* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since Contenido release 4.8.15 * * {@internal * created 2008-05-xx * * $Id$: * }} * */ defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') or die('Illegal call'); cInclude('classes', 'UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilder.class.php'); cInclude('classes', 'UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilderFactory.class.php'); /** * Class to build frontend urls for advandced mod rewrite plugin. * Extends abstract Contenido_UrlBuilder class and implements singleton pattern. * * Usage: * * cInclude('classes', 'UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR.class.php'); * $url = 'front_content.php?idart=123'; * $mrUrlBuilder = Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR::getInstance(); * $mrUrlBuilder->buildUrl(array($url)); * $newUrl = $mrUrlBuilder->getUrl(); * * * @todo Add handling of absolute paths, standardize handling of fragments * * * @author Murat Purc * @package Contenido Backend plugins * @subpackage ModRewrite */ class Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR extends Contenido_UrlBuilder { /** * Self instance * * @var Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR */ static private $_instance; /** * Ampersant used for composing several parameter value pairs * * @var string */ private $_sAmp = '&'; /** * Is XHTML output? * * @var bool */ private $_bIsXHTML = false; /** * Is HTML5 output? * * @var bool */ private $_bIsHTML5 = false; /** * Is mod rewrite enabled? * * @var bool */ private $_bMREnabled = false; /** * Mod Rewrite configuration * * @var array */ private $_aMrCfg = null; /** * Constructor, tries to set some member variables. */ private function __construct() { $this->sHttpBasePath = ''; if (ModRewrite::isEnabled()) { $this->_aMrCfg = ModRewrite::getConfig(); $this->_bMREnabled = true; $this->_bIsXHTML = ((getEffectiveSetting('generator', 'xhtml', 'false') == 'false') ? false : true); $this->_bIsHTML5 = ((getEffectiveSetting('generator', 'html5', 'false') == 'false') ? false : true); $this->_sAmp = ((($this->_bIsXHTML) || ($this->_bIsHTML5)) ? '&' : '&'); } } /** * Returns a instance of Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR * * @return Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$_instance == null) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Builds a URL based on defined mod rewrite settings. * * @param array $params Parameter array, provides only following parameters: * * $params[0] = 'front_content.php?idart=123...' * * @param boolean $bUseAbsolutePath Flag to use absolute path (not used at the moment) * @return string New build url */ public function buildUrl(array $params, $bUseAbsolutePath = false) { global $cfgClient, $client; ModRewriteDebugger::add($params, 'Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR::buildUrl() $params'); $urlDebug['in'] = $params; $url = self::_buildUrl($params); $urlPrefix = ''; if ($bUseAbsolutePath) { $hmlPath = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath']; $aComp = parse_url($hmlPath); $urlPrefix = $aComp['scheme'] . '://' . $aComp['host']; if (mr_arrayValue($aComp, 'port', '') !== '') { $urlPrefix .= ':' . $aComp['port']; } } $this->sUrl = $urlPrefix . $url; $urlDebug['out'] = $this->sUrl; ModRewriteDebugger::add($urlDebug, 'Contenido_UrlBuilder_MR::buildUrl() in -> out'); } /** * Builds the SEO-URL by analyzing passed arguments (parameter value pairs) * * @param array $aParams Parameter array * @return string New build pretty url */ private function _buildUrl(array $aParams) { // language should changed, set lang parameter if (isset($aParams['changelang'])) { $aParams['lang'] = $aParams['changelang']; } // build the query $sQuery = http_build_query($aParams); // get pretty url parts $oMRUrlStack = ModRewriteUrlStack::getInstance(); $aPretty = $oMRUrlStack->getPrettyUrlParts('front_content.php?' . $sQuery); // get all non contenido related query parameter $sQuery = $this->_createUrlQueryPart($aParams); // some presettings of variables $aParts = array(); // add client id/name if desired if ($param = $this->_getClientParameter($aParams)) { $aParts[] = $param; } // add language id/name if desired if ($param = $this->_getLanguageParameter($aParams)) { $aParts[] = $param; } // get path part of the url $sPath = $this->_getPath($aPretty); if ($sPath !== '') { $aParts[] = $sPath; } $sPath = implode('/', $aParts) . '/'; // get pagename part of the url $sArticle = $this->_getArticleName($aPretty, $aParams); if ($sArticle !== '') { $sFileExt = $this->_aMrCfg['file_extension']; } else { $sFileExt = ''; } $sPathAndArticle = $sPath . $sArticle . $sFileExt; if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_lowercase_uri'] == 1) { // use lowercase url $sPathAndArticle = strtolower($sPathAndArticle); } // $sUrl = $this->_aMrCfg['rootdir'] . $sPathAndArticle . $sQuery; $sUrl = $sPathAndArticle . $sQuery; // remove double or more join parameter $sUrl = mr_removeMultipleChars('/', $sUrl); if (substr($sUrl, -2) == '?