
295 Zeilen
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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Frontend URL creation. Works as a wrapper of an UrlBuilder instance.
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Murat Purc
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created 2009-09-29
* modified 2008-12-23, Murat Purc, added functions buildRedirect(), composeByComponents() and
* isExternalUrl() and exended flexibility of build()
* modified 2008-12-26, Murat Purc, added execution of chains 'Contenido.Frontend.PreprocessUrlBuilding'
* and 'Contenido.Frontend.PostprocessUrlBuilding' to build()
* modified 2009-01-13, Murat Purc, added new function isIdentifiableFrontContentUrl() for better
* identification of internal urls
* modified 2009-10-27, Murat Purc, fixed/modified CEC_Hook, see [#CON-256]
* modified 2011-05-20, Murat Purc, fixed wrong condition in function parse(), see [#CON-399]
* $Id: Contenido_Url.class.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
final class Contenido_Url {
* Self instance.
* @var Contenido_Url
static private $_instance;
* UrlBuilder instance.
* @var Contenido_UrlBuilder
private $_oUrlBuilder;
* UrlBuilder name.
* @var string
private $_sUrlBuilderName;
* Constructor of Contenido_Url. Is not callable from outside.
* Gets the UrlBuilder configuration and creates an UrlBuilder instance.
private function __construct() {
$this->_sUrlBuilderName = Contenido_UrlBuilderConfig::getUrlBuilderName();
$this->_oUrlBuilder = Contenido_UrlBuilderFactory::getUrlBuilder(
* Returns self instance
* @return Contenido_Url
public static function getInstance() {
if (self::$_instance == null) {
self::$_instance = new Contenido_Url();
return self::$_instance;
* Creates a URL to frontend page.
* @param mixed $param Either url or assoziative array containing parameter:
* - url: front_content.php?idcat=12&lang=1
* - params: array('idcat' => 12, 'lang' => 1)
* Required values depend on used UrlBuilder, but a must have is 'lang'.
* @param boolean $bUseAbsolutePath Flag to create absolute Urls
* @param array $aConfig If not set, UrlBuilderConfig::getConfig() will be used by the URLBuilder
* @return string The Url build by UrlBuilder
public function build($param, $bUseAbsolutePath=false, array $aConfig=array()) {
if (!is_array($param)) {
$arr = $this->parse($param);
$param = $arr['params'];
// fallback for urls to homepage (/ or front_content.php)
if (count($param) == 0 || (!isset($param['idart']) && !isset($param['idartlang']) &&
!isset($param['idcat']) && !isset($param['idcatlang']) && !isset($param['idcatart']))) {
$param['idcat'] = getEffectiveSetting('navigation', 'idcat-home', 1);
// execute preprocess hook
$aHookParams = array(
'param' => $param, 'bUseAbsolutePath' => $bUseAbsolutePath, 'aConfig' => $aConfig
if ($aResult = CEC_Hook::executeAndReturn('Contenido.Frontend.PreprocessUrlBuilding', $aHookParams)) {
$param = (isset($aResult['param'])) ? $aResult['param'] : '';
if (isset($aResult['bUseAbsolutePath'])) {
$bUseAbsolutePath = (bool) $aResult['bUseAbsolutePath'];
if (isset($aResult['aConfig']) && is_array($aResult['aConfig'])) {
$aConfig = $aResult['aConfig'];
if ($this->_sUrlBuilderName == 'custom_path' && !isset($aParams['level'])) {
// downwards compatibility to Contenido_UrlBuilder_CustomPath
$aParams['level'] = '1';
if (!isset($param['lang'])) {
// another downwards compatibility to Contenido_UrlBuilder_CustomPath
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$param[lang] must be set!');
if ($this->_sUrlBuilderName == 'custom_path' && count($param) <= 3) {
// third downwards compatibility
$param['_c_p_'] = '1';
$this->_oUrlBuilder->buildUrl($param, $bUseAbsolutePath, $aConfig);
$url = $this->_oUrlBuilder->getUrl();
// execute postprocess hook
if ($result = CEC_Hook::executeAndReturn('Contenido.Frontend.PostprocessUrlBuilding', $url)) {
$url = (string) $result;
return $url;
* Creates a URL used to redirect to frontend page.
