Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Oldperl 2017-03-11 12:58:54 +00:00
Ursprung f529857955
Commit 9738b3442e
10 geänderte Dateien mit 2165 neuen und 2282 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* CSV Handling class
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.4
* @author Timo A. Hummel
@ -19,57 +13,45 @@
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* $Id: class.csv.php 214 2013-01-25 15:50:04Z oldperl $:
* }}
* $Id: class.csv.php 214 2013-01-25 15:50:04Z oldperl $:
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class CSV
var $_data = array();
var $_delimiter;
function CSV ()
$this->_delimiter = ";";
function setRow ($row)
$args = func_num_args();
for ($arg=1;$arg<$args;$arg++)
$ma = func_get_arg($arg);
$this->setCell($row, $arg, $ma);
function setCell($row, $cell, $data)
$row = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($row);
$cell = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($cell);
$data = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($data);
$data = str_replace('"', '""', $data);
$this->_data[$row][$cell] = '"'.$data.'"';
function setDelimiter ($delimiter)
$this->_delimiter = $delimiter;
function make() {
class CSV {
var $_data = array();
var $_delimiter;
public function __construct() {
$this->_delimiter = ";";
public function setRow($row) {
$args = func_num_args();
for ($arg = 1; $arg < $args; $arg++) {
$ma = func_get_arg($arg);
$this->setCell($row, $arg, $ma);
public function setCell($row, $cell, $data) {
$row = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($row);
$cell = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($cell);
$data = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($data);
$data = str_replace('"', '""', $data);
$this->_data[$row][$cell] = '"' . $data . '"';
public function setDelimiter($delimiter) {
$this->_delimiter = $delimiter;
public function make() {
$out = '';
foreach ($this->_data as $row => $line) {
$out .= implode($this->_delimiter, $line);

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Root Driver for GenericDB
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.3
* @author Timo Hummel
@ -18,44 +12,35 @@
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* {@internal
* created 2005-08-29
* modified 2008-05-23 Added Debug_DevNull and Debug_VisibleAdv
* $Id: class.gdb.driver.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $
* }}
* $Id: class.gdb.driver.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class gdbDriver {
var $_sEncoding;
var $_oItemClassInstance;
function gdbDriver() {
var $_sEncoding;
var $_oItemClassInstance;
public function __construct() {
function setEncoding($sEncoding) {
$this->_sEncoding = $sEncoding;
function setItemClassInstance($oInstance) {
$this->_oItemClassInstance = $oInstance;
function buildJoinQuery($destinationTable, $destinationClass, $destinationPrimaryKey, $sourceClass, $primaryKey) {
function buildOperator($sField, $sOperator, $sRestriction) {
public function setEncoding($sEncoding) {
$this->_sEncoding = $sEncoding;
public function setItemClassInstance($oInstance) {
$this->_oItemClassInstance = $oInstance;
public function buildJoinQuery($destinationTable, $destinationClass, $destinationPrimaryKey, $sourceClass, $primaryKey) {
public function buildOperator($sField, $sOperator, $sRestriction) {

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -27,9 +28,8 @@
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
@ -37,318 +37,303 @@ $properties = new PropertyCollection;
$db2 = new DB_ConLite;
if ($action == "client_new")
if ($action == "client_new") {
$nextid = $db->nextid($cfg["tab"]["clients"]);
$idclient = $nextid;
$new = true;
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area)) {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
} else {
if ( !isset($idclient) )
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("No client ID passed"));
} else {
if (($action == "client_edit") && ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)))
$sNewNotification = '';
if ($active != "1")
$active = "0";
if ($new == true)
$sLangNotification = i18n('Notice: In order to use this client, you must create a new language for it.');
$sTarget = $sess->url('frameset.php?area=lang');
$sJsLink = "parent.parent.location.href='".$sTarget."';
if (!isset($idclient)) {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("No client ID passed"));
} else {
if (($action == "client_edit") && ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action))) {
$sNewNotification = '';
if ($active != "1") {
$active = "0";
if ($new == true) {
$sLangNotification = i18n('Notice: In order to use this client, you must create a new language for it.');
$sTarget = $sess->url('frameset.php?area=lang');
$sJsLink = "parent.parent.location.href='" . $sTarget . "';
$sLangNotificationLink = sprintf(i18n('Please click %shere%s to create a new language.'), '<a href="javascript://" onclick="'.$sJsLink.'">', '</a>');
$sNewNotification = '<br>'.$sLangNotification.'<br>'.$sLangNotificationLink;
if (substr($frontendpath, strlen($frontendpath)-1) != "/")
$frontendpath .= "/";
if (substr($htmlpath, strlen($htmlpath)-1) != "/")
$htmlpath .= "/";
$sLangNotificationLink = sprintf(i18n('Please click %shere%s to create a new language.'), '<a href="javascript://" onclick="' . $sJsLink . '">', '</a>');
$sNewNotification = '<br>' . $sLangNotification . '<br>' . $sLangNotificationLink;
if (substr($frontendpath, strlen($frontendpath) - 1) != "/") {
$frontendpath .= "/";
if (substr($htmlpath, strlen($htmlpath) - 1) != "/") {
$htmlpath .= "/";
" . $cfg["tab"]["clients"] . "
name = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($clientname, $db)."',
frontendpath = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($frontendpath, $db)."',
htmlpath = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($htmlpath, $db)."',
errsite_cat = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_cat)."',
errsite_art = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_art)."',
idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient)."'";
$properties->setValue("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage", $clientlogo);
// Copy the client template to the real location
$destPath = $frontendpath;
$sourcePath = $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['frontendtemplate'];
if($copytemplate) {
if(!file_exists($destPath)) {
if(recursive_copy($sourcePath, $destPath)) {
$res = fopen($destPath."config.php","rb+");
$res2 = fopen($destPath."config.php.new", "ab+");
if($res && $res2) {
while(!feof($res)) {
$buffer = fgets($res, 4096);
$buffer = str_replace("!CLIENT!", $idclient, $buffer);
$buffer = str_replace("!PATH!", $cfg["path"]["contenido"], $buffer);
fwrite($res2, $buffer);
name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($clientname, $db) . "',
frontendpath = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($frontendpath, $db) . "',
htmlpath = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($htmlpath, $db) . "',
errsite_cat = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_cat) . "',
errsite_art = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_art) . "',
idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient) . "'";
$properties->setValue("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage", $clientlogo);
// Copy the client template to the real location
$destPath = $frontendpath;
$sourcePath = $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['frontendtemplate'];
if ($copytemplate) {
if (!file_exists($destPath)) {
if (recursive_copy($sourcePath, $destPath)) {
$res = fopen($destPath . "config.php", "rb+");
$res2 = fopen($destPath . "config.php.new", "ab+");
if ($res && $res2) {
while (!feof($res)) {
$buffer = fgets($res, 4096);
$buffer = str_replace("!CLIENT!", $idclient, $buffer);
$buffer = str_replace("!PATH!", $cfg["path"]["contenido"], $buffer);
fwrite($res2, $buffer);
} else {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Couldn't write the file config.php."));
unlink($destPath . "config.php");
rename($destPath . "config.php.new", $destPath . "config.php");
$message = sprintf(i18n("Succesfully copied client-template to %s."), $destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("info", $message);
} else {
$message = sprintf(i18n("Cannot create directory %s . The client was created, but you have to copy the frontend-template yourself"), $destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("warning", $message);
} else {
$message = sprintf(i18n("The directory %s already exists. The client was created, but you have to copy the frontend-template yourself"), $destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("warning", $message);
} else {
$notification->displayNotification("error",i18n("Couldn't write the file config.php."));
$message = sprintf(i18n("Client '%s' created."), $clientname);
$notification->displayNotification("info", $message);
rename($destPath."config.php.new", $destPath."config.php");
$message = sprintf(i18n("Succesfully copied client-template to %s."),$destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("info", $message);
} else {
$message = sprintf(i18n("Cannot create directory %s . The client was created, but you have to copy the frontend-template yourself"),$destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("warning", $message);
} else {
$message = sprintf(i18n("The directory %s already exists. The client was created, but you have to copy the frontend-template yourself"),$destPath);
$notification->displayNotification("warning", $message);
} else {
$message = sprintf(i18n("Client '%s' created."),$clientname);
$notification->displayNotification("info", $message);
} else {
$pathwithoutslash = $frontendpath;
if (substr($frontendpath, strlen($frontendpath)-1) != "/")
$frontendpath .= "/";
if (substr($htmlpath, strlen($htmlpath)-1) != "/")
$htmlpath .= "/";
if (($oldpath != $frontendpath) && ($oldpath != $pathwithoutslash))
$notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("You changed the client path. You might need to copy the frontend to the new location"));
$sql = "UPDATE
name = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($clientname, $db)."',
frontendpath = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($frontendpath, $db)."',
htmlpath = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($htmlpath, $db)."',
errsite_cat = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_cat)."',
errsite_art = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_art)."'
idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient)."'";
$new = false;
$properties->setValue("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage", $clientlogo);
/* Clear the con_code table */
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["code"]." WHERE idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient)."'";
$notification->displayNotification("info", i18n("Changes saved").$sNewNotification);
$cApiClient = new cApiClient;
if(isset($_REQUEST["generate_xhtml"])) {
switch($_REQUEST["generate_xhtml"]) {
case "html":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "false");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "false");
case "xhtml":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "true");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "false");
case "html5":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "false");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "true");
$pathwithoutslash = $frontendpath;
if (substr($frontendpath, strlen($frontendpath) - 1) != "/") {
$frontendpath .= "/";
default: // do nothing
$sql = "SELECT
if (substr($htmlpath, strlen($htmlpath) - 1) != "/") {
$htmlpath .= "/";
if (($oldpath != $frontendpath) && ($oldpath != $pathwithoutslash)) {
$notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("You changed the client path. You might need to copy the frontend to the new location"));
$sql = "UPDATE
" . $cfg["tab"]["clients"] . "
name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($clientname, $db) . "',
frontendpath = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($frontendpath, $db) . "',
htmlpath = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($htmlpath, $db) . "',
errsite_cat = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_cat) . "',
errsite_art = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($errsite_art) . "'
idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient) . "'";
$new = false;
$properties->setValue("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage", $clientlogo);
/* Clear the con_code table */
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["code"] . " WHERE idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient) . "'";
$notification->displayNotification("info", i18n("Changes saved") . $sNewNotification);
$cApiClient = new cApiClient;
if (isset($_REQUEST["generate_xhtml"])) {
switch ($_REQUEST["generate_xhtml"]) {
case "html":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "false");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "false");
case "xhtml":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "true");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "false");
case "html5":
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "xhtml", "false");
$cApiClient->setProperty("generator", "html5", "true");
default: // do nothing
$sql = "SELECT
idclient, name, frontendpath, htmlpath, errsite_cat, errsite_art
" . $cfg["tab"]["clients"] . "
idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient)."'";
$form = '<form name="client_properties" method="post" action="'.$sess->url("main.php?").'">
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="'.$area.'">
idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient) . "'";
$form = '<form name="client_properties" method="post" action="' . $sess->url("main.php?") . '">
' . $sess->hidden_session() . '
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="' . $area . '">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="client_edit">
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="'.$frame.'">
<input type="hidden" name="new" value="'.$new.'">
<input type="hidden" name="oldpath" value="'.$db->f("frontendpath").'">
<input type="hidden" name="idclient" value="'.$idclient.'">';
$tpl->set('s', 'JAVASCRIPT', $javascript);
$tpl->set('s', 'FORM', $form);
$tpl->set('s', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'SUBMITTEXT', i18n("Save changes"));
$tpl->set('s', 'CANCELTEXT', i18n("Discard changes"));
$tpl->set('s', 'CANCELLINK', $sess->url("main.php?area=$area&frame=4&idclient=$idclient"));
if ($error)
echo $error;
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Property"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_header"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', i18n("Value"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'textg_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Client name"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "clientname", clHtmlSpecialChars($db->f("name")), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$serverpath = $db->f("frontendpath");
if ($serverpath == "")
$serverpath = $cfg['path']['frontend'];
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Server path"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "frontendpath", clHtmlSpecialChars($serverpath), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$htmlpath = $db->f("htmlpath");
if ($htmlpath == "")
$htmlpath = "http://";
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Web address"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "htmlpath", clHtmlSpecialChars($htmlpath), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Error page category"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "errsite_cat", $db->f("errsite_cat"), 10, 10));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Error page article"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "errsite_art", $db->f("errsite_art"), 10, 10));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$clientLogo = $properties->getValue ("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage");
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Client logo"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField ("text", "clientlogo", $clientLogo, 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$aChoices = array("html" => i18n("HTML"), "xhtml" => i18n("XHTML"), "html5" => i18n("HTML5"));
$oXHTMLSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement("generate_xhtml");
$cApiClient = new cApiClient;
if ($cApiClient->getProperty("generator", "xhtml") == "true") {
} else if ($cApiClient->getProperty("generator", "html5") == "true") {
} else {
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Generate"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', $oXHTMLSelect->render());
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
if ($new == true)
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Copy frontend template"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateCheckbox ("copytemplate", "checked", 1));
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="' . $frame . '">
<input type="hidden" name="new" value="' . $new . '">
<input type="hidden" name="oldpath" value="' . $db->f("frontendpath") . '">
<input type="hidden" name="idclient" value="' . $idclient . '">';
$tpl->set('s', 'JAVASCRIPT', $javascript);
$tpl->set('s', 'FORM', $form);
$tpl->set('s', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'SUBMITTEXT', i18n("Save changes"));
$tpl->set('s', 'CANCELTEXT', i18n("Discard changes"));
$tpl->set('s', 'CANCELLINK', $sess->url("main.php?area=$area&frame=4&idclient=$idclient"));
if ($error) {
echo $error;
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Property"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_header"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', i18n("Value"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'textg_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Client name"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "clientname", clHtmlSpecialChars($db->f("name")), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$serverpath = $db->f("frontendpath");
if ($serverpath == "") {
$serverpath = $cfg['path']['frontend'];
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Server path"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "frontendpath", clHtmlSpecialChars($serverpath), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$htmlpath = $db->f("htmlpath");
if ($htmlpath == "") {
$htmlpath = "http://";
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Web address"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "htmlpath", clHtmlSpecialChars($htmlpath), 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Error page category"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "errsite_cat", $db->f("errsite_cat"), 10, 10));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Error page article"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "errsite_art", $db->f("errsite_art"), 10, 10));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$clientLogo = $properties->getValue("idclient", $idclient, "backend", "clientimage");
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Client logo"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateField("text", "clientlogo", $clientLogo, 50, 255));
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
$aChoices = array("html" => i18n("HTML"), "xhtml" => i18n("XHTML"), "html5" => i18n("HTML5"));
$oXHTMLSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement("generate_xhtml");
$cApiClient = new cApiClient;
var_dump($cApiClient->getProperty("generator", "xhtml"));
if ($cApiClient->getProperty("generator", "xhtml") === TRUE) {
} else if ($cApiClient->getProperty("generator", "html5") === TRUE) {
} else {
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Generate"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', $oXHTMLSelect->render());
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRT', 0);
$tpl->set('d', 'BRDRB', 1);
$tpl->set('d', 'FONT', 'text_medium');
if ($new == true) {
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', i18n("Copy frontend template"));
$tpl->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('d', "BORDERCOLOR", $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATFIELD', formGenerateCheckbox("copytemplate", "checked", 1));
$tpl->set('s', 'IDCLIENT', $idclient);
# Generate template
$tpl->generate($cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['client_edit']);
# Generate template
$tpl->generate($cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['client_edit']);

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -31,9 +32,8 @@
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
plugin_include('repository', 'custom/FrontendNavigation.php');
@ -45,359 +45,346 @@ class pApiContentAllocation {
* @var DB_ConLite
var $db = null;
var $table = null;
var $lang = null;
var $client = null;
var $treeObj = null;
* @modified 27.10.2005 new class variable $this->bDebug (if true print debug information)
function pApiContentAllocation () {
global $db, $cfg, $lang, $client;
$this->db = new DB_ConLite;
$this->table = $cfg['tab'];
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->client = $client;
