* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * * {@internal * created 2000-01-01 * modified 2008-07-04, bilal arslan, added security fix * modified 2010-02-02, Ingo van Peeren, added local method connect() in order * to allow only one database connection, see [CON-300] * modified 2010-02-17, Ingo van Peeren, only one connection for mysqli too * modified 2011-03-03, Murat Purc, some redesign/improvements (partial adaption to PHP 5) * modified 2011-03-18, Murat Purc, Fixed occuring "Duplicated entry" errors by using CT_Sql, see [CON-370] * modified 2011-03-21, Murat Purc, added Contenido_CT_Session to uses PHP's session implementation * * $Id: local.php 300 2014-01-30 14:28:53Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * DB-class for all DB handling */ class DB_ConLite extends DB_Sql { /** * Constructor of database class. * * @param array $options Optional assoziative options. The value depends * on used DBMS, but is generally as follows: * - $options['connection']['host'] (string) Hostname or ip * - $options['connection']['database'] (string) Database name * - $options['connection']['user'] (string) User name * - $options['connection']['password'] (string) User password * - $options['nolock'] (bool) Optional, not lock table * - $options['sequenceTable'] (string) Optional, sequesnce table * - $options['haltBehavior'] (string) Optional, halt behavior on occured errors * - $options['haltMsgPrefix'] (string) Optional, Text to prepend to the halt message * - $options['enableProfiling'] (bool) Optional, flag to enable profiling * @return void */ public function __construct(array $options = array()) { global $cachemeta; parent::__construct($options); if (!is_array($cachemeta)) { $cachemeta = array(); } // TODO check this out // HerrB: Checked and disabled. Kills umlauts, if tables are latin1_general. // try to use the new connection and get the needed encryption //$this->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); } /** * Fetches the next recordset from result set * * @param bool */ public function next_record() { global $cCurrentModule; // FIXME For what reason is NoRecord used??? $this->NoRecord = false; if (!$this->Query_ID) { $this->NoRecord = true; if ($cCurrentModule > 0) { $this->halt("next_record called with no query pending in Module ID $cCurrentModule."); } else { $this->halt("next_record called with no query pending."); } return false; } return parent::next_record(); } /** * Returns the metada of passed table * * @param string $sTable The tablename of empty string to retrieve metadata of all tables! * @return array|bool Assoziative metadata array (result depends on used db driver) * or false in case of an error * @deprecated Use db drivers toArray() method instead */ public function copyResultToArray($sTable = '') { $aValues = array(); $aMetadata = $this->metadata($sTable); if (!is_array($aMetadata) || count($aMetadata) == 0) { return false; } foreach ($aMetadata as $entry) { $aValues[$entry['name']] = $this->f($entry['name']); } return $aValues; } } /** * Wrapper class for old contenido class * * @deprecated since version 2.0.0, use DB_ConLite instead */ class DB_Contenido extends DB_ConLite { /** * * @deprecated since version 2.0.0 * @param array $options */ public function __construct(array $options = array()) { parent::__construct($options); } } class Contenido_CT_Sql extends CT_Sql { /** * Database class name * @var string */ public $database_class = 'DB_Contenido'; /** * And find our session data in this table. * @var string */ public $database_table = ''; public function __construct() { global $cfg; $this->database_table = $cfg['tab']['phplib_active_sessions']; } /** * Stores the session data in database table. * * Overwrites parents and uses MySQLs REPLACE statement, to prevent race * conditions while executing INSERT statements by multiple frames in backend. * * - Existing entry will be overwritten * - Non existing entry will be added * * @param string $id The session id (hash) * @param string $name Name of the session * @param string $str The value to store * @return bool */ public function ac_store($id, $name, $str) { switch ($this->encoding_mode) { case 'slashes': $str = addslashes($name . ':' . $str); break; case 'base64': default: $str = base64_encode($name . ':' . $str); } $name = addslashes($name); $now = date('YmdHis', time()); $iquery = sprintf( "REPLACE INTO %s (sid, name, val, changed) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $this->database_table, $id, $name, $str, $now ); return ($this->db->query($iquery)) ? true : false; } } /** * Implements the interface class for storing session data to disk using file * session container of phplib. */ class Contenido_CT_File extends CT_File { /** * The maximum length for one line in session file. * @var int */ public $iLineLength = 999999; /** * Overrides standard constructor for setting up file path to the one which is * configured in php.ini * * @return Contenido_CT_File * * @author Holger Librenz */ public function __construct() { global $cfg; if (isset($cfg['session_line_length']) && !empty($cfg['session_line_length'])) { $this->iLineLength = (int) $cfg['session_line_length']; } // get php.ini value for session path $this->file_path = session_save_path() . '/'; } /** * Overrides get method, because standard byte count is not really senseful for * contenido! * * @param string $sId * @param string $sName * @return mixed */ public function ac_get_value($sId, $sName) { if (file_exists($this->file_path . "$sId$sName")) { $f = fopen($this->file_path . "$sId$sName", 'r'); if ($f < 0) { return ''; } $s = fgets($f, $this->iLineLength); fclose($f); return urldecode($s); } else { return ''; } } } class Contenido_CT_Shm extends CT_Shm { public function __construct() { $this->ac_start(); } } /** * Contenido session container, uses PHP's session implementation. * * NOTE: Is experimental, so don't use this in a production environment. * * To use this, set session container in contenido/includes/config.misc.php to * $cfg["session_container"] = 'session'; * * @todo Make session container configurable * * @author Murat Purc */ class Contenido_CT_Session extends CT_Session { public function __construct() { $this->ac_start(array( 'namespace' => 'contenido_ct_session_ns', 'session.hash_function' => '1', // use sha-1 function 'session.hash_bits_per_character' => '5', // and set 5 character to achieve 32 chars # 'session.save_path' => 'your path', # 'session.name' => 'your session name', # 'session.gc_maxlifetime' => 'your lifetime in seconds', )); } } class Contenido_Session extends Session { public $classname = 'Contenido_Session'; public $cookiename = 'contenido'; ## defaults to classname public $magic = '934ComeOnEileen'; ## ID seed public $mode = 'get'; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies public $fallback_mode = 'cookie'; public $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes public $that_class = 'Contenido_CT_Sql'; ## name of data storage container public $gc_probability = 5; public function __construct() { global $cfg; $sFallback = 'sql'; $sClassPrefix = 'Contenido_CT_'; $sStorageContainer = strtolower($cfg['session_container']); if (class_exists($sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sStorageContainer))) { $sClass = $sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sStorageContainer); } else { $sClass = $sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sFallback); } $this->that_class = $sClass; } public function delete() { $oCol = new InUseCollection(); $oCol->removeSessionMarks($this->id); parent::delete(); } } class Contenido_Frontend_Session extends Session { public $classname = 'Contenido_Frontend_Session'; public $cookiename = 'sid'; ## defaults to classname public $magic = 'Phillipip'; ## ID seed public $mode = 'cookie'; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies public $fallback_mode = 'cookie'; public $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes public $that_class = 'Contenido_CT_Sql'; ## name of data storage container public $gc_probability = 5; public function __construct() { global $load_lang, $load_client, $cfg; $this->cookiename = 'sid_' . $load_client . '_' . $load_lang; $this->setExpires(time() + 3600); // added 2007-10-11, H. Librenz // bugfix (found by dodger77): we need alternative session containers // also in frontend $sFallback = 'sql'; $sClassPrefix = 'Contenido_CT_'; $sStorageContainer = strtolower($cfg['session_container']); if (class_exists($sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sStorageContainer))) { $sClass = $sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sStorageContainer); } else { $sClass = $sClassPrefix . ucfirst($sFallback); } $this->that_class = $sClass; } } class Contenido_Auth extends Auth { public $classname = 'Contenido_Auth'; public $lifetime = 15; public $database_class = 'DB_Contenido'; public $database_table = 'con_phplib_auth_user'; public function auth_loginform() { global $sess, $_PHPLIB; include($_PHPLIB['libdir'] . 