* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * $Id: run_newsletter_job.php 80 2012-05-29 12:38:23Z oldperl $: */ if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) { define("CON_FRAMEWORK", true); } // Contenido startup process include_once ('../includes/startup.php'); global $cfg; if(!isRunningFromWeb || function_exists("runJob") || $area == "cronjobs") { $oJobs = new cNewsletterJobCollection; $oJobs->setWhere("status", 1); $oJobs->setWhere("use_cronjob", 1); $oJobs->setLimit("0", "1"); // Load only one job at a time $oJobs->setOrder("created DESC"); // Newest job will be run first $oJobs->query(); if ($oJob = $oJobs->next()) { // Active jobs found, run job $oJob->runJob(); } else { // Nothing to do, check dead jobs $oJobs->resetQuery(); $oJobs->setWhere("status", 2); $oJobs->setWhere("use_cronjob", 1); $oJobs->setLimit("0", "1"); // Load only one job at a time $oJobs->setOrder("created DESC"); // Newest job will be run first $oJobs->query(); if ($oJob = $oJobs->next()) { // Maybe hanging jobs found, run job $oJob->runJob(); } } } ?>