# use this option carefully and only temporary.
# the hidden debug output as html-comments can cause display problems.
$this->bDebug = false;
$this->treeObj = new pApiTree('f31a4384-e5c1-4ede-b1bb-f43657ec73a5');
function storeAllocations ($idartlang, $allocations) {
// empty before insert
if (is_array($allocations)) {
foreach ($allocations as $value) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->table['pica_alloc_con']." (idpica_alloc, idartlang) VALUES (".Contenido_Security::toInteger($value).", ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang).")";
function deleteAllocations ($idpica_alloc) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->table['pica_alloc_con']." WHERE idpica_alloc = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idpica_alloc);
function deleteAllocationsByIdartlang ($idartlang) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->table['pica_alloc_con']." WHERE idartlang = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang);
function loadAllocations ($idartlang) {
$sql = "SELECT idpica_alloc FROM ".$this->table['pica_alloc_con']." WHERE idartlang = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang);
$items = array();
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
$items[] = $this->db->f('idpica_alloc');
return $items;
function loadAllocationsWithNames ($idartlang, $parent, $firstonly = false) {
global $cfg;
$sql = "SELECT ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'].".idpica_alloc FROM ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc']."
INNER JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con']." ON
".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'].".idpica_alloc = ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'].".idpica_alloc
WHERE (".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'].".parentid = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($parent).") AND (".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'].".idartlang=".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang).")
ORDER BY ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'].".sortorder";
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
$tmp[$this->db->f("idpica_alloc")] = $this->treeObj->_fetchItemNameLang($this->db->f("idpica_alloc"));
if ($firstonly) {
return $tmp;
* Build query to find matching content by content allocation
* @param array $restrictions
* @return string SQL
* @modified 17.11.2005 by Willi Man
function findMatchingContent ($restrictions = null, $max = 0)
if (!is_array($restrictions)) { return false; }
global $aCategoriesToExclude; # @see config.local.php!
$sql = $this->_buildQuery($restrictions, $aCategoriesToExclude, $max);
return $sql;
* Build query to find matching content by content allocation
* @param array $restrictions
* @return string SQL
function _buildQuery ($restrictions, $aCategoriesToExclude, $max) {
global $cfg;
$size = sizeof($restrictions);
if ($size == 0) {
return '';
$sql_concat = unserialize('a:78:{i:0;s:2:"aa";i:1;s:2:"ab";i:2;s:2:"ac";i:3;s:2:"ad";i:4;s:2:"ae";i:5;s:2:"af";i:6;s:2:"ag";i:7;s:2:"ah";i:8;s:2:"ai";i:9;s:2:"aj";i:10;s:2:"ak";i:11;s:2:"al";i:12;s:2:"am";i:13;s:2:"an";i:14;s:2:"ao";i:15;s:2:"ap";i:16;s:2:"aq";i:17;s:2:"ar";i:18;s:2:"as";i:19;s:2:"at";i:20;s:2:"au";i:21;s:2:"av";i:22;s:2:"aw";i:23;s:2:"ax";i:24;s:2:"ay";i:25;s:2:"az";i:26;s:2:"ca";i:27;s:2:"cb";i:28;s:2:"cc";i:29;s:2:"cd";i:30;s:2:"ce";i:31;s:2:"cf";i:32;s:2:"cg";i:33;s:2:"ch";i:34;s:2:"ci";i:35;s:2:"cj";i:36;s:2:"ck";i:37;s:2:"cl";i:38;s:2:"cm";i:39;s:2:"cn";i:40;s:2:"co";i:41;s:2:"cp";i:42;s:2:"cq";i:43;s:2:"cr";i:44;s:2:"cs";i:45;s:2:"ct";i:46;s:2:"cu";i:47;s:2:"cv";i:48;s:2:"cw";i:49;s:2:"cx";i:50;s:2:"cy";i:51;s:2:"cz";i:52;s:1:"a";i:53;s:1:"b";i:54;s:1:"c";i:55;s:1:"d";i:56;s:1:"e";i:57;s:1:"f";i:58;s:1:"g";i:59;s:1:"h";i:60;s:1:"i";i:61;s:1:"j";i:62;s:1:"k";i:63;s:1:"l";i:64;s:1:"m";i:65;s:1:"n";i:66;s:1:"o";i:67;s:1:"p";i:68;s:1:"q";i:69;s:1:"r";i:70;s:1:"s";i:71;s:1:"t";i:72;s:1:"u";i:73;s:1:"v";i:74;s:1:"w";i:75;s:1:"x";i:76;s:1:"y";i:77;s:1:"z";}');
$sqlTemplate = "SELECT cal.idart, cal.online, aa.idartlang, cat.idcat FROM {TABLES} WHERE {WHERE} ";
$tables = array();
$where = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
if ($i == 0) { // first
$tables[] = " ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con']." AS " . $sql_concat[$i];
} else {
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con']." AS " . $sql_concat[$i] . " USING (idartlang)";
if (is_int((int)$restrictions[$i]) AND $restrictions[$i] > 0)
$where[] = $sql_concat[$i] . ".idpica_alloc = " . $restrictions[$i];
# fetch only articles which are online
$where[] = 'cal.online = 1';
# fetch only articles which are not in following categories
if (count($aCategoriesToExclude) > 0)
$where[] = "cat.idcat NOT IN (".implode(',', $aCategoriesToExclude).")";
// join art_lang for idart
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['art_lang']." AS cal USING (idartlang)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['cat_art']." AS cart USING (idart)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['cat']." as cat USING (idcat)";
$tables = implode('', $tables);
$where = implode(' AND ', $where);
$sql = str_replace('{TABLES}', $tables, $sqlTemplate);
$sql = str_replace('{WHERE}', $where, $sql);
$sql .= " ORDER BY cal.published DESC";
if ($max != 0 && is_integer($max)) {
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $max;
if ($this->bDebug) {print "<!-- "; print $sql; print " -->";} # @modified 27.10.2005
return $sql;
* Search articles by content allocation and catgories
* @param array $aContentAllocation
* @param array $aCategories
* @return array of articles
function findMatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories ($aContentAllocation, $aCategories = array(), $iOffset = 0, $iNumOfRows = 0)
if (!is_array($aContentAllocation)) { return array(); }
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aContentAllocation); $i++)
if (!is_int((int)$aContentAllocation[$i]) OR !$aContentAllocation[$i] > 0)
return array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCategories); $i++)
if (!is_int((int)$aCategories[$i]) OR !$aCategories[$i] > 0)
return array();
$sql = $this->_buildQuery_MatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories($aContentAllocation, $aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows);
$aResult = array();
while($oRow = $this->db->getResultObject())
$aResult[] = $oRow;
return $aResult;
* build SQL query to find articles by content allocation and catgories
function _buildQuery_MatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories ($aContentAllocation, $aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows) {
global $cfg;
$size = sizeof($aContentAllocation);
