* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-06-04 * modified 2008-06-25, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2008-07-11, Dominik Ziegler, removed deprecated functions * modified 2011-05-17, Murat Purc, documented functions and some optimizations * * $Id: functions.database.php 320 2015-01-16 16:06:38Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Returns existing indexes of a specific table. * @param DB_ConLite $db * @param string $table * @return array Assoziative array where the key and the value is the index name */ function dbGetIndexes($db, $table) { if (!is_object($db)) { return false; } $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db); $db->query($sql); $indexes = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $indexes[$db->f("Key_name")] = $db->f("Key_name"); } return ($indexes); } /** * Updates a specific table. Used e. g. by Contenido setup to create or update * tables. * Function logic: * 1 .) Check, if the table exists * 2a.) If not, create it with the field specification, exit * 2b.) If the table exists, check, if the field exist * 3 .) If not, try to find the field using previous names (if specified in $field like "name1,name2") * 4a.) If the field hasn't been found, create the field as specified, exit * 4b.) If the field has been found using a previous name (if specified) rename the column to $field * 5 .) As the field has been found, check, if the field's type is matching * 5a.) If the type is matching, exit * 5b.) If the field's content type is not matching, try to convert first (e.g. string to int * or int to string), then use the upgrade statement if applicable * * Note about the upgrade statement: * - the code must be eval'able * - the code needs to read $oldVal (old field value) and needs to set $newVal (value to which the field will be set) * - $oldVal might be empty if the field didn't exist * - $tableValues['fieldname'] contains the already existing values * * @param DB_ConLite $db Database instance * @param string $table Name of table to create/update * @param string $field Name of field to create/update * @param string $type Data type of field. Feasible values are all possible data types * e. g. int(10), varchar(32), datetime, varchar(255), text, tinyint(1) * @param string $null Parameter to forbid null values, feasible values "", "NULL" or "YES" * where "NULL" or "YES" allows null values and "" doesn't * @param string $key The field will be added as a primary key, if value is "PRI", * otherwhise the value should be empty "" * @param string $default The default value for the field. Feasible is each possible * value depending on passed $type * @param string $extra Additional info for the field, e. g. "auto_increment", if the * field should have the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute and empty otherwise. * @param string $upgradeStatement NOT USED AT THE MOMENT * @param bool $bRemoveIndexes Flag to remove all indexes * @return bool */ function dbUpgradeTable($db, $table, $field, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra, $upgradeStatement, $bRemoveIndexes = false) { global $columnCache; global $tableCache; if (!is_object($db)) { return false; } $bDebug = false; if (($table == 'pica_alloc') && ($field == 'parentid')) { $bDebug = true; } // Parameter checking for $null. If parameter is "" or "NULL" or "YES", we // know that we want the colum to forbid null entries. if ($null == "NULL" || $null == "YES") { $parameter['NULL'] = "NULL"; $null = "YES"; } else { $parameter['NULL'] = "NOT NULL"; $null = ""; } // Parameter checking for $key. If parameter is "" or "NULL" or "YES", we // know that we want the primary key. if ($key == "PRI") { $parameter['KEY'] = "PRIMARY KEY"; } else { $parameter['KEY'] = ""; } // Parameter check for $default. If set, create a default value if ($default != "") { if (((strpos($type, 'timestamp') !== FALSE) && ($default != '')) || ($default == 'NULL')) { $parameter['DEFAULT'] = "DEFAULT " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($default, $db); } else { $parameter['DEFAULT'] = "DEFAULT '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($default, $db) . "'"; } } if (!dbTableExists($db, $table)) { $createTable = " CREATE TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " (" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . " $type " . $parameter['NULL'] . " " . $parameter['DEFAULT'] . " " . $parameter['KEY'] . ") ENGINE = MYISAM"; $db->query($createTable); $tableCache[] = $table; return true; } // Remove auto_increment $structure = dbGetColumns($db, $table); if ($structure[$field]["Extra"] == "auto_increment") { if ($structure[$field]['NULL'] == "") { $structure[$field]['NULL'] = "NOT NULL"; } $alterField = "ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " CHANGE COLUMN " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . " " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . " " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db) . " " . $structure[$field]['NULL'] . " " . $structure[$field]['DEFAULT'] . " " . $structure[$field]['KEY']; $db->query($alterField); } // Remove all keys, as they are being recreated during an upgrade if ($bRemoveIndexes == true) { $indexes = dbGetIndexes($db, $table); foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ($index == "PRIMARY") { if ($structure[$field]['Key'] == "PRI") { $sql = " ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " DROP PRIMARY KEY"; } else { $sql = ""; } } else { $sql = " ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . "' DROP INDEX " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($index, $db); } $db->query($sql); unset($columnCache[$table]); } } $structure = dbGetColumns($db, $table); // If $field contains "," previous names has been specified; separate from $field $sepPos = strpos($field, ","); if ($sepPos === false) { $previousName = ""; } else { $previousName = substr($field, $sepPos + 1); $field = substr($field, 0, $sepPos); } if (!array_key_exists($field, $structure)) { // HerrB: Search field using $previousName $blnFound = false; if ($previousName != "") { $arrPreviousName = explode(",", $previousName); foreach ($arrPreviousName as $strPrevious) { // Maybe someone has used field1, field2, ..., trim spaces $strPrevious = trim($strPrevious); if (array_key_exists($strPrevious, $structure)) { $blnFound = true; break; } } } if ($blnFound) { // Rename column, update array, proceed if ($structure[$strPrevious]['Null'] == 'YES') { $alterField = " ALTER TABLE `" . Contenido_Securiy::escapeDB($table, $db) . "` CHANGE COLUMN `" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($strPrevious, $db) . "` `" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . "` " . $structure[$strPrevious]['Type'] . " DEFAULT '" . $structure[$strPrevious]['Default'] . "'"; } else { $alterField = " ALTER TABLE `" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . "` CHANGE COLUMN `" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($strPrevious, $db) . "` `" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . "` " . $structure[$strPrevious]['Type'] . " NOT NULL DEFAULT '" . $structure[$strPrevious]['Default'] . "'"; } $db->query($alterField); $columnCache[$table] = ""; $structure = dbGetColumns($db, $table); } else { switch ($type) { case "datetime": if ($parameter['DEFAULT'] == "DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'") { $parameter['DEFAULT'] = "DEFAULT '1000-01-01 00:00:00'"; } break; case "date": if ($parameter['DEFAULT'] == "DEFAULT '0000-00-00'") { $parameter['DEFAULT'] = "DEFAULT '1000-01-01'"; } break; } $createField = " ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " ADD COLUMN " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . " " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db) . " " . $parameter['NULL'] . " " . $parameter['DEFAULT'] . " " . $parameter['KEY']; $db->query($createField); $sDebugData = sprintf("%s:%s:ErrorNo. %s:%s\n", $createField, $parameter['DEFAULT'], $db->getErrorNumber(), $db->getErrorMessage()); if ($bDebug) { file_put_contents('../data/logs/setup_queries.txt', $sDebugData, FILE_APPEND); echo 'createField:' . $createField . '
'; } $columnCache[$table] = ""; return true; } } $structure = dbGetColumns($db, $table); // Third check: Compare field properties if (($structure[$field]['Type'] != $type) || ($structure[$field]['Null'] != $null) || ($structure[$field]['Key'] != $key) || ($structure[$field]['Default'] != $default) || ($structure[$field]['Extra'] != $extra)) { if ($structure[$field]['Key'] == "PRI") { $alterField = " ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " ADD PRIMARY KEY ('" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($field, $db) . "') "; } else { $alterField = " ALTER TABLE " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " CHANGE COLUMN $field $field $type " . $parameter['NULL'] . " " . $parameter['DEFAULT'] . " " . $parameter['KEY']; } $db->query($alterField); $columnCache[$table] = ""; } return true; } /** * Checks, if passed table exists in the database * @param DB_ConLite $db * @param string $table * @return bool */ function dbTableExists($db, $table) { global $tableCache; if (!is_object($db)) { return false; } if (!is_array($tableCache)) { $sql = "SHOW TABLES"; $db->query($sql); $tableCache = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $tableCache[] = $db->f(0); } } if (in_array($table, $tableCache)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the column structure of a table * @param DB_ConLite $db * @param string $table * @return array|bool Either assoziative column array or false */ function dbGetColumns($db, $table) { global $columnCache; if (!is_object($db)) { return false; } if (isset($columnCache[$table]) && is_array($columnCache[$table])) { return $columnCache[$table]; } $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db); $db->query($sql); $structure = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $structure[$db->f("Field")] = $db->toArray(); } $columnCache[$table] = $structure; return $structure; } /** * Returns the primary key column of a table * @param DB_ConLite $db * @param string $table * @return string */ function dbGetPrimaryKeyName($db, $table) { $sReturn = ""; $structure = dbGetColumns($db, $table); if (is_array($structure)) { foreach ($structure as $mykey => $value) { if ($value['Key'] == "PRI") { $sReturn = $mykey; } } } return $sReturn; } /** * Updates the sequence table, stores the highest primary key value of a table in it. * Retrieves the primary key field of the table, retrieves the highes value and * saves the value in the sequence table. * * @param string $sequencetable Name of sequence table * @param string $table Name of table * @param DB_ConLite|bool $db Database instance or false */ function dbUpdateSequence($sequencetable, $table, $db = false) { if ($db === false) { $bClose = true; $db = new DB_Upgrade; } else { $bClose = false; } $key = dbGetPrimaryKeyName($db, $table); if ($key != "" && $key != $sequencetable) { $sql = "SELECT " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($key, $db) . " FROM " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . " ORDER BY " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($key, $db) . " DESC"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { $highestval = $db->f($key); } else { $highestval = 0; } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sequencetable, $db) . " WHERE seq_name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . "'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sequencetable, $db) . " SET seq_name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($table, $db) . "', nextid = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($highestval) . "'"; $db->query($sql); } if ($bClose == true) { $db->close(); } } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbDumpStructure($db, $table, $return = false) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbDumpArea($db, $id) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbDumpAreasAsArray($arrayname, $db) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbDumpNavSub($arrayname, $db, $nextidarea) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbInsertData($table, $data) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbDumpData($table) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } /** * @deprecated * @since 2008-07-11 */ function dbUpgradeData($table, $valuesArray) { /* this function is deprecated since Contenido 4.8.7 - 2008-07-11 */ return; } ?>