'loginform.ihtml'); } public function auth_validatelogin() { global $username, $password; if ($password == '') { return false; } if (isset($username)) { $this->auth['uname'] = $username; ## This provides access for 'loginform.ihtml' } elseif ($this->nobody) { ## provides for 'default login cancel' $uid = $this->auth['uname'] = $this->auth['uid'] = 'nobody'; return $uid; } $uid = false; $this->db->query( sprintf("SELECT user_id, perms FROM %s WHERE username = '%s' AND password = '%s'", $this->database_table, addslashes($username), addslashes($password)) ); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $uid = $this->db->f('user_id'); $this->auth['perm'] = $this->db->f('perms'); } return $uid; } } class Contenido_Default_Auth extends Contenido_Auth { public $classname = 'Contenido_Default_Auth'; public $lifetime = 1; public $nobody = true; public function auth_loginform() { global $sess, $_PHPLIB; include($_PHPLIB['libdir'] . 'defloginform.ihtml'); } } class Contenido_Challenge_Auth extends Auth { public $classname = 'Contenido_Challenge_Auth'; public $lifetime = 1; public $magic = 'Simsalabim'; ## Challenge seed public $database_class = 'DB_Contenido'; public $database_table = 'con_phplib_auth_user'; public function auth_loginform() { global $sess, $challenge, $_PHPLIB; $challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic)); $sess->register('challenge'); include($_PHPLIB['libdir'] . 'crloginform.ihtml'); } public function auth_validatelogin() { global $username, $password, $challenge, $response, $timestamp; if ($password == '') { return false; } if (isset($username)) { // This provides access for 'loginform.ihtml' $this->auth['uname'] = $username; } // Sanity check: If the user presses 'reload', don't allow a login with the data // again. Instead, prompt again. if ($timestamp < (time() - 60 * 15)) { return false; } $this->db->query( sprintf("SELECT user_id, perms, password FROM %s WHERE username = '%s'", $this->database_table, addslashes($username)) ); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $uid = $this->db->f('user_id'); $perm = $this->db->f('perms'); $pass = $this->db->f('password'); } $exspected_response = md5("$username:$pass:$challenge"); // True when JS is disabled if ($response == '') { if ($password != $pass) { return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; return $uid; } } // Response is set, JS is enabled if ($exspected_response != $response) { return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; return $uid; } } } ## ## Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth: Keep passwords in md5 hashes rather ## than cleartext in database ## Author: Jim Zajkowski class Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth extends Auth { public $classname = 'Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth'; public $lifetime = 15; public $magic = 'Frrobo123xxica'; ## Challenge seed public $database_class = 'DB_Contenido'; public $database_table = ''; public $group_table = ''; public $member_table = ''; public function __construct() { global $cfg; $this->database_table = $cfg['tab']['phplib_auth_user_md5']; $this->group_table = $cfg['tab']['groups']; $this->member_table = $cfg['tab']['groupmembers']; $this->lifetime = $cfg['backend']['timeout']; if ($this->lifetime == 0) { $this->lifetime = 15; } } public function auth_loginform() { global $sess, $challenge, $_PHPLIB, $cfg; $challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic)); $sess->register('challenge'); include($cfg['path']['contenido'] . 