$sql_concat = unserialize('a:78:{i:0;s:2:"aa";i:1;s:2:"ab";i:2;s:2:"ac";i:3;s:2:"ad";i:4;s:2:"ae";i:5;s:2:"af";i:6;s:2:"ag";i:7;s:2:"ah";i:8;s:2:"ai";i:9;s:2:"aj";i:10;s:2:"ak";i:11;s:2:"al";i:12;s:2:"am";i:13;s:2:"an";i:14;s:2:"ao";i:15;s:2:"ap";i:16;s:2:"aq";i:17;s:2:"ar";i:18;s:2:"as";i:19;s:2:"at";i:20;s:2:"au";i:21;s:2:"av";i:22;s:2:"aw";i:23;s:2:"ax";i:24;s:2:"ay";i:25;s:2:"az";i:26;s:2:"ca";i:27;s:2:"cb";i:28;s:2:"cc";i:29;s:2:"cd";i:30;s:2:"ce";i:31;s:2:"cf";i:32;s:2:"cg";i:33;s:2:"ch";i:34;s:2:"ci";i:35;s:2:"cj";i:36;s:2:"ck";i:37;s:2:"cl";i:38;s:2:"cm";i:39;s:2:"cn";i:40;s:2:"co";i:41;s:2:"cp";i:42;s:2:"cq";i:43;s:2:"cr";i:44;s:2:"cs";i:45;s:2:"ct";i:46;s:2:"cu";i:47;s:2:"cv";i:48;s:2:"cw";i:49;s:2:"cx";i:50;s:2:"cy";i:51;s:2:"cz";i:52;s:1:"a";i:53;s:1:"b";i:54;s:1:"c";i:55;s:1:"d";i:56;s:1:"e";i:57;s:1:"f";i:58;s:1:"g";i:59;s:1:"h";i:60;s:1:"i";i:61;s:1:"j";i:62;s:1:"k";i:63;s:1:"l";i:64;s:1:"m";i:65;s:1:"n";i:66;s:1:"o";i:67;s:1:"p";i:68;s:1:"q";i:69;s:1:"r";i:70;s:1:"s";i:71;s:1:"t";i:72;s:1:"u";i:73;s:1:"v";i:74;s:1:"w";i:75;s:1:"x";i:76;s:1:"y";i:77;s:1:"z";}');
$sqlTemplate = "SELECT cal.idart, cal.online, aa.idartlang, cat.idcat, aa.idpica_alloc FROM {TABLES} WHERE {WHERE} ";
$tables = array();
$where = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
if ($i == 0)
{ // first
$tables[] = " ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con']." AS " . $sql_concat[$i];
} else {
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con']." AS " . $sql_concat[$i] . " USING (idartlang)";
if (is_int((int)$aContentAllocation[$i]) AND $aContentAllocation[$i] > 0)
$where[] = $sql_concat[$i] . ".idpica_alloc = " . $aContentAllocation[$i];
# fetch only articles which are online
$where[] = 'cal.online = 1';
# fetch only articles in following categories
if (count($aCategories) > 0)
$where[] = "cat.idcat IN (".implode(',', $aCategories).")";
// join art_lang for idart
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['art_lang']." AS cal USING (idartlang)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['cat_art']." AS cart USING (idart)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN ".$this->table['cat']." as cat USING (idcat)";
$tables = implode('', $tables);
$where = implode(' AND ', $where);
$sql = str_replace('{TABLES}', $tables, $sqlTemplate);
$sql = str_replace('{WHERE}', $where, $sql);
$sql .= " ORDER BY cal.published DESC";
if (is_integer($iNumOfRows) AND $iNumOfRows > 0)
$sql .= " LIMIT ". $iOffset .", ".$iNumOfRows;
if ($this->bDebug) {print "<!-- "; print $sql; print " -->";} # @modified 27.10.2005
return $sql;
* Search articles by catgories without start articles
* @param array $aCategories
* @param int $iOffset
* @param int $iNumOfRows
* @param string $sResultType element of {article_id, object}
* @return array of articles
function findMatchingContentByCategories ($aCategories = array(), $iOffset = 0, $iNumOfRows = 0, $sResultType = '')
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCategories); $i++)
if (!is_int((int)$aCategories[$i]) OR !$aCategories[$i] > 0)
return array();
$sql = $this->_buildQuery_MatchingContentByCategories($aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows);
$aResult = array();
while($oRow = $this->db->getResultObject())
if ($sResultType == 'article_language_id')
$aResult[] = $oRow->idartlang;
$aResult[] = $oRow;
return $aResult;
* build SQL query to find articles by catgories
function _buildQuery_MatchingContentByCategories ($aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows)
if (count($aCategories) > 0)
$sWHERE_Category_IN = " c.idcat IN (".implode(',', $aCategories).") AND ";
$sWHERE_Category_IN = '';
if (is_integer($iNumOfRows) AND $iNumOfRows > 0)
$sLimit = " LIMIT ". Contenido_Security::toInteger($iOffset) .", " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($iNumOfRows);
$sLimit = '';
$sql = '
var $db = null;
var $table = null;
var $lang = null;
var $client = null;
var $treeObj = null;
* @modified 27.10.2005 new class variable $this->bDebug (if true print debug information)
public function __construct() {
global $db, $cfg, $lang, $client;
$this->db = new DB_ConLite;
$this->table = $cfg['tab'];
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->client = $client;
# use this option carefully and only temporary.
# the hidden debug output as html-comments can cause display problems.
$this->bDebug = false;
$this->treeObj = new pApiTree('f31a4384-e5c1-4ede-b1bb-f43657ec73a5');
function storeAllocations($idartlang, $allocations) {
// empty before insert
if (is_array($allocations)) {
foreach ($allocations as $value) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table['pica_alloc_con'] . " (idpica_alloc, idartlang) VALUES (" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($value) . ", " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang) . ")";
function deleteAllocations($idpica_alloc) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->table['pica_alloc_con'] . " WHERE idpica_alloc = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idpica_alloc);
function deleteAllocationsByIdartlang($idartlang) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->table['pica_alloc_con'] . " WHERE idartlang = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang);
function loadAllocations($idartlang) {
$sql = "SELECT idpica_alloc FROM " . $this->table['pica_alloc_con'] . " WHERE idartlang = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang);
$items = array();
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
$items[] = $this->db->f('idpica_alloc');
return $items;
function loadAllocationsWithNames($idartlang, $parent, $firstonly = false) {
global $cfg;
$sql = "SELECT " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'] . ".idpica_alloc FROM " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'] . "
INNER JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . " ON
" . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'] . ".idpica_alloc = " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . ".idpica_alloc
WHERE (" . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'] . ".parentid = " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($parent) . ") AND (" . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . ".idartlang=" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang) . ")
ORDER BY " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc'] . ".sortorder";
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
$tmp[$this->db->f("idpica_alloc")] = $this->treeObj->_fetchItemNameLang($this->db->f("idpica_alloc"));
if ($firstonly) {
return $tmp;
* Build query to find matching content by content allocation
* @param array $restrictions
* @return string SQL
* @modified 17.11.2005 by Willi Man
function findMatchingContent($restrictions = null, $max = 0) {
if (!is_array($restrictions)) {
return false;
global $aCategoriesToExclude; # @see config.local.php!
