* @copyright (c) 2015, conlite.org * @license http://www.gnu.de/documents/gpl.en.html GPL v3 (english version) * @license http://www.gnu.de/documents/gpl.de.html GPL v3 (deutsche Version) * @link http://www.conlite.org ConLite.org * * $Id: class.articlelanguage.php 353 2015-09-24 19:18:33Z oldperl $ */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } class cApiArticleLanguageCollection extends ItemCollection { public function __construct($select = false) { global $cfg; parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["art_lang"], "idartlang"); $this->_setItemClass("cApiArticleLanguage"); $this->_setJoinPartner("cApiArticleCollection"); if ($select !== false) { $this->select($select); } } public function getIdArtLang($iIdart, $iIdlang) { $this->setWhere('idart', Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIdart)); $this->setWhere('idlang', Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIdlang)); if($this->query() && $this->count() > 0) { return $this->next()->get('idartlang'); } return false; } } class cApiArticleLanguage extends Item { /** * Constructor Function * @param mixed $mId Specifies the ID of item to load */ public function __construct($mId = false) { global $cfg; parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["art_lang"], "idartlang"); $this->setFilters(array(), array()); if ($mId !== false) { $this->loadByPrimaryKey($mId); } } public function loadByArticleAndLanguageId($idart, $idlang) { $result = true; if (!$this->isLoaded()) { $idartlang = $this->_getIdArtLang($idart, $idlang); $result = $this->loadByPrimaryKey($idartlang); } return $result; } protected function _getIdArtLang($idart, $idlang) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT idartlang FROM `%s` WHERE idart = %d AND idlang = %d', cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'art_lang'), $idart, $idlang); $this->db->query($sql); $this->db->next_record(); return $this->db->f('idartlang'); } public function getContent($type = '', $id = NULL) { if (NULL === $this->content) { $this->_loadArticleContent(); } if (empty($this->content)) { return ''; } if ($type == '') { return $this->content; } $type = strtolower($type); if (false === stripos($type, 'cms_')) { $type = 'cms_' . $type; } if (is_null($id)) { // return Array return $this->content[$type]; } // return String return (isset($this->content[$type][$id])) ? $this->content[$type][$id] : ''; } protected function _loadArticleContent() { if (NULL !== $this->content) { return; } $sql = "SELECT b.type, a.typeid, a.value FROM `".cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'content') ."` AS a, `".cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'type') ."` AS b WHERE a.idartlang = ".$this->get('idartlang') ." AND b.idtype = a.idtype ORDER BY a.idtype, a.typeid"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->content = array(); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $this->content[strtolower($this->db->f('type'))][$this->db->f('typeid')] = urldecode($this->db->f('value')); } } } ?>