=') { $sUrl = substr_replace($sUrl, '', -2); } // now convert Contenido url to an AMR url $sUrl = ModRewriteUrlUtil::getInstance()->toModRewriteUrl($sUrl); return mr_removeMultipleChars('/', $this->_aMrCfg['rootdir'] . $sUrl); } /** * Loops thru passed parameter array and creates the query part of the URL. * All non Contenido related parameter will be excluded from composition. * * @param array $aArgs Assoziative parameter array * @return string Composed query part for the URL like '?foo=bar&param=value' */ private function _createUrlQueryPart(array $aArgs) { // set list of parameter which are to ignore while setting additional parameter $aIgnoredParams = array( 'idcat', 'idart', 'lang', 'client', 'idcatart', 'idartlang' ); if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_language'] == 1) { $aIgnoredParams[] = 'changelang'; } if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_client'] == 1) { $aIgnoredParams[] = 'changeclient'; } // collect additional non contenido related parameters $sQuery = ''; foreach ($aArgs as $p => $v) { if (!in_array($p, $aIgnoredParams)) { # $sQuery .= urlencode(urldecode($p)) . '=' . urlencode(urldecode($v)) . $this->_sAmp; $p = urlencode(urldecode($p)); if (is_array($v)) { // handle query parameter like foobar[0}=a&foobar[1]=b... foreach ($v as $p2 => $v2){ $p2 = urlencode(urldecode($p2)); $v2 = urlencode(urldecode($v2)); $sQuery .= $p . '[' . $p2 . ']=' . $v2 . $this->_sAmp; } } else { $v = urlencode(urldecode($v)); $sQuery .= $p . '=' . $v . $this->_sAmp; } } } if (strlen($sQuery) > 0) { $sQuery = '?' . substr($sQuery, 0, - strlen($this->_sAmp)); } return $sQuery; } /** * Returns client id or name depending on settings. * * @param array $aArgs Additional arguments * @return mixed Client id, client name or null */ private function _getClientParameter(array $aArgs) { global $client; // set client if desired if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_client'] == 1) { $iChangeClient = (isset($aArgs['changeclient'])) ? (int) $aArgs['changeclient'] : 0; $idclient = ($iChangeClient > 0) ? $iChangeClient : $client; if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_client_name'] == 1) { return urlencode(ModRewrite::getClientName($idclient)); } else { return $idclient; } } return null; } /** * Returns language id or name depending on settings. * * @param array $aArgs Additional arguments * @return mixed Language id, language name or null */ private function _getLanguageParameter(array $aArgs) { global $lang; // set language if desired if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_language'] == 1) { $iChangeLang = (isset($aArgs['changelang'])) ? (int) $aArgs['changelang'] : 0; $idlang = ($iChangeLang > 0) ? $iChangeLang : $lang; if ($this->_aMrCfg['use_language_name'] == 1) { return urlencode(ModRewrite::getLanguageName($idlang)); } else { return $idlang; } } return null; } /** * Returns composed path of url (normally the category structure) * * @param array $aPretty Pretty url array * @return string Path */ private function _getPath(array $aPretty) { $sPath = (isset($aPretty['urlpath'])) ? $aPretty['urlpath'] : ''; // check start directory settings if ($this->_aMrCfg['startfromroot'] == 0 && (strlen($sPath) > 0)) { // splitt string in array $aCategories = explode('/', $sPath); // remove first category array_shift($aCategories); // implode array with categories to new string $sPath = implode('/', $aCategories); } return $sPath; } /** * Returns articlename depending on current setting * * @param array $aPretty Pretty url array * @param array $aArgs Additional arguments * @return string Articlename */ private function _getArticleName(array $aPretty, array $aArgs) { $sArticle = (isset($aPretty['urlname'])) ? $aPretty['urlname'] : ''; $iIdCat = (isset($aArgs['idcat'])) ? (int) $aArgs['idcat'] : 0; $iIdCatLang = (isset($aArgs['idcatlang'])) ? (int) $aArgs['idcatlang'] : 0; $iIdCatArt = (isset($aArgs['idcatart'])) ? (int) $aArgs['idcatart'] : 0; $iIdArt = (isset($aArgs['idart'])) ? (int) $aArgs['idart'] : 0; $iIdArtLang = (isset($aArgs['idartlang'])) ? (int) $aArgs['idartlang'] : 0; // category id was passed but not article id if (($iIdCat > 0 || $iIdCatLang > 0) && $iIdCatArt == 0 && $iIdArt == 0 && $iIdArtLang == 0) { $sArticle = ''; if ($this->_aMrCfg['add_startart_name_to_url']) { if ($this->_aMrCfg['default_startart_name'] !== '') { // use default start article name $sArticle = $this->_aMrCfg['default_startart_name']; } else { $sArticle = (isset($aPretty['urlname'])) ? $aPretty['urlname'] : ''; } } else { // url is to create without article name $sArticle = ''; } } return $sArticle; } }