$sql = $this->_buildQuery($restrictions, $aCategoriesToExclude, $max);
return $sql;
* Build query to find matching content by content allocation
* @param array $restrictions
* @return string SQL
function _buildQuery($restrictions, $aCategoriesToExclude, $max) {
global $cfg;
$size = sizeof($restrictions);
if ($size == 0) {
return '';
$sql_concat = unserialize('a:78:{i:0;s:2:"aa";i:1;s:2:"ab";i:2;s:2:"ac";i:3;s:2:"ad";i:4;s:2:"ae";i:5;s:2:"af";i:6;s:2:"ag";i:7;s:2:"ah";i:8;s:2:"ai";i:9;s:2:"aj";i:10;s:2:"ak";i:11;s:2:"al";i:12;s:2:"am";i:13;s:2:"an";i:14;s:2:"ao";i:15;s:2:"ap";i:16;s:2:"aq";i:17;s:2:"ar";i:18;s:2:"as";i:19;s:2:"at";i:20;s:2:"au";i:21;s:2:"av";i:22;s:2:"aw";i:23;s:2:"ax";i:24;s:2:"ay";i:25;s:2:"az";i:26;s:2:"ca";i:27;s:2:"cb";i:28;s:2:"cc";i:29;s:2:"cd";i:30;s:2:"ce";i:31;s:2:"cf";i:32;s:2:"cg";i:33;s:2:"ch";i:34;s:2:"ci";i:35;s:2:"cj";i:36;s:2:"ck";i:37;s:2:"cl";i:38;s:2:"cm";i:39;s:2:"cn";i:40;s:2:"co";i:41;s:2:"cp";i:42;s:2:"cq";i:43;s:2:"cr";i:44;s:2:"cs";i:45;s:2:"ct";i:46;s:2:"cu";i:47;s:2:"cv";i:48;s:2:"cw";i:49;s:2:"cx";i:50;s:2:"cy";i:51;s:2:"cz";i:52;s:1:"a";i:53;s:1:"b";i:54;s:1:"c";i:55;s:1:"d";i:56;s:1:"e";i:57;s:1:"f";i:58;s:1:"g";i:59;s:1:"h";i:60;s:1:"i";i:61;s:1:"j";i:62;s:1:"k";i:63;s:1:"l";i:64;s:1:"m";i:65;s:1:"n";i:66;s:1:"o";i:67;s:1:"p";i:68;s:1:"q";i:69;s:1:"r";i:70;s:1:"s";i:71;s:1:"t";i:72;s:1:"u";i:73;s:1:"v";i:74;s:1:"w";i:75;s:1:"x";i:76;s:1:"y";i:77;s:1:"z";}');
$sqlTemplate = "SELECT cal.idart, cal.online, aa.idartlang, cat.idcat FROM {TABLES} WHERE {WHERE} ";
$tables = array();
$where = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
if ($i == 0) { // first
$tables[] = " " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . " AS " . $sql_concat[$i];
} else {
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . " AS " . $sql_concat[$i] . " USING (idartlang)";
if (is_int((int) $restrictions[$i]) AND $restrictions[$i] > 0) {
$where[] = $sql_concat[$i] . ".idpica_alloc = " . $restrictions[$i];
# fetch only articles which are online
$where[] = 'cal.online = 1';
# fetch only articles which are not in following categories
if (count($aCategoriesToExclude) > 0) {
$where[] = "cat.idcat NOT IN (" . implode(',', $aCategoriesToExclude) . ")";
// join art_lang for idart
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['art_lang'] . " AS cal USING (idartlang)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['cat_art'] . " AS cart USING (idart)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['cat'] . " as cat USING (idcat)";
$tables = implode('', $tables);
$where = implode(' AND ', $where);
$sql = str_replace('{TABLES}', $tables, $sqlTemplate);
$sql = str_replace('{WHERE}', $where, $sql);
$sql .= " ORDER BY cal.published DESC";
if ($max != 0 && is_integer($max)) {
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $max;
if ($this->bDebug) {
print "<!-- ";
print $sql;
print " -->";
} # @modified 27.10.2005
return $sql;
* Search articles by content allocation and catgories
* @param array $aContentAllocation
* @param array $aCategories
* @return array of articles
function findMatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories($aContentAllocation, $aCategories = array(), $iOffset = 0, $iNumOfRows = 0) {
if (!is_array($aContentAllocation)) {
return array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aContentAllocation); $i++) {
if (!is_int((int) $aContentAllocation[$i]) OR ! $aContentAllocation[$i] > 0) {
return array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCategories); $i++) {
if (!is_int((int) $aCategories[$i]) OR ! $aCategories[$i] > 0) {
return array();
$sql = $this->_buildQuery_MatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories($aContentAllocation, $aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows);
$aResult = array();
while ($oRow = $this->db->getResultObject()) {
$aResult[] = $oRow;
return $aResult;
* build SQL query to find articles by content allocation and catgories
function _buildQuery_MatchingContentByContentAllocationByCategories($aContentAllocation, $aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows) {
global $cfg;
$size = sizeof($aContentAllocation);
$sql_concat = unserialize('a:78:{i:0;s:2:"aa";i:1;s:2:"ab";i:2;s:2:"ac";i:3;s:2:"ad";i:4;s:2:"ae";i:5;s:2:"af";i:6;s:2:"ag";i:7;s:2:"ah";i:8;s:2:"ai";i:9;s:2:"aj";i:10;s:2:"ak";i:11;s:2:"al";i:12;s:2:"am";i:13;s:2:"an";i:14;s:2:"ao";i:15;s:2:"ap";i:16;s:2:"aq";i:17;s:2:"ar";i:18;s:2:"as";i:19;s:2:"at";i:20;s:2:"au";i:21;s:2:"av";i:22;s:2:"aw";i:23;s:2:"ax";i:24;s:2:"ay";i:25;s:2:"az";i:26;s:2:"ca";i:27;s:2:"cb";i:28;s:2:"cc";i:29;s:2:"cd";i:30;s:2:"ce";i:31;s:2:"cf";i:32;s:2:"cg";i:33;s:2:"ch";i:34;s:2:"ci";i:35;s:2:"cj";i:36;s:2:"ck";i:37;s:2:"cl";i:38;s:2:"cm";i:39;s:2:"cn";i:40;s:2:"co";i:41;s:2:"cp";i:42;s:2:"cq";i:43;s:2:"cr";i:44;s:2:"cs";i:45;s:2:"ct";i:46;s:2:"cu";i:47;s:2:"cv";i:48;s:2:"cw";i:49;s:2:"cx";i:50;s:2:"cy";i:51;s:2:"cz";i:52;s:1:"a";i:53;s:1:"b";i:54;s:1:"c";i:55;s:1:"d";i:56;s:1:"e";i:57;s:1:"f";i:58;s:1:"g";i:59;s:1:"h";i:60;s:1:"i";i:61;s:1:"j";i:62;s:1:"k";i:63;s:1:"l";i:64;s:1:"m";i:65;s:1:"n";i:66;s:1:"o";i:67;s:1:"p";i:68;s:1:"q";i:69;s:1:"r";i:70;s:1:"s";i:71;s:1:"t";i:72;s:1:"u";i:73;s:1:"v";i:74;s:1:"w";i:75;s:1:"x";i:76;s:1:"y";i:77;s:1:"z";}');
$sqlTemplate = "SELECT cal.idart, cal.online, aa.idartlang, cat.idcat, aa.idpica_alloc FROM {TABLES} WHERE {WHERE} ";
$tables = array();
$where = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
if ($i == 0) { // first
$tables[] = " " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . " AS " . $sql_concat[$i];
} else {
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['pica_alloc_con'] . " AS " . $sql_concat[$i] . " USING (idartlang)";
