* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * * * {@internal * created unknown * modified 2008-07-07, bilal arslan, added security fix * modified 2011-03-21, Murat Purc, usage of new db connection * * $Id$: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } class cSetupClientAdjust extends cSetupMask { public function __construct($step, $previous, $next) { global $cfg; $cfg["tab"]["sequence"] = $_SESSION["dbprefix"] . "_sequence"; parent::__construct("templates/setup/forms/pathinfo.tpl", $step); $this->setHeader(i18n_setup("Client Settings")); $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "TITLE", i18n_setup("Client Settings")); $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", i18n_setup("Please check the directories identified by the system. If you need to change a client path, click on the name and enter your new path in the available input box.")); $db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(); $aClients = listClients($db, $_SESSION["dbprefix"] . "_clients"); $cHTMLErrorMessageList = new cHTMLErrorMessageList; $cHTMLErrorMessageList->setStyle("width: 580px; height: 200px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid black;"); $cHTMLFoldableErrorMessages = []; $aPathList = []; [$a_root_path, $a_root_http_path] = getSystemDirectories(); @include($a_root_path . "data/config/" . CL_ENVIRONMENT . "/config.php"); foreach ($aClients as $iIdClient => $aInfo) { if (!isset($_SESSION["frontendpath"][$iIdClient]) || $_SESSION["frontendpath"][$iIdClient] == "") { $iDifferencePos = findSimilarText($cfg['path']['frontend'] . "/", $aInfo["frontendpath"]); if ($iDifferencePos > 0) { $sClientPath = $a_root_path . "/" . substr($aInfo["frontendpath"], $iDifferencePos + 1, strlen($aInfo["frontendpath"]) - $iDifferencePos); $_SESSION["frontendpath"][$iIdClient] = $sClientPath; } else { $_SESSION["frontendpath"][$iIdClient] = $aInfo["frontendpath"]; } } if (!isset($_SESSION["htmlpath"][$iIdClient]) || $_SESSION["htmlpath"][$iIdClient] == "") { /* Use frontendpath instead of htmlpath as the directories should be aligned pairwhise */ $iDifferencePos = findSimilarText($cfg['path']['frontend'] . "/", $aInfo["frontendpath"]); if ($iDifferencePos > 0) { $sClientPath = $a_root_http_path . "/" . substr($aInfo["frontendpath"], $iDifferencePos + 1, strlen($aInfo["frontendpath"]) - $iDifferencePos); $_SESSION["htmlpath"][$iIdClient] = $sClientPath; } else { $_SESSION["htmlpath"][$iIdClient] = $aInfo["htmlpath"]; } } $sName = sprintf(i18n_setup("Old server path for %s (%s)"), $aInfo["name"], $iIdClient); $sName .= ":
" . $aInfo["frontendpath"] . "

"; $sName .= sprintf(i18n_setup("New server path for %s (%s)"), $aInfo["name"], $iIdClient); $sName .= ":
"; $oSystemPathBox = new cHTMLTextbox("frontendpath[$iIdClient]", $_SESSION["frontendpath"][$iIdClient]); $oSystemPathBox->setWidth(100); $oSystemPathBox->setClass("small"); $oClientSystemPath = new cHTMLInfoMessage([$sName, $oSystemPathBox], " "); $oClientSystemPath->_oTitle->setStyle("padding-left: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px"); $aPathList[] = $oClientSystemPath; $sName = sprintf(i18n_setup("Old web path for %s (%s)"), $aInfo["name"], $iIdClient); $sName .= ":
" . $aInfo["htmlpath"] . "

"; $sName .= sprintf(i18n_setup("New web path for %s (%s)"), $aInfo["name"], $iIdClient); $sName .= ":
"; $oSystemPathBox = new cHTMLTextbox("htmlpath[$iIdClient]", $_SESSION["htmlpath"][$iIdClient]); $oSystemPathBox->setWidth(100); $oSystemPathBox->setClass("small"); $oClientSystemPath = new cHTMLInfoMessage([$sName, $oSystemPathBox], " "); $oClientSystemPath->_oTitle->setStyle("padding-left: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px"); $aPathList[] = $oClientSystemPath; } $cHTMLErrorMessageList->setContent($aPathList); $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "CONTROL_PATHINFO", $cHTMLErrorMessageList->render()); $this->setNavigation($previous, $next); } } ?>