callAdjust); that.isShown = false; }; function init(jq, options) { var opt = $.extend({ duration: 200, opacity: 0.6, zIndex: 9000 // Optional: progress, show, hide }, options); opt.fillColor = opt.fillColor || opt.color /* alias */ || '#888'; return jq.each(function() { var that = $(this); that.data(APP_NAME, new Overlay(that, opt, that.data(APP_NAME))); if (typeof opt.show === 'function') { that.off(EVENT_TYPE_SHOW, opt.show).on(EVENT_TYPE_SHOW, opt.show); } if (typeof opt.hide === 'function') { that.off(EVENT_TYPE_HIDE, opt.hide).on(EVENT_TYPE_HIDE, opt.hide); } }); } function overlayShow(jq, options) { return jq.each(function() { var that = $(this), overlay; if (options || !(overlay = that.data(APP_NAME))) { overlay = init(that, options).data(APP_NAME); } overlay.show(); }); } function overlayHide(jq) { return jq.each(function() { var overlay = $(this).data(APP_NAME); if (overlay) { overlay.hide(); } }); } function overlaySetOption(jq, name, newValue) { var jqTarget = jq.length ? jq.eq(0) : undefined, // only 1st overlay; if (!jqTarget) { return; } overlay = jqTarget.data(APP_NAME) || init(jqTarget).data(APP_NAME); if (!overlay.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (newValue != null) { overlay[name] = newValue; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ return overlay[name]; } $.fn[APP_NAME] = function(action, arg1, arg2) { return ( action === 'show' ? overlayShow(this, arg1) : action === 'hide' ? overlayHide(this) : action === 'option' ? overlaySetOption(this, arg1, arg2) : init(this, action)); // action = options. }; })(jQuery);