if (is_int((int) $aContentAllocation[$i]) AND $aContentAllocation[$i] > 0) {
$where[] = $sql_concat[$i] . ".idpica_alloc = " . $aContentAllocation[$i];
# fetch only articles which are online
$where[] = 'cal.online = 1';
# fetch only articles in following categories
if (count($aCategories) > 0) {
$where[] = "cat.idcat IN (" . implode(',', $aCategories) . ")";
// join art_lang for idart
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['art_lang'] . " AS cal USING (idartlang)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['cat_art'] . " AS cart USING (idart)";
$tables[] = " LEFT JOIN " . $this->table['cat'] . " as cat USING (idcat)";
$tables = implode('', $tables);
$where = implode(' AND ', $where);
$sql = str_replace('{TABLES}', $tables, $sqlTemplate);
$sql = str_replace('{WHERE}', $where, $sql);
$sql .= " ORDER BY cal.published DESC";
if (is_integer($iNumOfRows) AND $iNumOfRows > 0) {
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $iOffset . ", " . $iNumOfRows;
if ($this->bDebug) {
print "<!-- ";
print $sql;
print " -->";
} # @modified 27.10.2005
return $sql;
* Search articles by catgories without start articles
* @param array $aCategories
* @param int $iOffset
* @param int $iNumOfRows
* @param string $sResultType element of {article_id, object}
* @return array of articles
function findMatchingContentByCategories($aCategories = array(), $iOffset = 0, $iNumOfRows = 0, $sResultType = '') {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCategories); $i++) {
if (!is_int((int) $aCategories[$i]) OR ! $aCategories[$i] > 0) {
return array();
$sql = $this->_buildQuery_MatchingContentByCategories($aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows);
$aResult = array();
while ($oRow = $this->db->getResultObject()) {
if ($sResultType == 'article_language_id') {
$aResult[] = $oRow->idartlang;
} else {
$aResult[] = $oRow;
return $aResult;
* build SQL query to find articles by catgories
function _buildQuery_MatchingContentByCategories($aCategories, $iOffset, $iNumOfRows) {
if (count($aCategories) > 0) {
$sWHERE_Category_IN = " c.idcat IN (" . implode(',', $aCategories) . ") AND ";
} else {
$sWHERE_Category_IN = '';
if (is_integer($iNumOfRows) AND $iNumOfRows > 0) {
$sLimit = " LIMIT " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($iOffset) . ", " . Contenido_Security::toInteger($iNumOfRows);
} else {
$sLimit = '';
$sql = '
a.idart, a.online, a.idartlang, c.idcat
'.$this->table['art_lang'].' AS a,
'.$this->table['art'].' AS b,
'.$this->table['cat_art'].' AS c,
'.$this->table['cat_lang'].' AS d
' . $this->table['art_lang'] . ' AS a,
' . $this->table['art'] . ' AS b,
' . $this->table['cat_art'] . ' AS c,
' . $this->table['cat_lang'] . ' AS d
b.idclient = '.Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->client).' AND
a.idlang = '.Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang).' AND
' . $sWHERE_Category_IN . '
b.idclient = ' . Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->client) . ' AND
a.idlang = ' . Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang) . ' AND
a.idartlang != d.startidartlang AND
a.online = 1 AND
c.idcat = d.idcat AND
b.idart = c.idart AND
a.idart = b.idart
'.$sLimit.' ';
' . $sLimit . ' ';
if ($this->bDebug) {print "<!-- "; print $sql; print " -->";}
if ($this->bDebug) {
print "<!-- ";
print $sql;
print " -->";
return $sql;
return $sql;

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -27,91 +28,90 @@
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class pApiContentAllocationArticle extends pApiTree {
var $tpl = null;
var $template = '';
var $tpl = null;
var $template = '';
var $load = array();
var $load = array();
public function __construct($uuid) {
global $cfg;
function pApiContentAllocationArticle ($uuid) {
global $cfg;
$this->tpl = new Template;
$this->template = $cfg['pica']['treetemplate_article'];
function _buildRenderTree ($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
$result = array();
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = array();
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/spacer.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<img src="'.$expandCollapseImg.'" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" width="11" height="11">';
$item['ITEMNAME'] = $expandCollapse . ' ' . $item_tmp['name'];
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = $item_tmp['level'] * 15 + 3;
// set checked!
$checked = '';
if (in_array($item_tmp['idpica_alloc'], $this->load)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$item['CHECKBOX'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="allocation[]" value="'.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'" '.$checked.' />';
array_push($result, $item);
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result = array_merge($result, $children);
return $result;
function setChecked($load) {
$this->load = $load;
function renderTree ($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree();
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$this->tpl = new Template;
$this->template = $cfg['pica']['treetemplate_article'];
function _buildRenderTree($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
$result = array();
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = array();
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/spacer.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<img src="' . $expandCollapseImg . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" width="11" height="11">';
$item['ITEMNAME'] = $expandCollapse . ' ' . $item_tmp['name'];
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = $item_tmp['level'] * 15 + 3;
// set checked!