* @param mixed $param Either url or assoziative array containing parameter:
* - url: front_content.php?idcat=12&lang=1
* - params: array('idcat' => 12, 'lang' => 1)
* Required values depend on used UrlBuilder, but a must have is 'lang'.
* @param array $aConfig If not set, UrlBuilderConfig::getConfig() will be used by the URLBuilder
* @return string The redirect Url build by UrlBuilder
public function buildRedirect($param, array $aConfig=array()) {
$url = $this->build($param, true, $aConfig);
return str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
* Splits passed url into its components
* @param string $sUrl The Url to strip down
* @return array Assoziative array created by using parse_url() having the key 'params' which
* includes the parameter value pairs.
public function parse($sUrl){
$aUrl = @parse_url($sUrl);
if (isset($aUrl['query'])) {
$aUrl['query'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $aUrl['query']);
parse_str($aUrl['query'], $aUrl['params']);
if (!isset($aUrl['params']) || !is_array($aUrl['params'])) {
$aUrl['params'] = array();
return $aUrl;
* Composes a url using passed components array
* @param array Assoziative array created by parse_url()
* @return string $sUrl The composed Url
public function composeByComponents(array $aComponents) {
$sUrl = (isset($aComponents['scheme']) ? $aComponents['scheme'] . '://' : '') .
(isset($aComponents['user']) ? $aComponents['user'] . ':' : '') .
(isset($aComponents['pass']) ? $aComponents['pass'] . '@' : '') .
(isset($aComponents['host']) ? $aComponents['host'] : '') .
(isset($aComponents['port']) ? ':' . $aComponents['port'] : '') .
(isset($aComponents['path']) ? $aComponents['path'] : '') .
(isset($aComponents['query']) ? '?' . $aComponents['query'] : '') .
(isset($aComponents['fragment']) ? '#' . $aComponents['fragment'] : '');
return $sUrl;
* Checks, if passed url is an external url while performing hostname check
* @param string $sUrl Url to check
* @return bool True if url is a external url, otherwhise false
public function isExternalUrl($sUrl) {
$aComponents = $this->parse($sUrl);
if (!isset($aComponents['host'])) {
return false;
if (!$path = $this->_oUrlBuilder->getHttpBasePath()) {
return false;
$aComponents2 = $this->parse($path);
if (!isset($aComponents2['host'])) {
return false;
return (strtolower($aComponents['host']) !== strtolower($aComponents2['host']));
* Checks, if passed url is an identifiable internal url.
* Following urls will be identified as a internal url:
* - "/", "/?idart=123", "/?idcat=123", ...
* - "front_content.php", "front_content.php?idart=123", "front_content.php?idcat=123", ...
* - The path component of an client HTML base path: e. g. "/cms/", "/cms/?idart=123", "/cms/?idcat=123"
* - Also possible: "/cms/front_content.php", "/cms/front_content.php?idart=123", "/cms/front_content.php?idcat=123"
* All of them prefixed with protocol and client host (e. g. http://host/) will also be identified
* as a internal Url.
* Other Urls, even internal Urls like /unknown/path/to/some/page.html will not be identified as
* internal url event if they are real working clean URLs.
* @param string $sUrl Url to check
* @return bool True if url is identifiable internal url, otherwhise false
public function isIdentifiableFrontContentUrl($sUrl){
if ($this->isExternalUrl($sUrl)) {
// detect a external url, return false
return false;
$aComponents = $this->parse($sUrl);
if (!isset($aComponents['path']) || $aComponents['path'] == '') {
return false;
$clientPath = '';
if ($httpBasePath = $this->_oUrlBuilder->getHttpBasePath()) {
$aComponents2 = $this->parse($httpBasePath);
if (isset($aComponents2['path'])) {
$clientPath = $aComponents2['path'];
$path = $aComponents['path'];
if ($path == '/' || strpos($path, 'front_content.php') === 0 ||
strpos($path, '/front_content.php') > 0 || ($clientPath !== '' && $clientPath == $path)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns UrlBuilder instance.
* @return Contenido_UrlBuilder
public function getUrlBuilder() {
return $this->_oUrlBuilder;