'main.loginform.php'); } public function auth_loglogin($uid) { global $cfg, $client, $lang, $auth, $sess, $saveLoginTime; $perm = new Contenido_Perm(); $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $idcatart = '0'; /* Find the first accessible client and language for the user */ // All the needed information should be available in clients_lang - but the previous code was designed with a // reference to the clients table. Maybe fail-safe technology, who knows... $sql = 'SELECT tblClientsLang.idclient, tblClientsLang.idlang FROM ' . $cfg['tab']['clients'] . ' AS tblClients, ' . $cfg['tab']['clients_lang'] . ' AS tblClientsLang ' . 'WHERE tblClients.idclient = tblClientsLang.idclient ORDER BY idclient ASC, idlang ASC'; $this->db->query($sql); $bFound = false; while ($this->db->next_record() && !$bFound) { $iTmpClient = $this->db->f('idclient'); $iTmpLang = $this->db->f('idlang'); if ($perm->have_perm_client_lang($iTmpClient, $iTmpLang)) { $client = $iTmpClient; $lang = $iTmpLang; $bFound = true; } } if (isset($idcat) && isset($idart)) { // SECURITY FIX $sql = "SELECT idcatart FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_art'] . " WHERE idcat = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idcat) . "' AND idart = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idart) . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->db->next_record(); $idcatart = $this->db->f('idcatart'); } if (!is_numeric($client) || !is_numeric($lang)) { return; } $idaction = $perm->getIDForAction('login'); $lastentry = $this->db->nextid($cfg['tab']['actionlog']); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg['tab']['actionlog'] . " SET idlog = $lastentry, user_id = '" . $uid . "', idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "', idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang) . "', idaction = $idaction, idcatart = $idcatart, logtimestamp = '$timestamp'"; $this->db->query($sql); $sess->register('saveLoginTime'); $saveLoginTime = true; } public function auth_validatelogin() { global $username, $password, $challenge, $response, $formtimestamp, $auth_handlers; $gperm = array(); if ($password == '') { return false; } if (($formtimestamp + (60 * 15)) < time()) { return false; } if (isset($username)) { $this->auth['uname'] = $username; ## This provides access for 'loginform.ihtml' } elseif ($this->nobody) { ## provides for 'default login cancel' $uid = $this->auth['uname'] = $this->auth['uid'] = 'nobody'; return $uid; } $uid = false; $perm = false; $pass = false; $sDate = date('Y-m-d'); $this->db->query(sprintf("SELECT user_id, perms, password FROM %s WHERE username = '%s' AND (valid_from <= '" . $sDate . "' OR valid_from = '1000-01-01' OR valid_from = '0000-00-00' OR valid_from is NULL) AND (valid_to >= '" . $sDate . "' OR valid_to = '1000-01-01' OR valid_to = '0000-00-00' OR valid_to is NULL)", $this->database_table, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($username, $this->db) )); $sMaintenanceMode = getSystemProperty('maintenance', 'mode'); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $uid = $this->db->f('user_id'); $perm = $this->db->f('perms'); $pass = $this->db->f('password'); ## Password is stored as a md5 hash $bInMaintenance = false; if ($sMaintenanceMode == 'enabled') { #sysadmins are allowed to login every time if (!preg_match('/sysadmin/', $perm)) { $bInMaintenance = true; } } if ($bInMaintenance) { unset($uid); unset($perm); unset($pass); } if (is_array($auth_handlers) && !$bInMaintenance) { if (array_key_exists($pass, $auth_handlers)) { $success = call_user_func($auth_handlers[$pass], $username, $password); if ($success) { $uid = md5($username); $pass = md5($password); } } } } if ($uid == false) { ## No user found, sleep and exit sleep(5); return false; } else { $this->db->query(sprintf("SELECT a.group_id AS group_id, a.perms AS perms " . "FROM %s AS a, %s AS b WHERE a.group_id = b.group_id AND b.user_id = '%s'", $this->group_table, $this->member_table, $uid )); if ($perm != '') { $gperm[] = $perm; } while ($this->db->next_record()) { $gperm[] = $this->db->f('perms'); } if (is_array($gperm)) { $perm = implode(',', $gperm); } if ($response == '') { ## True when JS is disabled if (md5($password) != $pass) { ## md5 hash for non-JavaScript browsers sleep(5); return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; $this->auth_loglogin($uid); return $uid; } } $expected_response = md5("$username:$pass:$challenge"); if ($expected_response != $response) { ## Response