$checked = '';
if (in_array($item_tmp['idpica_alloc'], $this->load)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$item['CHECKBOX'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="allocation[]" value="' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '" ' . $checked . ' />';
array_push($result, $item);
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result = array_merge($result, $children);
return $result;
function setChecked($load) {
$this->load = $load;
function renderTree($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree();
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
$even = true;
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F1F1F1';
$this->tpl->set('d', 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', $bgcolor);
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
$this->tpl->set('d', $key, $value);
$this->tpl->set('s', "CATEGORY", i18n("Category"));
if ($return === true) {
return $this->tpl->generate($this->template, true);
} else {
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
$even = true;
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F1F1F1';
$this->tpl->set('d', 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', $bgcolor);
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
$this->tpl->set('d', $key, $value);
$this->tpl->set('s', "CATEGORY", i18n("Category"));
if ($return === true) {
return $this->tpl->generate($this->template, true);
} else {

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -27,87 +28,85 @@
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class pApiContentAllocationComplexList extends pApiTree {
var $idSetter = true;
var $load = array();
var $idSetter = true;
var $load = array();
function pApiContentAllocationComplexList ($uuid) {
global $cfg;
function _buildRenderTree ($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
$oldIdSetter = $this->idSetter;
$this->idSetter = false;
$result = '';
$even = true;
public function __construct($uuid) {
global $cfg;
$levelElms = sizeof($tree);
$cnt = 1;
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = '';
$checked = '';
if (in_array($item_tmp['idpica_alloc'], $this->load)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$li_closeElm = '';
if ($cnt == $levelElms) {
$li_closeElm = 'style="border-bottom: 0;"';
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? 'bright' : 'dark';
// for wrapping purposes
$item_tmp['name'] = str_replace('-', '- ', $item_tmp['name']);
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="allocation[]" onClick="addToList(this);" ' . $checked . '" id="e'.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'" value="'.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'" />';
$item = "\n<li style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #B3B3B3\" baseClass=\"" . $bgcolor . "\" ".$li_closeElm.">" . $checkbox . " " . $item_tmp['name'];
$result .= $item;
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result .= "\n<ul>" . $children . "</li>";
} else {
$result .= "\n</li>";
public function _buildRenderTree($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
if ($oldIdSetter === true) {
return "\n<ul id=\"finder\">" . $result . "\n</ul>";
} else {
return $result . "\n</ul>";
function setChecked($load) {
$this->load = $load;
function renderTree ($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree();
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$oldIdSetter = $this->idSetter;
$this->idSetter = false;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
if ($return === true) {
return $tree;
$result = '';
$even = true;
$levelElms = sizeof($tree);
$cnt = 1;
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = '';
$checked = '';
if (in_array($item_tmp['idpica_alloc'], $this->load)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$li_closeElm = '';
if ($cnt == $levelElms) {
$li_closeElm = 'style="border-bottom: 0;"';
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? 'bright' : 'dark';
// for wrapping purposes
$item_tmp['name'] = str_replace('-', '- ', $item_tmp['name']);
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="allocation[]" onClick="addToList(this);" ' . $checked . '" id="e' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '" value="' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '" />';
$item = "\n<li style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #B3B3B3\" baseClass=\"" . $bgcolor . "\" " . $li_closeElm . ">" . $checkbox . " " . $item_tmp['name'];
$result .= $item;
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result .= "\n<ul>" . $children . "</li>";
} else {
$result .= "\n</li>";
if ($oldIdSetter === true) {
return "\n<ul id=\"finder\">" . $result . "\n</ul>";
} else {
return $result . "\n</ul>";
public function setChecked($load) {
$this->load = $load;
public function renderTree($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree();
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
if ($return === true) {
return $tree;

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Render selectbox witzh complete content allocation tree
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend plugins
* @version 0.2.1
* @author Marco Jahn
@ -19,81 +13,75 @@
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-07-02, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* $Id: class.content_allocation_selectbox.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $:
* }}
* $Id: class.content_allocation_selectbox.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $:
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class pApiContentAllocationSelectBox extends pApiTree {
var $idSetter = true;
var $load = array();
var $idSetter = true;
var $load = array();
function pApiContentAllocationComplexList ($uuid) {
global $cfg;
function _buildRenderTree ($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
$oldIdSetter = $this->idSetter;
$this->idSetter = false;
$result = '';
$levelElms = sizeof($tree);
$cnt = 1;
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = '';
$spacer = '|-';
$spacer = str_pad($spacer, (($item_tmp['level'] + 1) * 2), "--", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$result .= '<option value="'.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'_'.$item_tmp['level'].'">'.$spacer . $item_tmp['name'].'</option>';
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result .= $children;
public function __construct($uuid) {
global $cfg;
return $result;
function setChecked($load) {
return false;
* @modified 27.10.2005 $bUseTreeStatus = false (content allocation tree in selectbox is always expanded)
function renderTree ($return = true, $parentId = false, $bUseTreeStatus = false) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree($parentId, 0, $bUseTreeStatus);
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
public function _buildRenderTree($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess, $idart;
$oldIdSetter = $this->idSetter;
$this->idSetter = false;
$result = '';
$levelElms = sizeof($tree);
$cnt = 1;
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = '';
$spacer = '|-';
$spacer = str_pad($spacer, (($item_tmp['level'] + 1) * 2), "--", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$result .= '<option value="' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '_' . $item_tmp['level'] . '">' . $spacer . $item_tmp['name'] . '</option>';
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result .= $children;
return $result;
public function setChecked($load) {
return false;
* @modified 27.10.2005 $bUseTreeStatus = false (content allocation tree in selectbox is always expanded)
public function renderTree($return = true, $parentId = false, $bUseTreeStatus = false) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree($parentId, 0, $bUseTreeStatus);
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
if ($return === true) {
return $tree;
} else {
echo $tree;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
if ($return === true) {
return $tree;
} else {
echo $tree;

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -28,66 +29,64 @@
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Todo
* - generalize this and papitree !!!!
* - Comments!
class pApiContentAllocationTreeView extends pApiTree {
var $tpl = null;
var $template = '';
var $tpl = null;
function pApiContentAllocationTreeView ($uuid) {
global $cfg;
$this->tpl = new Template;
$this->template = $cfg['pica']['treetemplate'];
function _buildRenderTree ($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess;
$result = array();
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = array();
// update item
if ($_GET['step'] == 'rename' && $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] == $_GET['idpica_alloc']) {
$item = array();
$item['ITEMNAME'] = '
var $template = '';
public function __construct($uuid) {
global $cfg;
$this->tpl = new Template;
$this->template = $cfg['pica']['treetemplate'];
function _buildRenderTree($tree) {
global $action, $frame, $area, $sess;
$result = array();
foreach ($tree as $item_tmp) {
$item = array();
// update item
if ($_GET['step'] == 'rename' && $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] == $_GET['idpica_alloc']) {
$item = array();
$item['ITEMNAME'] = '
<table cellspacing="0" cellpaddin="0" border="0">
<form name="rename" action="main.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return fieldCheck();">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.$action.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="'.$frame.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="contenido" value="'.$sess->id.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="'.$area.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="' . $frame . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="contenido" value="' . $sess->id . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="' . $area . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="storeRename" />
<input type="hidden" name="treeItemPost[idpica_alloc]" value="'.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'" />
<input type="hidden" name="treeItemPost[idpica_alloc]" value="' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '" />
<td class="text_medium"><input id="itemname" class="text_medium" type="text" name="treeItemPost[name]" value="'.$item_tmp['name'].'"></td>
<td class="text_medium"><input id="itemname" class="text_medium" type="text" name="treeItemPost[name]" value="' . $item_tmp['name'] . '"></td>
<a href="main.php?action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&contenido='.$sess->id.'"><img src="images/but_cancel.gif" border="0" /></a>
<a href="main.php?action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&contenido=' . $sess->id . '"><img src="images/but_cancel.gif" border="0" /></a>
<input type="image" src="images/but_ok.gif" />
@ -97,73 +96,73 @@ class pApiContentAllocationTreeView extends pApiTree {
function fieldCheck() {
if (controller.value == "") {
alert("'.i18n("Please enter a category name").'");
alert("' . i18n("Please enter a category name") . '");
return false;
return true;
} else {
if ($item_tmp['children'] || $item_tmp['status'] == 'collapsed') {
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/close_all.gif';
if ($item_tmp['status'] == 'collapsed' ) {
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/open_all.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&idart='.$idart.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=collapse&idpica_alloc='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'"><img src="'.$expandCollapseImg.'" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; padding:4px;" width="7" height="7"></a>';
