/** * Project: * Contenido Content Management System * * Description: * File contains functions for tinymce to handle it as an insight-editor * * * @package Contenido Backend includes * @version 1.0 * @author Timo Trautmann * @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release 4.8.9 * * {@internal * created 2008-09-05 * modified 2009-01-23, Ortwin Pinke, BUG-Fix in setFocus first parameter for execInstanceCommand has to be the Id of Tinyobject, not the object itself * * $Id: con_tiny.js 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $: * }} * */ var first = true; function myCustomSetupContent(editor_id, body, doc) { tinyMCE.get(editor_id).setContent(tinyMCE.get(editor_id).getContent()); //body.innerHTML = "my new content" + body.innerHTML; } /** * Callback function for tiny which gets a selected image in Contenido * image browser, close browser and set this selected image in tiny */ function updateImageFilebrowser () { //error handling if (!fb_handle.left) { return; } if (!fb_handle.left.left_top) { return; } if (!fb_handle.left.left_top.document.getElementById("selectedfile")) { return; } if (fb_handle.left.left_top.document.getElementById("selectedfile").value != "") { //get selected image from popup and close it fb_win.document.forms[0].elements[fb_fieldname].value = fb_handle.left.left_top.document.getElementById("selectedfile").value; fb_handle.close(); window.clearInterval(fb_intervalhandle); //set this selected image in tiny if (fb_win.ImageDialog != null && fb_win.ImageDialog.showPreviewImage) { fb_win.ImageDialog.showPreviewImage(fb_win.document.forms[0].elements[fb_fieldname].value); } } } /** * Function converts a givenn url for use in contenido (callback of tiny) * * @param string url - url which should be converted * @param object node - corresponding node object * @param object on_save - event handler * * @return string - converted url */ function CustomURLConverter(url, node, on_save) { var src = url; if (!src.match(/^https?:\/\//g)) { url = frontend_path+src; } return url; } /** * Function converts a given content string (callback of tiny) * * @param string type - type of content * @param string value - string of content * * @return string - converted content */ function CustomCleanupContent(type, value) { switch (type) { case "get_from_editor": case "insert_to_editor": // Remove xhtml styled tags value = value.replace(/[\s]*\/>/g,'>'); break; } return value; } /** * Function stores content of current opened tiny into global var aEditdata * this content is later stored by submitting setcontent() * Notice: Global js vars were defined in include.con_editcontent.php */ function storeCurrentTinyContent() { //store last tiny changes if tiny is still open if (tinyMCE.getInstanceById(active_object)) { var content = tinyMCE.get(active_object).getContent(); content = content.replace(frontend_path, ''); aEditdata[active_id] = content; } } /** * Function gets all content stored in aEditdata and sends it as string to server * for storage it into database * Notice: Global js vars were defined in include.con_editcontent.php * * @param integer idartlang - idartlang of article which is currently edited * @param string act - actionurl of form (optional) */ function setcontent(idartlang, act) { //do not ask user for storage bCheckLeave = false; //check if there is still a tiny open and get its content storeCurrentTinyContent(); var str = ''; //forach content in js array aEditdata for (var sId in aEditdata) { //check if content has changed, if it has serialize it to string if (aEditdataOrig[sId] != aEditdata[sId]) { var data = sId.split("_"); // data[0] is the fieldname * needed // data[1] is the idtype // data[2] is the typeid * needed // build the string which will be send str += buildDataEntry(idartlang , data[0] , data[2] , prepareString(aEditdata[sId])); } } // set the string document.forms.editcontent.data.value = str + document.forms.editcontent.data.value; // set the action string if ( act != 0 ) { document.forms.editcontent.action = act; } // submit the form document.forms.editcontent.submit(); } /** * Function escapes chars in content for inserting into submit string. * An empty content   is replaced by %$%EMPTY%$% * | were seperators in string and were replaced by %$%SEPERATOR%$% * * @param string aContent - content which should be escaped * @return string - string with escaped chars */ function prepareString(aContent) { if ( aContent == " " || aContent == "" ) { aContent = "%$%EMPTY%$%"; } else { // if there is an | in the text set a replacement chr because we use it later as isolator while( aContent.search(/\|/) != -1 ) { aContent = aContent.replace(/\|/,"%$%SEPERATOR%$%"); } } return aContent; } /** * Function serializes given args to string and return it. Seperator is | * * @param integer idartlang - idartlang of article which is currently edited * @param string type - type name of content (CMS_HTML) * @param integer typeid - id of content (CMS_HTML[4] => 4) * @param string value - value of content * @return string - serialized vars */ function buildDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, value) { return idartlang +'|'+ type +'|'+ typeid +'|'+ value +'||'; } /** * Function adds a custom content type to submit strings, adds all other content * information and submits it to server using setcontent() * * @param integer idartlang - idartlang of article which is currently edited * @param string type - type name of content (CMS_HTML) * @param integer typeid - id of content (CMS_HTML[4] => 4) * @param string value - value of content */ function addDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, value) { document.forms.editcontent.data.value = (buildDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, prepareString(value) ) ); setcontent(idartlang,'0'); } /** * Function closses currently opened tiny * */ function closeTiny() { //check if tiny is currently open if (tinyMCE.getInstanceById(active_object)) { //save current tiny content to js var storeCurrentTinyContent(); //if content was empty set div height. Empty divs were ignored by most browsers if (aEditdata[active_id] == '') { document.getElementById(active_id).style.height = '15px'; } //close current open tiny and set active vars to null tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, active_object); active_id = null; active_object = null; } } /** * Function swaps tiny to a content editable div. If tiny is already open on * another div, this tiny was swapped to current div by closing it first * tiny swaps on click * Notice: Global js vars were defined in include.con_editcontent.php * * @param object obj - div object which was clicked */ function swapTiny(obj) { //check if tiny is currently open closeTiny(); //rest tinymce configs defined in include.con_editcontent.php tinyMCE.settings = tinymceConfigs; //set clicked object as active object active_id = obj.id; active_object = obj; //show thiny and focus it tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, obj); setFocus(); //remove height information of clicked div document.getElementById(active_id).style.height = ''; } /** * Function sets focus on toggled editor if its loading proccess was completed * */ function setFocus() { var activeTinyId = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(active_object); if (!activeTinyId) { window.setTimeout('setFocus()', 50); } else { tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand(activeTinyId, 'mceFocus', false); } } /** * Callback function of Tiny which opens contenido file browser in popup * Notice: Global js vars were defined in include.con_editcontent.php * (image_url, file_url, flash_url, media_url) * * @param string field_name - Name of relevant HTML field * @param string url - Tiny default but not used in function * @param string type - Type of content to add (image, file, ..) * @param Object win - Corresponding window object */ function myCustomFileBrowser(field_name, url, type, win) { switch (type) { case "image": fb_handle = window.open(image_url, "filebrowser", "dialog=yes,resizable=yes"); fb_fieldname = field_name; fb_win = win; fb_intervalhandle = window.setInterval("updateImageFilebrowser()", 250); break; case "file": fb_handle = window.open(file_url, "filebrowser", "dialog=yes,resizable=yes"); fb_fieldname = field_name; fb_win = win; fb_intervalhandle = window.setInterval("updateImageFilebrowser()", 250); break; case "flash": fb_handle = window.open(flash_url, "filebrowser", "dialog=yes,resizable=yes"); fb_fieldname = field_name; fb_win = win; fb_intervalhandle = window.setInterval("updateImageFilebrowser()", 250); break; case "media": fb_handle = window.open(media_url, "filebrowser", "dialog=yes,resizable=yes"); fb_fieldname = field_name; fb_win = win; fb_intervalhandle = window.setInterval("updateImageFilebrowser()", 250); break; default: alert(type); break; } } /** * Function like storeCurrentTinyContent() which stores original content to * global array aEditdataOrig for a later decision if content has changed * * @param string sContent - original content string */ function updateContent(sContent) { //if original content was already set do not overwrite //this happens if tiny is reopened on same content if (aEditdataOrig[active_id] == undefined) { sContent = sContent.replace(frontend_path, ''); aEditdataOrig[active_id] = sContent; } } /** * Function checks if content has changed if user leaves page. * Then he has the possiblity to save this content. So there is no * guess, that changes get lost. * Notice: Global js vars were defined in include.con_editcontent.php * (aEditdata, aEditdataOrig, sQuestion, iIdartlang) */ function leave_check() { //If tiny is still open store its content storeCurrentTinyContent(); //Check if any content in aEditdata was changed var bAsk = false; for (var sId in aEditdata) { if (aEditdataOrig[sId] != aEditdata[sId]) { bAsk = true; } } //If content was changed and global var bCheckLeave is set to true //ask user if he wants to save content //ex bCheckLeave is false when user clicks save button. This is also //a case in which he leaves this page but by pressing save button he //also saves all changes if (bAsk && bCheckLeave) { check = confirm(sQuestion); //If he wants to save content call function setcontent(); if (check == true) { setcontent(iIdartlang, '0'); } } }