is set, JS is enabled sleep(5); return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; $this->auth_loglogin($uid); return $uid; } } } } class Contenido_Frontend_Challenge_Crypt_Auth extends Auth { public $classname = 'Contenido_Frontend_Challenge_Crypt_Auth'; public $lifetime = 15; public $magic = 'Frrobo123xxica'; ## Challenge seed public $database_class = 'DB_Contenido'; public $database_table = ''; public $fe_database_table = ''; public $group_table = ''; public $member_table = ''; public $nobody = true; public function __construct() { global $cfg; $this->database_table = $cfg['tab']['phplib_auth_user_md5']; $this->fe_database_table = $cfg['tab']['frontendusers']; $this->group_table = $cfg['tab']['groups']; $this->member_table = $cfg['tab']['groupmembers']; } public function auth_preauth() { global $password; if ($password == '') { /* Stay as nobody when an empty password is passed */ $uid = $this->auth['uname'] = $this->auth['uid'] = 'nobody'; return false; } return $this->auth_validatelogin(); } public function auth_loginform() { global $sess, $challenge, $_PHPLIB, $client, $cfgClient; $challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic)); $sess->register('challenge'); include($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . 'front_crcloginform.inc.php'); } public function auth_validatelogin() { global $username, $password, $challenge, $response, $auth_handlers, $client; $client = (int) $client; if (isset($username)) { $this->auth['uname'] = $username; ## This provides access for 'loginform.ihtml' } else if ($this->nobody) { ## provides for 'default login cancel' $uid = $this->auth['uname'] = $this->auth['uid'] = 'nobody'; return $uid; } $uid = false; /* Authentification via frontend users */ $this->db->query(sprintf("SELECT idfrontenduser, password FROM %s WHERE username = '%s' AND idclient='$client' AND active='1'", $this->fe_database_table, Contenido_Security::escapeDB(urlencode($username), $this->db) )); if ($this->db->next_record()) { $uid = $this->db->f('idfrontenduser'); $perm = 'frontend'; $pass = $this->db->f('password'); } if ($uid == false) { /* Authentification via backend users */ $this->db->query(sprintf("SELECT user_id, perms, password FROM %s WHERE username = '%s'", $this->database_table, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($username, $this->db))); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $uid = $this->db->f('user_id'); $perm = $this->db->f('perms'); $pass = $this->db->f('password'); ## Password is stored as a md5 hash if (is_array($auth_handlers)) { if (array_key_exists($pass, $auth_handlers)) { $success = call_user_func($auth_handlers[$pass], $username, $password); if ($success) { $uid = md5($username); $pass = md5($password); } } } } if ($uid !== false) { $this->db->query(sprintf("SELECT a.group_id AS group_id, a.perms AS perms " . "FROM %s AS a, %s AS b WHERE a.group_id = b.group_id AND " . "b.user_id = '%s'", $this->group_table, $this->member_table, $uid )); /* Deactivated: Backend user would be sysadmin when logged on as frontend user * (and perms would be checked), see http://www.contenido.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=85666#85666 $perm = 'sysadmin'; */ if ($perm != '') { $gperm[] = $perm; } while ($this->db->next_record()) { $gperm[] = $this->db->f('perms'); } if (is_array($gperm)) { $perm = implode(',', $gperm); } } } if ($uid == false) { ## User not found, sleep and exit sleep(5); return false; } else { if ($response == '') { ## True when JS is disabled if (md5($password) != $pass) { ## md5 hash for non-JavaScript browsers sleep(5); return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; return $uid; } } $expected_response = md5("$username:$pass:$challenge"); if ($expected_response != $response) { ## Response is set, JS is enabled sleep(5); return false; } else { $this->auth['perm'] = $perm; return $uid; } } } } /** * Registers an external auth handler */ function register_auth_handler($aHandlers) { global $auth_handlers; if (!is_array($auth_handlers)) { $auth_handlers = array(); } if (!is_array($aHandlers)) { $aHandlers = Array($aHandlers); } foreach ($aHandlers as $sHandler) { if (!in_array($sHandler, $auth_handlers)) { $auth_handlers[md5($sHandler)] = $sHandler; } } } ?>