} else {
if ($item_tmp['children'] || $item_tmp['status'] == 'collapsed') {
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/close_all.gif';
if ($item_tmp['status'] == 'collapsed') {
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/open_all.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&idart=' . $idart . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=collapse&idpica_alloc=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '"><img src="' . $expandCollapseImg . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; padding:4px;" width="7" height="7"></a>';
} else {
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/spacer.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<img src="'.$expandCollapseImg.'" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" width="11" height="11">';
$item['ITEMNAME'] = $expandCollapse . ' ' . $item_tmp['name'];
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = $item_tmp['level'] * 15 + 3;
$item['ACTION_CREATE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=add&parentid='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'"><img src="images/folder_new.gif" border="0" title="'.i18n("New category").'" alt="'.i18n("New category").'" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_RENAME'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=rename&idpica_alloc='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'"><img src="images/but_todo.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="'.i18n("Rename category").'" title="'.i18n("Rename category").'" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_UP'] = (count($result) >= 1) ? '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=moveup&idpica_alloc='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'"><img src="images/folder_moveup.gif" border="0" alt="'.i18n("Move category up").'" title="'.i18n("Move category up").'" /></a>' : '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="16" height="16" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = (count($result) >= 1) ? '<img src="images/folder_movedown.gif" border="0" alt="'.i18n("Move category down").'" title="'.i18n("Move category down").'" />' : '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="16" height="16" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '';
if ($item_tmp['online'] == 1) { // set offline
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=offline&idpica_alloc='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'""><img src="images/online.gif" alt="'.i18n("Set category offline").'" title="'.i18n("Set category offline").'"></a>';
} else {
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'&action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&step=online&idpica_alloc='.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].'""><img src="images/offline.gif" alt="'.i18n("Set category online").'" title="'.i18n("Set category online").'"></a>';
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<img src="images/delete_inact.gif" border="0" alt="'.i18n("One or more subcategories exist, unable to delete").'" title="'.i18n("One or more subcategories exist, unable to delete").'">';
} else {
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<a href="javascript://" onclick="box.confirm(&quot;'.i18n("Delete category").'&quot;, &quot;'.i18n("Are you sure to delete the following category").':<br><br><b>'.str_replace("'", "\'", $item_tmp['name']).'</b>&quot;,&quot;deleteCategory('.$item_tmp['idpica_alloc'].')&quot;);"><img src="images/delete.gif" border="0" alt="'.i18n("Delete category").'" title="'.i18n("Delete category").'"></a>';
array_push($result, $item);
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result = array_merge($result, $children);
// add new item -> show formular
if ($_GET['step'] == 'add' && $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] == $_GET['parentid']) {
$item = array();
$item['ITEMNAME'] = '
$expandCollapseImg = 'images/spacer.gif';
$expandCollapse = '<img src="' . $expandCollapseImg . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" width="11" height="11">';
$item['ITEMNAME'] = $expandCollapse . ' ' . $item_tmp['name'];
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = $item_tmp['level'] * 15 + 3;
$item['ACTION_CREATE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=add&parentid=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '"><img src="images/folder_new.gif" border="0" title="' . i18n("New category") . '" alt="' . i18n("New category") . '" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_RENAME'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=rename&idpica_alloc=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '"><img src="images/but_todo.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . i18n("Rename category") . '" title="' . i18n("Rename category") . '" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_UP'] = (count($result) >= 1) ? '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=moveup&idpica_alloc=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '"><img src="images/folder_moveup.gif" border="0" alt="' . i18n("Move category up") . '" title="' . i18n("Move category up") . '" /></a>' : '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="16" height="16" /></a>';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = (count($result) >= 1) ? '<img src="images/folder_movedown.gif" border="0" alt="' . i18n("Move category down") . '" title="' . i18n("Move category down") . '" />' : '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="16" height="16" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '';
if ($item_tmp['online'] == 1) { // set offline
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=offline&idpica_alloc=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '""><img src="images/online.gif" alt="' . i18n("Set category offline") . '" title="' . i18n("Set category offline") . '"></a>';
} else {
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<a href="main.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '&action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&step=online&idpica_alloc=' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . '""><img src="images/offline.gif" alt="' . i18n("Set category online") . '" title="' . i18n("Set category online") . '"></a>';
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<img src="images/delete_inact.gif" border="0" alt="' . i18n("One or more subcategories exist, unable to delete") . '" title="' . i18n("One or more subcategories exist, unable to delete") . '">';
} else {
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<a href="javascript://" onclick="box.confirm(&quot;' . i18n("Delete category") . '&quot;, &quot;' . i18n("Are you sure to delete the following category") . ':<br><br><b>' . str_replace("'", "\'", $item_tmp['name']) . '</b>&quot;,&quot;deleteCategory(' . $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] . ')&quot;);"><img src="images/delete.gif" border="0" alt="' . i18n("Delete category") . '" title="' . i18n("Delete category") . '"></a>';
array_push($result, $item);
if ($item_tmp['children']) {
$children = $this->_buildRenderTree($item_tmp['children']);
$result = array_merge($result, $children);
// add new item -> show formular
if ($_GET['step'] == 'add' && $item_tmp['idpica_alloc'] == $_GET['parentid']) {
$item = array();
$item['ITEMNAME'] = '
<table cellspacing="0" cellpaddin="0" border="0">
<form name="create" action="main.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return fieldCheck();">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.$action.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="'.$frame.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="contenido" value="'.$sess->id.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="'.$area.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="' . $frame . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="contenido" value="' . $sess->id . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="' . $area . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="store" />
<input type="hidden" name="treeItemPost[parentid]" value="'.$_GET['parentid'].'" />
<input type="hidden" name="treeItemPost[parentid]" value="' . $_GET['parentid'] . '" />
<td class="text_medium"><input id="itemname" class="text_medium" type="text" name="treeItemPost[name]" value=""></td>
<a href="main.php?action='.$action.'&frame='.$frame.'&area='.$area.'&contenido='.$sess->id.'"><img src="images/but_cancel.gif" border="0" /></a>
<a href="main.php?action=' . $action . '&frame=' . $frame . '&area=' . $area . '&contenido=' . $sess->id . '"><img src="images/but_cancel.gif" border="0" /></a>
<input type="image" src="images/but_ok.gif" />
@ -173,62 +172,63 @@ class pApiContentAllocationTreeView extends pApiTree {
function fieldCheck() {
if (controller.value == "") {
alert("'.i18n("Please enter a category name").'");
alert("' . i18n("Please enter a category name") . '");
return false;
return true;
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = ($item_tmp['level'] + 1) * 15;
$item['ACTION_CREATE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_RENAME'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="23" height="14" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_UP'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '';
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="14" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="11" height="12" />';
array_push($result, $item);
return $result;
function renderTree ($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree(false, 0, true); # modified 27.10.2005
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$item['ITEMINDENT'] = ($item_tmp['level'] + 1) * 15;
$item['ACTION_CREATE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_RENAME'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="23" height="14" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_UP'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_MOVE_DOWN'] = '';
$item['ACTION_DELETE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="14" height="13" />';
$item['ACTION_ONOFFLINE'] = '<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="11" height="12" />';
array_push($result, $item);
return $result;
function renderTree($return = true) {
$tree = $this->fetchTree(false, 0, true); # modified 27.10.2005
if ($tree === false) {
return false;
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
$even = true;
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F1F1F1';
$this->tpl->set('d', 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', $bgcolor);
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
$this->tpl->set('d', $key, $value);
$this->tpl->set('s', 'CATEGORY', i18n("Category"));
$this->tpl->set('s', 'ACTIONS', i18n("Actions"));
if ($return === true) {
return $this->tpl->generate($this->template, true);
} else {
$tree = $this->_buildRenderTree($tree);
$even = true;
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$even = !$even;
$bgcolor = ($even) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F1F1F1';
$this->tpl->set('d', 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', $bgcolor);
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
$this->tpl->set('d', $key, $value);
$this->tpl->set('s', 'CATEGORY', i18n("Category"));
$this->tpl->set('s', 'ACTIONS', i18n("Actions"));
if ($return === true) {
return $this->tpl->generate($this->template, true);
} else {